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 Rep: 217 

Re: Writing Credits/Listing of Musicians on each track

Mikkamakka wrote:
jorge76 wrote:

I, not too long ago, made the joke to some friends that I wonder if they even know for sure who does what on what track at this point.

Good point 22

I think they'll try to make a UYI type of list for the tracks, but since it seems that Axl owns everything, the credits can easily be a simple Lyrics: Rose, Music: Guns N' Roses thing. (And Guns N' Roses is Axl Rose today 16)
I remember progressive metal gods Dream Theater did the same when they released A Change of Seasons album. Their keyboard player, Kevin Moore left not long before the album and he write a lot, but the music was credited to 'Dream Theater', although later surfaced demos proved that Kevin wrote 90% of keyboards.

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