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 Rep: 664 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

James wrote:
misterID wrote:

He literally blamed the Afghan military by saying they had an air force, but he pulled out the maintenance crews which grounded them. He's lying. The "buck stops with him" but he's taking no responsibility. He went as low to blame the civilians, the same people who are packed on an airport runway and falling from planes.

Yeah....he's in over his head and like Flagg pointed out, his advisers/cabinet aren't handling it any better.

It's a tad reminiscent of Clinton's first two years in office when Aspen and Christopher were minding the store.

Maybe worse.


I do partially blame the civilians. We're trying to get out....and they're in our way.

I know they're's chaos....the unknown...but the focus has to be on getting the Americans and Europeans out of there.

I'm with Flagg regarding civilians/refugees. Leave em.... it's over.

Any people who gave legit intel to our forces over the years....give em a golden ticket.

I might make exceptions for people such as those girls who work on robotics/AI that social media is having conniption fits over.

That's it.

You can't save everyone. What makes one person better than any other?

This is why we need a Reagan or Kennedy....hell even a Bush.

Tough decisions have to be made soon.

No sob hard luck pity parties.... we're leaving period.

If you make things worse as we get closer to wrapping up evacuation and it becomes similar to Mogadishu, the gloves come off and special forces take care of business to get em out of there.

ID pointed out the gender and racial stuff we were funding there. The Fonz himself couldn't jump a shark any higher than that.

It was a sign we don't even know what we're doing there. I don't think they give the tiniest of shits what nonbinary is...and if they did...they got bigger fish to fry.

I have a question....

While we can do whatever the fuck we want, at what point does it become 'legal' to shoot unarmed civilians?


There's only a few planes left and it's obvious no more are coming. Mass panic happens and 50k or so civilians flood the airport to the point nothing can move.

What do you do?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

He literally blamed the Afghan military by saying they had an air force, but he pulled out the maintenance crews which grounded them. He's lying. The "buck stops with him" but he's taking no responsibility. He went as low to blame the civilians, the same people who are packed on an airport runway and falling from planes.

you're losing your shit accountably for anyone but Biden. one over the course of the last 20 years deserves any blame...the fact that after 20 years Afghanis couldn't get their shit together...

Either way...shit went down in Syria that didn't bother you. This bothers you...really strange...

Who is saying that?

Everyone here knows who invaded Afghanistan, who kept it going, and who is wrapping it up.

Not a single person on Earth is saying Biden did everything.

He is to blame for the current cluster fuck and how the crisis continues to spiral out of control.

While it's not relevant to what's happening now, he helped construct the Patriot Act and helped the Bush administration sell both wars to the rest of Congress, the media, and the American people.

You can't fantasy book/retcon Biden as this doe eyed innocent dove who was shell shocked by events and it all came out of left field.

That dog won't hunt.

Speaking of Syria, were you giving Trump the benefit of the doubt and blaming his predicament on Obama? If not, why?

 Rep: 130 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

mitchejw wrote:
James wrote:
misterID wrote:

He literally blamed the Afghan military by saying they had an air force, but he pulled out the maintenance crews which grounded them. He's lying. The "buck stops with him" but he's taking no responsibility. He went as low to blame the civilians, the same people who are packed on an airport runway and falling from planes.

Yeah....he's in over his head and like Flagg pointed out, his advisers/cabinet aren't handling it any better.

It's a tad reminiscent of Clinton's first two years in office when Aspen and Christopher were minding the store.

Maybe worse.


I do partially blame the civilians. We're trying to get out....and they're in our way.

I know they're's chaos....the unknown...but the focus has ever on getting the Americans and Europeans our of there.

I'm with Flagg regarding civilians/refugees. Leave em.... it's over.

Any people who gave legit intel to our forces over the years....give em a golden ticket.

I might make exceptions for people such as those girls who work on robotics/AI that social media is having conniption fits over.

That's it.

You can't save everyone. What makes one person better than any other?

This is why we need a Reagan or Kennedy....hell even a Bush.

Tough decisions have to be made soon.

No sob hard luck pity parties.... we're leaving period.

If you make things worse as we get closer to wrapping up evacuation and it becomes similar to Mogadishu, the gloves come off and special forces take care of business to get em out of there.

ID pointed out the gender and racial stuff we were funding there. The Fonz himself couldn't jump a shark any higher than that.

It was a sign we don't even know what we're doing there. I don't think they give the tiniest of shots what nonbinary is...and if they did...they got bigger fish to fry.

I have a question....

While we can do whtthe fuck we want, at what point does it become 'legal' to shoot unarmed civilians?


There's only a few planes left and it's obvious no more are coming. Mass panic happens and 50k or so civilians flood the airport to the point nothing can move.

What do you do?

I'm gonna guess the longer it was delayed the better al-qaeda would be prepared to take advantage. What a horrible set of images...but this was all done with such cohesion that it's pretty obvious how prepared they were for this moment.

think of the opportunity for humiliate Obama's VP who is now P for killing Osama. Man did this stars align for them.

I'm not sure who is in charge anymore over in the eastern hemisphere. I think the Afghans had a lot to gain by continually pitting us against each prolong the play both sides for as long as they could.

Anyway...what a sad series of events.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
James wrote:
misterID wrote:

He literally blamed the Afghan military by saying they had an air force, but he pulled out the maintenance crews which grounded them. He's lying. The "buck stops with him" but he's taking no responsibility. He went as low to blame the civilians, the same people who are packed on an airport runway and falling from planes.

