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Bill Brasky
 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Bill Brasky wrote:
AgesOfTheIce wrote:

Bird (the guy who bought the locker) made up all that shit about having more Village discs with stuff like Oklahoma & Zodiac with vocals because he didn't want people to know everything he had had been leaked. Rick swore up and down that Bird had all these unleaked tracks (like Dragon, whatever the fuck that was supposed to be) but when pressed if he had actually heard any of this stuff to verify it he didn't answer, which answers the question itself imo.

The more village disc statement has nothing to due with Bird or Rick's statements.

Don't believe the narrative that has been pushed out by propagandist

Leaks that occurred prior to Bird or Rick getting  the village leaks are exact dat matches to Village locker leaks.

Here's a idea , why doesn't someone contact individuals that worked on the village sessions. Hell ask Fernando on reddit , band members  or producers ect.... not named Zoutat.

This forum is the home of Chinese Whispers right ? So it's capable of finding out The real Truth.

 Rep: 33 

Re: The General and Monsters

Scabbie wrote: … rt-poster/

I wander if they're in possession of the vinyl ;-)

Bill Brasky
 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Bill Brasky wrote:
harmon420 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I don’t know about the locker leaks, but there was more material from the batch in 06

Most certainly. Rember the guy from HTGH that posted sorry lyrics years before we ever got the album. He definitely had source material that was after the village sessions.

Now there where touch up's in done 2006 not disagreeing.

But the locker leaks where not the all cd's during the village sessions.

by the common logic on the forums pissed off axl after buckethead quit and the world tour was canceled did more studio vox while he was mad at his mangers and umg which resulted in Greatest Hits getting released instead of CD in 04.

Like i have been saying gentleman
The puzzle pieces do finally fit.

 Rep: 16 

Re: The General and Monsters

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Bill Brasky wrote:
harmon420 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I don’t know about the locker leaks, but there was more material from the batch in 06

Most certainly. Rember the guy from HTGH that posted sorry lyrics years before we ever got the album. He definitely had source material that was after the village sessions.

Now there where touch up's in done 2006 not disagreeing.

But the locker leaks where not the all cd's during the village sessions.

by the common logic on the forums pissed off axl after buckethead quit and the world tour was canceled did more studio vox while he was mad at his mangers and umg which resulted in Greatest Hits getting released instead of CD in 04. … ochran.gif

Like i have been saying gentleman
The puzzle pieces do finally fit.

Plus Hard School clip was out there for a long time and that clip was Hard School from the village sessions.
So even back then someone had some of those discs.  Also didn't part of studio silkworms also leak out, so that is another example.

The village stuff has been out there for a long time.

 Rep: 14 

Re: The General and Monsters

Bill Brasky wrote:
AgesOfTheIce wrote:

Bird (the guy who bought the locker) made up all that shit about having more Village discs with stuff like Oklahoma & Zodiac with vocals because he didn't want people to know everything he had had been leaked. Rick swore up and down that Bird had all these unleaked tracks (like Dragon, whatever the fuck that was supposed to be) but when pressed if he had actually heard any of this stuff to verify it he didn't answer, which answers the question itself imo.

The more village disc statement has nothing to due with Bird or Rick's statements.

Don't believe the narrative that has been pushed out by propagandist

Leaks that occurred prior to Bird or Rick getting  the village leaks are exact dat matches to Village locker leaks.

Here's a idea , why doesn't someone contact individuals that worked on the village sessions. Hell ask Fernando on reddit , band members  or producers ect.... not named Zoutat.

This forum is the home of Chinese Whispers right ? So it's capable of finding out The real Truth.

This has been done a few time's over the years. Contact details are public for them. Some have spoken here and there, Sp!at did well with this years ago. You would be best off talking to anyone who has worked on that stuff & then retired since. There not going to jeopardize there ability to get work, Even if there weren't NDA's many just consider if a professional courtesy not to speak.

Bill Brasky
 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Bill Brasky wrote:
Shacklermyrye wrote:
Bill Brasky wrote:
AgesOfTheIce wrote:

Bird (the guy who bought the locker) made up all that shit about having more Village discs with stuff like Oklahoma & Zodiac with vocals because he didn't want people to know everything he had had been leaked. Rick swore up and down that Bird had all these unleaked tracks (like Dragon, whatever the fuck that was supposed to be) but when pressed if he had actually heard any of this stuff to verify it he didn't answer, which answers the question itself imo.

The more village disc statement has nothing to due with Bird or Rick's statements.

Don't believe the narrative that has been pushed out by propagandist

Leaks that occurred prior to Bird or Rick getting  the village leaks are exact dat matches to Village locker leaks.

Here's a idea , why doesn't someone contact individuals that worked on the village sessions. Hell ask Fernando on reddit , band members  or producers ect.... not named Zoutat.

This forum is the home of Chinese Whispers right ? So it's capable of finding out The real Truth.

This has been done a few time's over the years. Contact details are public for them. Some have spoken here and there, Sp!at did well with this years ago. You would be best off talking to anyone who has worked on that stuff & then retired since. There not going to jeopardize there ability to get work, Even if there weren't NDA's many just consider if a professional courtesy not to speak.

Fair enough.
I just want someone with more credibility than myself to confirm this.

 Rep: 14 

Re: The General and Monsters

We all want stuff confirmed. The history of all this stuff is mental lol. One day there will be a movie starting with Eddie Trunks radio show & finishing with the Monster n The General leak. The soundtrack will be delayed & ironically leak after a copy is left on Jimmy Iovine's desk.

 Rep: 5 

Re: The General and Monsters

Miguelox26 wrote:

Do you see it or not? It doesn't matter what each one believes. You will always see people in the incessant search for material and information and that is precisely what fattens the story, it stretches it. Whoever carries the carrot is the one who brought us here We complain about Scooby, and what do people do who see so attractive the period of inactivity of a music group that disappeared to mutate into another that does not convince anyone and yet continues in search of that material? The belief that The work is incomplete and is still there! I always thought that the craziest person in the asylum was at the helm, and that is Axl and his mysteries!

 Rep: 5 

Re: The General and Monsters

Miguelox26 wrote:

It remains unproven why that is what they are looking for, the uncertainty for the fun of this band is the fuel of this group! A loop!

Rocket Queen 87
 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Does anyone know if Atlas Shrugged is on the list to be released anytime soon, it's pretty good...but ultimately want newly collaborated stuff, fresh, in the moment cuz that is what AXL does best! He's such a perfectionist!!

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