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 Rep: 207 

Re: Another Fortus Interview (minimal gnr mentions)

DCK wrote:

It's so funny when GNR related people interviews GNR band members.

I reminds me of a scenario where some guy interviews a supermodel with a huge zit on her nose. The guy speaks of EVERYTHING but the mega zit on her nose and in  the end vaguely hints of it being there, but not enough for her to pick up on it.

Or, easier said, avoid the elephant in the room at all costs.

"So how was it playing with the farmer from Montana in last years wedding for his cousins sister, it must have been great!"

"It was great man..I love playing wedding gigs for the national farmer union department of Sheffield, Montana".

"What type of bakery do you like and did you ever eat bakery while you recorded Chinese Democracy?"

"No comment".

If a GNR member does an interview and nobody knows it, didn't it happen?

"No comment".

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