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 Rep: 1 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

Share songs, maybe?

 Rep: 8 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

Walker wrote:
 Rep: 16 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Walker wrote:

You do understand just by admitting you have leaked songs could also get you hasseled from the FBI right

 Rep: 69 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

esoterica wrote:

Skwerl leaked illegally obtained material direct from record company and uploaded directly on his for profit business website

Apples, Oranges

0 people prosecuted 2005-2008 before him

 Rep: 4 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

LocoComa wrote:

Ah, descriptions. That's what we all want. lol

 Rep: 16 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

dave-gnfnr wrote:
LocoComa wrote:

Ah, descriptions. That's what we all want. lol

something anyone can make up

if anything he should just post the full lyrics

 Rep: 661 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

monkeychow wrote:
Walker wrote:

That guy worked at a major record label, ran a popular music blog, and then pubically leaked most of an album that was already millions of dollars in the red and one of the most anticipated releases of all time.

Doesn't really seem to me like whoever you are, and 10 year old versions of Silkworms and the This I Love are really the same situation.

 Rep: 4 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

LocoComa wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
LocoComa wrote:

Ah, descriptions. That's what we all want. lol

something anyone can make up

if anything he should just post the full lyrics

To be fair, he could just make those up, too.

 Rep: 1 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

Walker wrote:

How are we gonna believe you? Show us the songs and then we will check out the podcast. I wanna see if what you describe is true. We need proof!

 Rep: 4 

Re: atlas shrugged leaked?

LocoComa wrote:
Appetiteforcovers wrote:
Walker wrote:

How are we gonna believe you? Show us the songs and then we will check out the podcast. I wanna see if what you describe is true. We need proof!

Considering Walker is one of MSL's hardcore disciples, it wouldn't shock me if he legitimately had Silkworms or OMG.

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