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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

People will be voting for someone not Trump. And he's done it to himself.

That’s my point. They’re not voting for Biden. And that’s very dangerous. The media has created a narrative that is completely false. Trump isn't who they say he is, and Biden definitely isn’t who they say he is.

Then people should hope republicans keep the senate. If Biden is the centrist deal maker he claims, things should work out better.

I absolutely am. With NC now firmly in play, the odds of Dems getting the senate should be sub 50%.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

Democrats really need to consider if all this election fuckery will pay off. If it’s contested and undecided, Trump wins. All this fantasy of Pelosi being seated is just that. 26 states have a GOP congressional majority. That’s 26 states voting for Trump in the house. The Senate would vote Pence.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Democrats really need to consider if all this election fuckery will pay off. If it’s contested and undecided, Trump wins. All this fantasy of Pelosi being seated is just that. 26 states have a GOP congressional majority. That’s 26 states voting for Trump in the house. The Senate would vote Pence.

Yea states like Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, south and North Dakota, Nebraska...states in which no one lives...dictating to the majority

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

That’s my point. They’re not voting for Biden. And that’s very dangerous. The media has created a narrative that is completely false. Trump isn't who they say he is, and Biden definitely isn’t who they say he is.

Then people should hope republicans keep the senate. If Biden is the centrist deal maker he claims, things should work out better.

I absolutely am. With NC now firmly in play, the odds of Dems getting the senate should be sub 50%.

The way i see it...Dems have 50 seats right now. Alabama back to the GOP, Colorado, Arizona (what a joke), Maine, North Carolina, and I’ll go out on a limb and say Iowa...midwesterners have completely turned on Trump.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Democrats really need to consider if all this election fuckery will pay off. If it’s contested and undecided, Trump wins. All this fantasy of Pelosi being seated is just that. 26 states have a GOP congressional majority. That’s 26 states voting for Trump in the house. The Senate would vote Pence.

Yea states like Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, south and North Dakota, Nebraska...states in which no one lives...dictating to the majority

People do live in those states. And all states have an equal voice, they can operate however they want. That's why we're a republic. And when you say stuff like this you completely nuke the argument of turning D.C. into a state.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

Then people should hope republicans keep the senate. If Biden is the centrist deal maker he claims, things should work out better.

I absolutely am. With NC now firmly in play, the odds of Dems getting the senate should be sub 50%.

The way i see it...Dems have 50 seats right now. Alabama back to the GOP, Colorado, Arizona (what a joke), Maine, North Carolina, and I’ll go out on a limb and say Iowa...midwesterners have completely turned on Trump.

Even if they've turned on Trump doesn't mean they're suddenly progressives.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Current Events Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote: … 911593002/

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing George Floyd, has been released from jail on a $1,000,000 non-cash bond, Minnesota court documents filed Wednesday show.

Floyd, a Black man, died May 25 after Chauvin, who is white, pressed his knee against Floyd's neck for at least eight minutes as Floyd said he couldn’t breathe and became motionless. Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Allegheny Casualty Company is listed as the surety for Chauvin on a court document. A surety bond requires someone to sign an agreement to pay the bond amount, if the defendant violates the conditions of the bond.

Among the conditions for release included in previously-filed court documents: Chauvin is to have no direct contact with the victim's family, he is not allowed to work in law enforcement or security, and he cannot leave the state without court permission.

The Department of Corrections confirmed Chauvin was no longer in custody at the state's facility in Oak Park Heights, where he had been detained.

Online court documents say Chauvin is due in court March 8, 2021.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

I don’t know what discussion there is with Chauvin. He’s clearly not a flight risk with that bail being secured. So he either offs himself or gets his day in court. The only question up in the air is how much property damage will be committed by peaceful activists in the aftermath of his verdict. But Michelle Obama told us it was racist to identify the violence in every major American city, because in 98% of public gatherings related to George Floyd, building aren’t set on fire. If only a 2% casualty rate could be applied to COVID!

