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 Rep: 485 

Re: Bumblefoot named his new record

Neemo wrote:

hes gonna call it "Abnormal" 16 i wonder if it'l have some reprises from normal?

Re: Bumblefoot named his new record

Awesome! 22

 Rep: 664 

Re: Bumblefoot named his new record

James wrote:

This is getting very little attention at the GNR communities.

Looks like what goodwill he built up among the fans is starting to dry up.

Might have something to do with doing what Axl accused BH of doing with his solo career.

Anyways, good luck with the record, and I also think its a cool thing what BBF is doing with the Rock against Diabetes thing, although its unfortunate he has to use the GNR name to do it.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Bumblefoot named his new record

Gunslinger wrote:

Ron's a good guy caught in a shit situation.  His good will earns him lots of respect but it is very hard to be associated with the disaster that has became "GNR" currently.  Anything associated with "Chinese Democracy" unfortunately earns you a certain air of ridicule and frustration at this point in the game.

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