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 Rep: 25 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll... … -rose.html

I'm not sure what has a bigger chance of happening, a reunion or CD. Either way, I'm a happy guy. I, however would be mighty disappointed if CD never comes out and a reunion is the easy way out.

thoughts on this little blurb?

 Rep: 53 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

elmir wrote:

no thoughts....same as all the others before it....
no one can predict what Axl Rose is going to do next...and these guys are just wasting their time...

 Rep: 77 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

TheMole wrote:


This fucker does sound confident doesn't he? I still think he's talking out of his ass (but I nonetheless hope it's true smile ).

 Rep: 664 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

James wrote:

Probably bullshit, but wouldn't surprise me in the least bit. We're going to get reunion rumors, speculation,etc. until it happens. We've always got them, but interest in one happening has increased.

I've said since Azoff was hired that we'll get a reunion, likely within a year. I also think the whole "VR search for a singer" thing is a smokescreen while negotiations happen behind the scenes.

IF this is true, it looks like Adler spilled the beans.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

monkeychow wrote:

Its wierd that it says: "when it unveils it's 'All Star' lineup in the coming months" - when the start of the article was talking the original band. Not that they arn't "all stars" but it just sounds odd like to me that would be a prhase you'd use to announce someone entirely new.

Its a shame they can't come to some kind of agreement you know. If slash and co could/would record parts to go with the CD songs...they could do this in a VERY short period of time...the reunion buzz and money would allow for the "business issues" to be resolved for sure....

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

Sky Dog wrote:

And there is the Onion...Azoff and Axl have got to figure out a way to get a deal where somehow the albums and a new record deal are tied in with a reunion. The only way he can do this is to do some form of 360 deal where the label gets a cut of touring. Axl first and foremost has to resolve the costs incurred over the last 14 years. A way to do that is to guarantee someone a cut of a future new band CD tour AND any potential reunion tour. Axl can do both, and I think he should out of respect for guys like Tommy, Dizzy, and Pitman who never left his side over the last ten years.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

Neemo wrote:

i would have to say that it would be the UYI tour version of the band with appearances here and there of izzy

 Rep: 664 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

James wrote:

Maybe some sort of compromise had to be reached? No Adler, Sorum shoots himself in the foot, so Axl wants Brain/Frank/a new drummer in that spot. Maybe Izzy was against it, and a different member is being considered for that spot.

Assuming this "all star lineup" thing is true, of course.

I'm in the camp that thinks we'll see a 91 lineup reunion, but anything is possible at this point in the saga. Whatever happens, I am leaning towards reunion news being announced long before anything CD related happens.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Let the reunion rumors roll...

Aussie wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'll be shocked if Steven's involved at all and I don't think Izzy would be in it full time. Either way, I predic that by the end of July a reformed "classic GNR" will be announced.

I think it needs Steven, yeah I know he's fucked up beyond belief, but if there is anyway that he may be able to get thru some gigs or a tour, then I believe they would take him.  Yeah I know he's just the drummer, but there is something special about "the original 5".  Obviously Sorum would fill in at the drop of a hat so the backup plan is there if it went off the rails.  Who knows maybe they would even work out a dual role where they alternate between shows??

Personally I would like to see Adler in the lineup.  More and more over time I have begun to really think Sorum is a dick.  Maybe they could get Adler to play each night and just invite Matt along on the tour bus/plane with them so he can continue to bang groupies since that seems to be all he lives for these days.

I believe Izzy would be there no problems.  Whether he would hang around for long or "god forbid write some new tunes with them", I would imagine would depend on how much of a de ja vu experience the whole thing brought him - and I mean that in a negative way.  I really hope if a reunion happens he's there, even better if they can get him to put his mind and talents towards writing some new material.

Ok I will stop dreaming now, back to reality...

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