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 Rep: 2 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

guts wrote:

A higher quality version of this show is out and is worth the watch.

 Rep: 14 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

When I looked into this years ago I'm pretty sure I found out that HOB had a service where your gig could be shot by an in house crew (for a charge) I think the tapes were kept on site. It's a long time ago now so I may be conflating it with The Joint. Regardless that's what this version seems to be, with the other version filmed by a crew probably hired by Goldstein.

Haven't studied the audio or compared it to the other versions but pitman and Dizzy seem way higher in the mix than those one's.

 Rep: 2 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

Izzyjim wrote:

Classic show.. Uncle Axl, the exorcist before jungle, bucket...

Thanks for sharing

 Rep: 221 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

polluxlm wrote:

Love this iteration of the band. Sound quality does appear to be better.

Incredible how this was hidden for so many years.

 Rep: 221 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

polluxlm wrote:

I remember at the time Axl got some flak for singing without much rasp, but god damn his voice was still so powerful. He'd learned techniques that he could not do in the 80s and 90s. Just listen to the immense power of this opening scream:

The band is so solid too. I almost want to say Jungle has never sounded better musically.

 Rep: 40 

Re: HOB 2001 New Verision

-Jack- wrote:

Man I would give my left nut to time travel back to this show…

The excitement must have been off the charts. Band sounds great, full of promise…

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