Yeah....he's in over his head and like Flagg pointed out, his advisers/cabinet aren't handling it any better.

It's a tad reminiscent of Clinton's first two years in office when Aspen and Christopher were minding the store.

Maybe worse.


I do partially blame the civilians. We're trying to get out....and they're in our way.

I know they're's chaos....the unknown...but the focus has ever on getting the Americans and Europeans our of there.

I'm with Flagg regarding civilians/refugees. Leave em.... it's over.

Any people who gave legit intel to our forces over the years....give em a golden ticket.

I might make exceptions for people such as those girls who work on robotics/AI that social media is having conniption fits over.

That's it.

You can't save everyone. What makes one person better than any other?

This is why we need a Reagan or Kennedy....hell even a Bush.

Tough decisions have to be made soon.

No sob hard luck pity parties.... we're leaving period.

If you make things worse as we get closer to wrapping up evacuation and it becomes similar to Mogadishu, the gloves come off and special forces take care of business to get em out of there.

ID pointed out the gender and racial stuff we were funding there. The Fonz himself couldn't jump a shark any higher than that.

It was a sign we don't even know what we're doing there. I don't think they give the tiniest of shots what nonbinary is...and if they did...they got bigger fish to fry.

I have a question....

While we can do whtthe fuck we want, at what point does it become 'legal' to shoot unarmed civilians?


There's only a few planes left and it's obvious no more are coming. Mass panic happens and 50k or so civilians flood the airport to the point nothing can move.

What do you do?

I'm gonna guess the longer it was delayed the better al-qaeda would be prepared to take advantage. What a horrible set of images...but this was all done with such cohesion that it's pretty obvious how prepared they were for this moment.

think of the opportunity for humiliate Obama's VP who is now P for killing Osama. Man did this stars align for them.

I'm not sure who is in charge anymore over in the eastern hemisphere. I think the Afghans had a lot to gain by continually pitting us against each prolong the play both sides for as long as they could.

Anyway...what a sad series of events.

I don't think we have to worry about the Taliban attacking our troops, diplomats, American citizens, etc.

They want us out and see us leaving.

They're pouring the Gatorade over the coach as the two minute warning approaches.

What we have to worry about is the situation with countless thousands of their civilians creating a nightmare scenario where they essentially bottleneck the airport..... literally the only way out of the country.

You're running out of options in that scenario.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

mitchejw wrote:
James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

He literally blamed the Afghan military by saying they had an air force, but he pulled out the maintenance crews which grounded them. He's lying. The "buck stops with him" but he's taking no responsibility. He went as low to blame the civilians, the same people who are packed on an airport runway and falling from planes.

you're losing your shit accountably for anyone but Biden. one over the course of the last 20 years deserves any blame...the fact that after 20 years Afghanis couldn't get their shit together...

Either way...shit went down in Syria that didn't bother you. This bothers you...really strange...

Who is saying that?

Everyone here knows who invaded Afghanistan, who kept it going, and who is wrapping it up.

Not a single person on Earth is saying Biden did everything.

He is to blame for the current cluster fuck and how the crisis continues to spiral out of control.

While it's not relevant to what's happening now, he helped construct the Patriot Act and helped the Bush administration sell both wars to the rest of Congress, the media, and the American people.

You can't fantasy book/retcon Biden as this doe eyed innocent dove who was shell shocked by events and it all came out of left field.

That dog won't hunt.

Speaking of Syria, were you giving Trump the benefit of the doubt and blaming his predicament on Obama? If not, why?

Not doe eyed...and for those who thought Biden was a pussy I would think this would be evidence of the opposite...

This was the inevitable result of a failed investment. An investment that only looked good until you stopped investing in it.

I'll never give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything. I brought it up only as a point of reference for those who feel the need to turn into teenage girls. Syria was a disaster....Afghanistan is about to be a disaster/is a disaster.

One lesson we refuse to learn as Americans is what the terrorists tried to tell us on 9/11...The United States of America has made a few mistakes along the way.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

James wrote:

No one is turning into teenage girls...this is all in your own mind.

The only juvenile thing said in this thread is your post about balls.

I realize some of these discussions can get a tad understatement....but sometimes you need to let it go and not take it so personally.

An example...

Recently.. don't remember when...Flagg replied to you in a post. It wasn't mean, mocking,etc. The next time you replied to him, it was to get a dig in and start the bickering again.

Why not use an opening like that to hit the reset button and ease the tension?

No one is innocent in this....I'm just using this as an example.

Just because people disagree and have a lengthy history arguing doesn't mean it always has to be like this.

I mean...we can't have a discussion about Afghanistan without being labeled teenage girls?


 Rep: 53 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

slashsfro wrote:

I actually don't blame Trump too much on this one.  From what I remember, he wanted to pull out troops too. It's just FUBAR'ed and we just need to get the fuck out of there with minimal loss of life at this point.  And Biden is the guy in charge right now and it falls on him, rightly on wrongly.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

James wrote:


The way that the pullout was handled is the main issue...not that we're pulling out.

Many people have wanted this to happen for years.

You'd think our government would have had a better exit strategy.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Axl S wrote:
James wrote:

You'd think our government would have had a better exit strategy.

At this stage, I think we should have all learned from history and realised we should stop thinking that hmm

Trump screwed up the terms of the exit.

Biden screwed up the execution of the exit operation.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Aussie wrote:

I wouldn’t be surprised if China makes its move on Taiwan shortly off the back of this.

Given the current environment there would be a lot of political opposition to getting involved in yet another countries business again so soon.

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