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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Current Events Thread

Axl S wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Axl S wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote: … 960078002/

PaSnow, another one of your talking points is evaporating.

Flagg... did you read the article?

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Nabarro told "The Spectator." Nabarro said lockdowns can only be justified "to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted. But by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

They literally don't say what the headline implies. They are meant as a short-term solution to buy time and provided that time is used wisely to put the right systems in place for dealing with Covid. As mentioned in that piece... the US in general has a poor testing and contact tracing setup.

The WHO are saying get on top of these things properly. When a lockdown is used, use the time it buys effectively. Educate the public and be effective with messaging, have the systems in place to deal with cases effectively and craft a system for life to proceed as normal as possible whilst keeping rates of infection low. If countries (I suppose in the US everything is so decentralised a lot of this is down to state level) don't do that they'll be yo-yo'ing between opening and closing their societies for a long time.

Of course I did, I don't link articles I haven't read.  This article is one of many sating the WHO's point - I chose it to avoid the hyenas questioning source.  The WHO also said we've doubled global poverty with the shutdowns.  As Europe and much of the US is debating shutting down again (Joe Biden is running on shutting down), I felt it important to point out that as of today the WHO is against shut downs.  The harm from locking people inside for weeks the destruction of the economy is just as bad if not worse than the questionable death toll being parroted by pro-Biden media.  Up until May, the WHO was antimask.  PASnow lives has a time machine and/or doesn't perceive time as linear as the rest of us.

Dude, that article states the WHO are against lockdowns as the primary means of control and that they should be used to get organised and put the correct systems in place. It does not state they are entirely against ever locking down. It is also well documented that they said masks were not massively effective at first to stop the rush on supply as health and care facilities around the globe were stretched for PPE.

US does not have the correct systems in place so some form of lockdown to buy some time to put in place the measures the current admin failed to seems smart.

The UK is taking aworst of both worlds  approach, trying to slowly re-add restrictions that individually aren't enough to stem the growth rate, thus ensuring that we'll be left with no choice to do something close to a full lockdown again. Would be best just to implement a harsh two week lockdown with the required financial support, fix up what's broken and then slowly re-open again.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

We did the two week lockdown.  We flattened the curve.  6 months later, certain businesses are still closed in my state because of our governor's lockdown edicts.  It's going through the courts, but vindication 18 months from now won't put 2 years of lost income in people's wallets.  My post was a direct response to PaSnow, who claims to have the knowledge to retroactively stop COVID from killing anyone in the US.  You yourself just said you want a lockdown, the WHO is against that at this point.  The cat's out of the bag, and every nation who has done the "lockdown" (as much of the US is still under) lets it go a lot longer than 2 weeks.  Again, Michigan's governor just had her hand slapped by her state supreme court.  Unfortunately our politicized court in PA feels a governor can issue continual lockdown orders without any justification. 

When people refuse to get a flu shot, but think wearing a filthy cloth mask under their nose is productive, we're not having adult conversations.  If you're not elderly or extremely ill, COVID poses virtually no risk to you.  That's a fact.  When you have a 99.9997% of survival if you're one the 2% of the population to get infected, we don't lock down the country and destroy the economy over it.  Elderly people in nursing homes account for 80% of the deaths in my area.  Focus on them, don't destroy everyone else's life for political points.  A vaccine isn't going to save us when yokels can't even be bothered to get a free Flu vaccine today.  50k-100k will die in America this flu season.  If that doesn't warrant a response, the US' inflated COVID deaths (cause we count gun shot victims as COVID deaths) certainly doesn't warrant one either.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Current Events Thread

Axl S wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

We did the two week lockdown.  We flattened the curve.  6 months later, certain businesses are still closed in my state because of our governor's lockdown edicts.  It's going through the courts, but vindication 18 months from now won't put 2 years of lost income in people's wallets.  My post was a direct response to PaSnow, who claims to have the knowledge to retroactively stop COVID from killing anyone in the US.  You yourself just said you want a lockdown, the WHO is against that at this point.  The cat's out of the bag, and every nation who has done the "lockdown" (as much of the US is still under) lets it go a lot longer than 2 weeks.  Again, Michigan's governor just had her hand slapped by her state supreme court.  Unfortunately our politicized court in PA feels a governor can issue continual lockdown orders without any justification. 

When people refuse to get a flu shot, but think wearing a filthy cloth mask under their nose is productive, we're not having adult conversations.  If you're not elderly or extremely ill, COVID poses virtually no risk to you.  That's a fact.  When you have a 99.9997% of survival if you're one the 2% of the population to get infected, we don't lock down the country and destroy the economy over it.  Elderly people in nursing homes account for 80% of the deaths in my area.  Focus on them, don't destroy everyone else's life for political points.  A vaccine isn't going to save us when yokels can't even be bothered to get a free Flu vaccine today.  50k-100k will die in America this flu season.  If that doesn't warrant a response, the US' inflated COVID deaths (cause we count gun shot victims as COVID deaths) certainly doesn't warrant one either.

Ok, you read the article but your reading comprehension skills suck. The WHO never said they are against lockdowns entirely.

That article you linked said they don't think they are suitable as the PRIMARY method of control and should be used to buy time and put the right systems in place which many states in the US haven't done. If they haven't done it inevitably they may need to lockdown again.

This notion that COVID poses virtually no risk to anyone but the elederly or extremely ill is BS too. Google "long covid" - this shit can have long-term affects for young healthy people who get it with even only mild symptoms.

