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 Rep: 14 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

ereeper wrote:

Perfect Crime has not been played by the new band as far as I know.

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Perfect Crime haven't been played since 1992.

It would be cool to hear it again, even if it isn't one of my favorite GN'R songs.

 Rep: 14 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

ereeper wrote:

I always wanted to see Perfect Crime live, but didn't hit the set list lotto in the 90's on that one.

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Sky Dog wrote:

They opened wit h Perfect Crime some in 91.....Birmingham racetrack, 40,000 people standing in the mud, drunk as hell...Axl comes out in the kilt railing on perfect crime....looked and sounded completely insane or coked out of his mind.:beer:

 Rep: 485 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Neemo wrote:

the current tracks done have a track like that...just a balls out fast fucking song...

I was never really a fan of Perfect Crime...until a couple years ago when i redescovered UYI1...its seriously amazing 9

 Rep: 14 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

ereeper wrote:

I love the boot of the 91 Indiana show where Axl belted out Perfect Crime in the most intense performance I've ever seen.

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Sky Dog wrote:

went to that one too! 9

 Rep: 14 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

ereeper wrote:

I always hoped the new band would hit Indiana, but maybe someday.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Gunslinger wrote:
ereeper wrote:

Can someone post the picture of the fake set list from  I'm having trouble locating it and would love to see it again.:mosh:

Neemo already hooked you up (he knows my intentions are great but my memory is shit...and he's right,the setlist was legit) but I try to always keep my word so here is my shot of it zeroed in a bit:

 Rep: 227 

Re: Seeking Fake Set List Picture

Will wrote:

Id love to know whats handwritten next to Prostitute smile Cant make it out and doubt Del will share a higher res copy with us somehow

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