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 Rep: 212 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

BLS-Pride wrote:

I got to see the 3 of them on stage together and a great show but if there isn't new music it's kinda hard to get excited for a tour that is usually the same show minus a song or two over and over again. I think we all expected a second coming of sorts. Not like it was but better than we had for years.. but we got the same old song and dance.

One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

Yes 28%
No 72%
Total votes: 25
 Rep: 205 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

PaSnow wrote:

I got to see Guns for the first time. I was definitely excited and the show was great. Enjoy to anyone going this year, I might catch them again.

Having said that, no, I don't think I got what I wanted in that, once the tour ended: Silence.  Too much silence. No talk, no music, no shows or appearances. This year too, I highly doubt they release anything. I mean, c'mon, Thanksgiving is ripe for a box set of oldies & hidden tracks. Let alone new material next spring. Give us something.

 Rep: 36 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

zombux wrote:

the nostalgia thing has kind of dried out, what do ya guys think? there's nothing really new out for months, just old recycled material and babble about things that happened 25-30 years ago. this gets even more weird than the Appetite for Democracy era. we know the band is there, we know they are touring, but still it's quite distant, even with some marketing activity at social networks etc, it all seems glittering, but still working like a reanimated corpse hmm

 Rep: 287 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

Aussie wrote:

Yes and no for me. I loved finally seeing Axl and Slash play together and the gig I caught was awesome!

As for the last 12 months post the initial announcement and get together, tbh not much more has happened. There was the initial news and flurry of discussion and speculation then the tour started. Since then it's gone well and it's kinda been radio silence about anything further so for me nothing else to discuss at the moment. No controversy, no changes etc, just a solid tour.

My passion for the band isn't what it used to be that's for sure. But i still take somewhat of an interest and there are things I would like to see, e.g.
- AFD 5 playing together
- New Music
- release of old shit from UYI tour footage to any other shit that's in the cupboard.

 Rep: 39 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

-Jack- wrote:

I'm happy they're back together but without new music it's hard to stay interested. I come to this forum maybe once a month just to see if there's anything going on that suggests new music or developments along those lines.

Definitely love the forum though. Have posted here a long time even if infrequently. Let's hope GNR does something new soon. Cheers

 Rep: 20 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

Brett wrote:

I haven't got to see my show yet - but I can't wait until late August.

The tour has went so far exactly as I expected and as it should. The shows are huge, chock full of great tunes. There's not much use swapping out GNR songs. The core list is just too good. I didn't think we'd get new music, I didn't think we wouldn't either... I was more indifferent to the new music. I really want new music, but like, let's slow down. These guys gotta have a giant reunion tour and we all know Axl doesn't rush. It's pretty expected if we do get a new song, it's gonna be debuted on Jimmy Fallon or a blockbuster flick, not at a random show.

I wish they'd put The Seeker on in the middle of the set so it can be a piss break song. At this point, Coma is the song I'm gonna jet out and take a piss for because I'll catch the best part at the tail end. I would piss during Duff's song, but it'll be too short.

 Rep: 36 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

zombux wrote:

well, I didn't buy the tickets for the spectacle. because - why would I. the 2006 show was awesome, 2010 show was meh. and why whould I pay for the nostalgia tour without any new progress... just no, sorry.

 Rep: 205 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

PaSnow wrote:

The Barbershop quartet here is a metaphor for 2016 Guns Tour to alot of us

 Rep: 423 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

buzzsaw wrote:

Saw 4 shows last year and have another this year.  It's not exactly what I want, but if I paid money to see them in 2012 or wherever it was, I'm certainly not going to miss Slash back in the band. I probably won't travel to see it again unless it's a full reunion.

New music would be great if that's what makes them happy. If not, this is fine. I'm long past getting upset about what they decide to do. I'll take what I can and put as much time, energy, and money into it as I feel like at that point.

 Rep: 200 

Re: One Year Later - Did you get what you wanted?

apex-twin wrote:

2006 redux.

Two of the most killer lineups one could hope for from the 21st century Guns. Again, Axl pisses away any album opportunity. Had CD come out during the '06 tour, it would've gotten a warm response. Maybe not platinium, but respectable.

Guns is hot again. Axl does AC/DC on the side. All good. But ahem, the second half of Chinese is finished. Record a new song with Slash as a single and cash in. People might actually listen to it.

...and still waiting for a show.

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