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 Rep: 108 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

war wrote:

that's your opinion and that's fine but when he wakes up is for him to decide
i am just explaining why he bitches and mia doesn't

 Rep: 661 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

monkeychow wrote:

Also...he prob wants to do big numbers to rub it in the face of the skid row boys. Same problem Axl will have.

Anyway...What was his exact quote again? Wasn't he speaking about music piracy and dowloads lowering sales more than just bitching that sales were low.

Piracy in the industry is a problem and surely its its a problem for artists like MIA as well as Sebastian.

Put it like this..its one thing if your album doesn't sell well because people don't want to hear it...its another thing if they want to hear it then go download it...especially if you paid for it yourself.

I'm probably biased on this issue...cos I'm currently making an EP with my band...and recording studios cost a damn fortune!

 Rep: 9 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

Seven wrote:

you know I remember watching the loss of the labels profits unfold with Glee after shit they put me through.. Still amazing how know one, not one person has been able to come up with enough vision to get beyond this.. Yeah these people are the true creative,....An end to Nepotism is upon us.... sooner or later someone is going to figure this out..

 Rep: 661 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah...i mean a lot of people were happy to see the corporate giants take a hit in the industry....but I think it also creates issues for smaller time artisits.

Illegal downloading has become so widespread now that people consider it normal - i had to explain to my drummer that downloading songs from limewire isn't legal...she was just like "Ahh it must be or they'd stop me".

I don't mind people trading in bootlegs and leaks and stuff that isn't comercially around...but when people download albums it damages the chances of more albums being made.

Take my band. We're just a small time independent outfit with no record company backing etc. We want to record an album is going to cost us hundreds if not thousands of bucks. Our option then is to sell the music on itunes/websites and pray we see anything back, but if everyone downloads it for free then we just pain and simple won't. Mind you - we're not even making the music to get rich - its more about the fun and the art and just 'getting it out there' but even at that level - the piracy would prevent it happening making the albums cost us...and who has the funds? If we have to take a thousand dollar loss per album or more - then theres only so many albums that will exist  before we just cant afford to make a new one.

I'm just saying...its not necessarily a good thing.

 Rep: 664 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

James wrote:

i had to explain to my drummer that downloading songs from limewire isn't legal...she was just like "Ahh it must be or they'd stop me".

downloading is as legal as breathing. The only thing illegal is the sharing of copyrighted material, not the downloading of copyrighted material.

Tell your drummer not to share the files on the p2p sites and not to seed any torrents. Then she can download a trillion songs in front of a thousand attorneys and there's nothing they could do but twiddle their thumbs.

 Rep: 485 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

Neemo wrote:

ok looks like incredible and epic are the words of the month again 16

i agree he'll prolly apprea on slash solo album

 Rep: 661 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The only thing illegal is the sharing of copyrighted material, not the downloading of copyrighted material.

That depends where you live i think, i've read what you say is true in places like Canada...but i'm not sure its so lax everywhere else.

If you download the material you have made an unauthorised copy on your machine. That's an infringment.

See here: … ne_the_law

Its only ok to download material if it was uploaded for download by someone authorised to do so.

 Rep: 33 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

Scabbie wrote:

I really hope baz doesn't appear on slash's solo album. Not that I have anything against baz I just expected slash to be a bit more creative in his choice of singers.

 Rep: 661 

Re: New Baz interview - mentions Axl, Slash and CD

monkeychow wrote:

I think slash was going to do a solo album with a lot of different singers wasn't he? So its prob only a track or two.

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