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 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Republicans have shut down the government 3 times in the last 6 years....

No party does it alone.  It's a group effort.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:


 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Don Jr. went on Fox News to explain that this shutdown just shows us how terrible the Democrats are...

I think it's getting pretty obvious, Donald Trump isn't a negotiator....he's a bully. He tries to use leverage to force people into making decisions that benefit him more than they benefit anyone else. That's not negotiating....that's been an asshole.

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Don Jr. went on Fox News to explain that this shutdown just shows us how terrible the Democrats are...

I think it's getting pretty obvious, Donald Trump isn't a negotiator....he's a bully. He tries to use leverage to force people into making decisions that benefit him more than they benefit anyone else. That's not negotiating....that's been an asshole.

I mean, one of the sentences of the White House statement literally started with “We will not negotiate ....” it doesn’t matter what follows that, that’s not a great way to get things done.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

How long until McConnel ends the filibuster?  I’m against it, but it would truly relegate the Democrats to the back of the bus. Al Green and James Brown along with Pocohontas being the face of the Democrats only helps Republicans.

I don't think it's a 'Filibuster'. They NEED 60 votes, so Republicans HAVE to make some sacrifices to get the 9 extra votes. You just don't demand what you want and make others vote with you. That's not how it works that's not how it ever worked.

A filibuster I believe is when the votes are there, but someone speaks indefinitely on the floor (days) so no vote can ever be taken or the weekend comes etc.

You need 60 votes to end a filibuster. That’s why it’s the magic number. Remove it and you just need 50 + Pence. I’m not advocating for it, but if Democrats don’t budge, the GOP will use it. The fallout for removing the filibuster is far less than the fall out for voting in favor of foreigners over Americans. This is a collossal fuck up for the Dems.

You're right, it was a 'filibuster'. Guess CNN isn't always 'fake news'. cool … index.html

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
bigbri wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Don Jr. went on Fox News to explain that this shutdown just shows us how terrible the Democrats are...

I think it's getting pretty obvious, Donald Trump isn't a negotiator....he's a bully. He tries to use leverage to force people into making decisions that benefit him more than they benefit anyone else. That's not negotiating....that's been an asshole.

I mean, one of the sentences of the White House statement literally started with “We will not negotiate ....” it doesn’t matter what follows that, that’s not a great way to get things done.

All these rules that  the Republicans clung to to obstruct Obama and the Dems for so many rules are the same rules they want to destroy now that they have the slim majority.

Republicans have no ethics, nor do they have any foresight...they wont' have the majority forever. maybe not even until 2019. This is not leadership...this is doing whatever you want with no respect for anyone...including your own sometimes. He turns on Flake and's just about getting things done to say you've got it done.

I really implore some of you to come out against this behavior. You're agenda is not more important than the rest of us. Republicans have been so destructive and just really feels to me like you have two priorities:

1) Nothing matters more than money and the stock market. Ethics and morality do not matter. I don't care how poorly we treat each other as long as we can cut taxes (for some more than others).

2) I absolutely hate anyone who isn't American...and by American I mean my definition of American. There is only one way to be American.

I cannot believe the people that the Republican party has promoted and held up on a pedestal over the past few years. Roy Moore still got 46% plus of the vote. Trump is your ultimate champion of asshole-ism. Ted Cruz attacked everyone in his line of sight until he realized he was bad at it compared to some of the other hateful people within his party. Marco Rubio always holds out on everyone until he gets a perk or two for himself. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell masterfully straddle the fence between not standing up to Trump and his antics and pandering to the same base with milk toast versions of Donald Trump's tantrums.

You're all still so angry and you have control of the federal and state governments all over the country.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I have a theory. The $20 million dollar 'concession' by Schumer was just a $20mil contract given to a left leaning construction or architecture firm. Like something LA or San Diego based. Republicans in the Senate agreed but when word got to Trump from Trumps team (John Kelly) he refused.

In all actuality $20mil wouldn't even get a hole dug. Likely just project planning type and architecture funding.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
bigbri wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Don Jr. went on Fox News to explain that this shutdown just shows us how terrible the Democrats are...

I think it's getting pretty obvious, Donald Trump isn't a negotiator....he's a bully. He tries to use leverage to force people into making decisions that benefit him more than they benefit anyone else. That's not negotiating....that's been an asshole.

I mean, one of the sentences of the White House statement literally started with “We will not negotiate ....” it doesn’t matter what follows that, that’s not a great way to get things done.

All these rules that  the Republicans clung to to obstruct Obama and the Dems for so many rules are the same rules they want to destroy now that they have the slim majority.

Republicans have no ethics, nor do they have any foresight...they wont' have the majority forever. maybe not even until 2019. This is not leadership...this is doing whatever you want with no respect for anyone...including your own sometimes. He turns on Flake and's just about getting things done to say you've got it done.

I really implore some of you to come out against this behavior. You're agenda is not more important than the rest of us. Republicans have been so destructive and just really feels to me like you have two priorities:

1) Nothing matters more than money and the stock market. Ethics and morality do not matter. I don't care how poorly we treat each other as long as we can cut taxes (for some more than others).

2) I absolutely hate anyone who isn't American...and by American I mean my definition of American. There is only one way to be American.

I cannot believe the people that the Republican party has promoted and held up on a pedestal over the past few years. Roy Moore still got 46% plus of the vote. Trump is your ultimate champion of asshole-ism. Ted Cruz attacked everyone in his line of sight until he realized he was bad at it compared to some of the other hateful people within his party. Marco Rubio always holds out on everyone until he gets a perk or two for himself. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell masterfully straddle the fence between not standing up to Trump and his antics and pandering to the same base with milk toast versions of Donald Trump's tantrums.

You're all still so angry and you have control of the federal and state governments all over the country.

Republicans have been so effective at silencing and minimizing liberals and Democrats for about 6-8 years now. It all started with the tea party.

From the citizens united ruling to voting restrictions and voter ID rules across the country...and the gerrymandering.

I've watched Republicans year after year tweak this rule here and this rule there in favor of Republicans. Even if you don't give a shit about Democrats and enjoy watching them still have to acknowledge that the whole goal has always been to allow less and less people to participate in the voting process.

I'm pretty sure I've heard one or two of you say that only land owning citizens should be allowed to vote. That's aristocracy talk from back in the hereditary rule days....that's nothing American about that, even if that's how we started. If you're offended or bothered by more and more people participating in our democracy, then maybe we need to go back to hereditary rule and the aristocracy....oh but wait, I'm sure you'll be against that too because that's too British.

It's just really hard to see what you stand you stand for and ideal or a philosophy? Or is it just 'I'm for whatever benefits me.'

I'm convinced it's the later...especially since 2010. That's not a political philosophy though....that's just selfishness.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote: … 10967.html

When Axl Rose is making more sense and showing more stability than the GOP, we know we're in the twilight zone.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Don Jr. went on Fox News to explain that this shutdown just shows us how terrible the Democrats are...

I think it's getting pretty obvious, Donald Trump isn't a negotiator....he's a bully. He tries to use leverage to force people into making decisions that benefit him more than they benefit anyone else. That's not negotiating....that's been an asshole.

Aren’t you describing the entire Democratic position on this show down?  They’re fucking over every American for what?  The GOP will protect Dreamers. They just want sensible immigration reform to go with it.

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