The wearing of face masks isn't to protect yourself. It's to protect others from yourself. If you don't get that at this stage what the hell have you been reading?

And stop bringing up the flu, this ain't the flu. 50-100k Americans die in a typical year where everything is normal and some people are vaccinated. Upwards of 200k have died from COVID in a year where many steps have been taken to stop the spread. This notion that these are comparable diseases is something that needs to end.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Neither of you have a basic clue on current events, do you?  The Senate tried to vote on a bill, and the Democrats filibustered.  Biden said Saturday that the voters don't deserve to know his stance on court packing and the filibuster.  ACB keeping up with every other justice and not commenting on pending court cases is standard procedure - every Justice has done it.  You two have your echo chamber and are completely clueless how uninformed you are.  There is no attempt at objectvity.

what is this wall of shit you just plastered up against the wall?

The Democrats wanted more stimulus....I'm sure you know that the Republicans only want to give the money to rich people and giant businesses. The rest of us can rot, right?

You are a frustrating individual. Incoherent gibberish up there.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

We did the two week lockdown.  We flattened the curve.  6 months later, certain businesses are still closed in my state because of our governor's lockdown edicts.  It's going through the courts, but vindication 18 months from now won't put 2 years of lost income in people's wallets.  My post was a direct response to PaSnow, who claims to have the knowledge to retroactively stop COVID from killing anyone in the US.  You yourself just said you want a lockdown, the WHO is against that at this point.  The cat's out of the bag, and every nation who has done the "lockdown" (as much of the US is still under) lets it go a lot longer than 2 weeks.  Again, Michigan's governor just had her hand slapped by her state supreme court.  Unfortunately our politicized court in PA feels a governor can issue continual lockdown orders without any justification. 

When people refuse to get a flu shot, but think wearing a filthy cloth mask under their nose is productive, we're not having adult conversations.  If you're not elderly or extremely ill, COVID poses virtually no risk to you.  That's a fact.  When you have a 99.9997% of survival if you're one the 2% of the population to get infected, we don't lock down the country and destroy the economy over it.  Elderly people in nursing homes account for 80% of the deaths in my area.  Focus on them, don't destroy everyone else's life for political points.  A vaccine isn't going to save us when yokels can't even be bothered to get a free Flu vaccine today.  50k-100k will die in America this flu season.  If that doesn't warrant a response, the US' inflated COVID deaths (cause we count gun shot victims as COVID deaths) certainly doesn't warrant one either.

How dare you accuse anyone else of being uninformed...

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

I didn't say they were against them entirely.  Quit putting words in my mouth.  I don't know where you're from and what your experiences are.  In the US, much of the nation is still under lockdown orders, 6 months later.  Your reading comprehension is non-existent and to prove it, show me where I said the WHO is against lockdowns entirely.  The reality is that lockdowns have an economic cost, but also a human cost.  People who lose their income, homes and health insurance are all worse off. 

None of you want to say when we can go back to normal.  The vaccine is cited by some, but show me a vaccine that has a 100% efficiency rate and then show me what the possible vaccine candidates for COVID are supporting.  We have people that refuse to get a FLU vaccine, refuse to avoid gathering in large crowds, and can't wear their masks right. 

Please don't make up an argument to argue against.  I'm advocating for the other solutions that WHO prefers over lockdowns.  You completely ignore that and think my argument is about the WHO opposing any and all lockdown.  6 month lockdowns is not something any medical professional is advocating, but we have plenty of Democratic politicians doing just that.  Fauci says we can vote in person, but nearly every state led by a Democratic governor is stripping any safeguards over the election. 

If you're going to insult my intellect, at least respond to what I post.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Neither of you have a basic clue on current events, do you?  The Senate tried to vote on a bill, and the Democrats filibustered.  Biden said Saturday that the voters don't deserve to know his stance on court packing and the filibuster.  ACB keeping up with every other justice and not commenting on pending court cases is standard procedure - every Justice has done it.  You two have your echo chamber and are completely clueless how uninformed you are.  There is no attempt at objectvity.

what is this wall of shit you just plastered up against the wall?

The Democrats wanted more stimulus....I'm sure you know that the Republicans only want to give the money to rich people and giant businesses. The rest of us can rot, right?

You are a frustrating individual. Incoherent gibberish up there.

Why is this guy still here?

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

Mitch, you're back on ignore.  Celebrate your ignorance and complete lack of basic facts and current events.  Tell me how white supremacist are in the streets rioting just as much as Antifa and BLM.  Now respond to me and tell me how much you care.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread … 59351.html

Voters Blame Pelosi, not Trump for the impasse on COVID stimulus.  But don't let our resident political experts know that!  They're in touch!

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote: … 59351.html

Voters Blame Pelosi, not Trump for the impasse on COVID stimulus.  But don't let our resident political experts know that!  They're in touch!

lol Headline of link:  Yahoo News/YouGov poll: As opposition to Trump's pandemic approach grows, most voters want Senate to pass stimulus before considering Amy Coney Barrett

Body of content:
While slightly more voters blame Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (43 percent) than President Trump (40 percent) for Washington’s continuing failure to agree on a relief bill, that dynamic has in no way boosted Trump. On the contrary, Trump continues to trail Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 8 percentage points among likely voters (43 percent to 51 percent) in large part because they have taken an even dimmer view of the president’s leadership on COVID-19 in the wake of his own recent hospitalization and the broader White House outbreak that has left dozens infected.

way to spin it.

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