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

I just don’t understand how people convinced Donald Trump was the manifestation of corruption and ignorance (his public comments and gaffes) can then go and support Joe Biden.

This is a guy who’s son was kicked out of the military reserves for doing Coke, fucks his dead brother’s wife while married, then gets millions of dollars from Russian and Chinese companies solely for potential access to his father - the VP of the US. He then publicly admits that he threatened the president of Ukraine he would not issue them congressionally apportioned funds unless they fire a prosecutor whom was investigating the company his son received millions for in an industry he had no qualified experience in.

This is a guy who has ran for President multiple times, and lost due to gaffes and corruption each time. He was caught plagiarizing a speech in the 80s and dropped out. He attacked Anita Hill (rightly imho), and called integrated schools “racial jungles”.  He lied about the nature of the death of his wife and daughter and the timing of it. He’s lied numerous times about where he went to school and his academic record.

In the book the Irishman is based off of, Sheerhan claims he burned down the Republican candidates mail inserts on Biden’s/the mob/the union’s behalf to get Biden his first election to Congress. I’m not saying it’s true, but it certainly casts the shadow of corruption and is absolutely possible if you consider Delaware in the 70s and Biden’s union ties.

If you want to avoid someone who says stupid shit and lies, I don’t know how you claim Biden is objectively better. At least with Trump the plausibility of ignorance can be made for half his bullshit. Biden’s history of plagiarism and lies in his lucid years makes a claim of ignorance pretty damn difficult.

All the things Democrats have been outraged at Trump for, Biden is the worst candidate to counter that. Kids I’m cages - that was Barry and Uncle Joe. Executive orders on DACA, Biden says hello. Trump has wound down our military involvements, check out Papa Joe’s history of armed conflicts and the drone strikes under Obama. Biden was part of the original NAFTA. The only bi-partisan accomplishment of the past 4 years was trying to unfuck the original NAFTA.

That leaves you with Iran and the Paris Climate Accord. Democrats led by Schumer opposed the Iran deal under Obama. Even if Biden tried to revive it, he’d still lack any authority because the original agreement was never confirmed by the Senate. Divide your party and massive executive over each? I think not. So we rejoin the Paris Accords. And?  It’s non binding and they’d need federal legislation to adhere to any of its goals. That ain’t happening unless they remove the filibuster and every Senator to include Manchin signs on. Again, unlikely.

So I don’t know what you’re getting other than a culture war victory. You give more of a platform to AOC and Sanders, which will flip the house right back to the GOP like it did in 2010. The Democratic Party of the 1990s is no more. It can’t exist with Talib, Omar and AOC. Most of the radical shit they’d pass would be struck down as unconstitutional, so all you’re doing is pissing off the extremes in the interim.

I loathe Trump. Hearing him speak for more than 10 seconds makes my skin crawl. He’s a loud mouth with the money to back up his threats. That’s all he is. But he did give us the best America we’ve ever had. Lowest crime and best quality of life ever. Maybe he doesn’t deserve credit as much as the people appointed so who kept the engine running. But if Trump is what it takes to keep those guys running the engine, count me in.

I have no interests in people racing to create and identify victims at the helm. There’s a lot to criticize Trump for, but all the most salacious and corrupt can be much more aptly applied at Joe Biden. Toss in the progressive left, and it’s a no brainer for me. I can’t understand how people who profess to loathe Trump can turn around and support Joe Biden.  9/10 times it’s not a choice of intelligent thought.

War and Peace. Bla Bla. Yawn

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

Trump has shown he has zero ability to control himself, hold on to a staff, or listen to anyone. He's a disaster. Biden is a bad politician, I won't be voting for him, but Trumpism needs to be purged if the Republicans can ever get to a place to prevent a Progressive decade of control.

I doubt Trump even wants to be President anymore.

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