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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Does this sound like a man who's taking a pandemic serious?


You’re aware that the edited clip you posted occurred at the same time every Democrat was telling people to flood NYC and SF, right?  Attacking Trump (as did the WHO) for closing the borders. You don’t get to rewrite history because it’s politically convenient now. People under 60 who get infected have a 99.9999% survival rate according to the CDC. 99.5% for those 61-70. You’re free to stay indoors the rest of your life, but since you’ve never had a flu shot, you’re in no position to lecture others or advocate to “follow the science”.

Fauci says to vote in person. Follow the science. Not Dr Gupta on CNN.

Boo hoo-hoo you lose.

So trump did 1 thing. Right?   You're advocating the trump response team, with 200,000 dead & easily soaring to 400k, is a success because he did 1 thing, and only 1 thing. right?

We count deaths differently than most nations.  6500 of the people who died from COVID in the US were also poisoned at their time of death.  Did they die from the poison they drank or COVID?  I know you won't answer this because you all have avoided it because it undercuts your case.  96% of our COVID deaths had 2.5 comorbidities at the time of death.  Germany isn't counting someone who dies in a car accident and tests positive for COVID as a COVID death, we are.  The US ordered anyone suspected of having COVID as being a COIVD death.  I've done the math and linked it for you before, but of course you ignored it because facts and math aren't your strong suit.  Yes, we have 200k dead under a loose definition.  We also have 330-350 million people.  When you compare our mortality rate to known infected, we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.  You know how when people call Chicago the murder capitol of the country, and people who want to stick their heads in the sand say "BUT THAT TOWN IN BUMFUCK WEST VIRGINA HAS A HIGHER MURDER RATE SINCE THEY ONLY HAVE 10 PEOPLE IN THE COUNTY AND WE HAVE 5 MILLION!", you should borrow from that sentiment and recognize you need to count apples to apples. 

80% of our deaths in PA, one of the highest death states, are in Nursing Homes.  Nursing Homes that our governor ordered in March to accept and keep COVID-19 patients.  So tell me how Trump has responsibility for the deaths in PA and NY, both of which are mostly elderly in Nursing Homes that their governors ordered to remain there. 

What should Trump have done that he didn't do?  Like on the debates last night, you guys fall flat when asked for examples on what should have been done. Your party has been rioting non-stop since May, so don't give me the bullshit about lockdowns.  Remember how you al laughed at Buzzsaw for pushing Sweden's methods?  Looking at Europe today, who was better off?

Biden can't order a national mask mandate as President.  He's said so.  Biden can't order a national lock down.  He's said so.  Trump got states the supplies they needed to treat the ill.  We're on the fast track to a vaccine.  A vaccine that at best will have a 40% efficiency rate.  And a vaccine you still won't take just as you haven't taken any other.  You probably think they cause autism or have mercury in them. 

We can go all day, but you're not informed on the subject.  You post misleading and editing video clips, and totally ignore what your desired politicians did.  COVID isn't going anywhere, and unless you're incredibly old or incredibly sick, COVID is less lethal than the Flu.  The CDC has all this information for you to view yourself, but we know you're not interested in reading long pages or looking at numbers. 

100k people die on average from the Flu every year.  We don't do shit.  You sure as hell don't do anything, and I'd wager you won't be getting a flu shot this fall either.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:

btw, I read an article on ap a few weeks ago, from pretty early on, Feb or March, which said 'upwards of 200,000 people could die from it in the US' as if it was a worse case scenario. And it sure read like one when imagining myself back in February. We'll double that easily I think by NYE.

Also, why does the US have 5% of the global population, yet 20% of the deaths, and we were fortunate enough to get 30-60 days advance warning it was coming, whereas it was already spreading rampant in Europe before here.

No you didn't.  They were predicting millions in February.  Your leaders were telling people to go to NYC and party in March.  Your leaders attacked the travel restrictions from Europe and China.  Your cohorts can't go a week without having thousands in the streets vandalizing and assaulting people based off lies.  And you think they're going to stop when Biden is in office?  Medical professionals condemning lockdown protests but supporting George Floyd rioters is all the Orwellian Double Speak I need to see to know if their comments are political or based in genuine concern. 

I've answered your numbers before, you're not interested in having them addressed or answered.  You want to believe conspiracy, as you have every single time something negative about Trump has come out the past 4 years.  And you've been wrong.  But Melania has a body double in your mind.

TRUMP SHUT DOWN THE FUCKING BORDERS February 1st, when the WHO was still arguing about human transmission.  You don't get to rewrite history because you didn't bother to pay attention the first time around.  You're one of the most uninformed posters in this place, and ironically you're one of the loudest. 

What would Joe Biden have done that Trump didn't do?  Can you at least answer that?

"When the number gets this low, it's basically a question of how people are reporting the cause of death across the nation," Cuomo said. "You have situations where a person dies from multiple causes. You could put down COVID, you could put down cancer, you could put down heart disease. So, at one point, it becomes fairly random, and we're basically at that point."

That is Andrew Cuomo, governor of NY. Not some rightwing stooge. … e-n1216801

"CDC guidance for death certificate reporting says COVID-19 can be listed as the immediate cause of death, the underlying cause of death or a contributing factor, stating that "if COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate."

That is the CDC telling you that if someone dies for whatever reason, and they have COVID-19, COVID gets counted.  Other countries aren't doing that.

Here is the NY Times article from March stating that between 200k to 1.7 Million could die: … imate.html

But hey, being at the bottom of the possible death count means Trump did a shit job.  In your mind only.  You also think Harris won the debate and think you won a debate against me.  So all things considered....

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
misterID wrote:

I don't know where Pence lied. She came out of the gate saying Trump called covid a hoax, which is a lie,

Does this sound like a man who's taking a pandemic serious?

That's an edited clip, you know that right? Even CNN called this a lie.

"What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."
What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. "

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

btw, I read an article on ap a few weeks ago, from pretty early on, Feb or March, which said 'upwards of 200,000 people could die from it in the US' as if it was a worse case scenario. And it sure read like one when imagining myself back in February. We'll double that easily I think by NYE.

Also, why does the US have 5% of the global population, yet 20% of the deaths, and we were fortunate enough to get 30-60 days advance warning it was coming, whereas it was already spreading rampant in Europe before here.

We also have a very unhealthy population and more families living together. There's context to all of this. It's like people who keep comparing us to Sweden. We're not the same.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
misterID wrote:

I don't know where Pence lied. She came out of the gate saying Trump called covid a hoax, which is a lie,

Does this sound like a man who's taking a pandemic serious?

That's an edited clip, you know that right? Even CNN called this a lie.

"What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."
What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. "

No, he doesn't know it because he doesn't bother to fact check anything.  He just repeats whatever he hears that puts Trump in the most negative light.  Definition of the low-information voter.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Does this sound like a man who's taking a pandemic serious?

That's an edited clip, you know that right? Even CNN called this a lie.

"What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."
What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. "

No, he doesn't know it because he doesn't bother to fact check anything.  He just repeats whatever he hears that puts Trump in the most negative light.  Definition of the low-information voter.

The idiot came down with covid. And spread it to what, 18 people connected to the WH??   And spread it into the Pentagon 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

That's an edited clip, you know that right? Even CNN called this a lie.

"What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."
What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. "

No, he doesn't know it because he doesn't bother to fact check anything.  He just repeats whatever he hears that puts Trump in the most negative light.  Definition of the low-information voter.

The idiot came down with covid. And spread it to what, 18 people connected to the WH??   And spread it into the Pentagon 16

See, this is true. I don't understand why people have to lie about what he says.

Ratings for the VP debate last night: 50.5 million.
Tally among six major networks:
Fox News: 11.315M
ABC: 9.405M
CNN: 7.31M
MSNBC: 6.67M
NBC: 6.55M
CBS: 5.18M
2008 VP debate (Biden-Palin): 69M
'16 VP debate (Pence-Kaine): 37M
'12 VP debate (Biden-Ryan): 50.2Mstings

MSNBC has just deteriorated into hysterical progressives now. Seems to be working wonderfully.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Current Events Thread

bigbri wrote:
misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

No, he doesn't know it because he doesn't bother to fact check anything.  He just repeats whatever he hears that puts Trump in the most negative light.  Definition of the low-information voter.

The idiot came down with covid. And spread it to what, 18 people connected to the WH??   And spread it into the Pentagon 16

See, this is true. I don't understand why people have to lie about what he says.

Ratings for the VP debate last night: 50.5 million.
Tally among six major networks:
Fox News: 11.315M
ABC: 9.405M
CNN: 7.31M
MSNBC: 6.67M
NBC: 6.55M
CBS: 5.18M
2008 VP debate (Biden-Palin): 69M
'16 VP debate (Pence-Kaine): 37M
'12 VP debate (Biden-Ryan): 50.2Mstings

MSNBC has just deteriorated into hysterical progressives now. Seems to be working wonderfully.

what was it about 2016 that made people stay away from the debate? Two vanilla white dudes? Was this the debate that went up against Monday Night Football?

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I think it was just who they were. Says it was Oct 4th, which was a Tuesday. Never heard one of them went up against MNF?  Did that become an issue or complaint?  Was it a good MNF game that stole viewers? I'd guess 2012 if so.

Anyway trump was prime viewing thru the primaries & rallies, pence was little known and both were known to be bland. Doesn't surprise me it was low, same with 2012. People were curious about Ryan, and Biden then was known as a solid debate, so interest was tepid.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Looks like pinkeye is a sign of Covid.  Well done GOP platform, kill off both VP's why don't ya

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