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 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

James wrote:

Time Magazine's favorite track was eliminated in the 1st round.

I'm voting track 2 until its gone. It just doesn't match up against all these other songs.

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

If The World.

And damn, that was hard.

 Rep: 14 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

ereeper wrote:

It was painful, but I went with Rhiad.  I've always loved this song.  I like the demo, but something is just lacking.  I think an alternate recording will give this song a boost.

...and I'll start the campaign to keep Prostitute for the time being.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 57 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

supaplex wrote:

song 2. can't believe this lasted more than irs

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

Bono wrote:

I gotta vote off Riyadh. The begining of the song is tolerable but the second half I find myself always thinking "what the fuck is this shit". Even when I have it on in the background my mind always wanders back to it durring the secodn half and me thinking "My god this is shit."

 Rep: 39 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

-Jack- wrote:

Voted off Chinese Democracy.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

Aussie wrote:

Riyadh - as I said somewhere else, it's that grating ahhh ahhh ahhh by Axl that ruins it for me.

It's like "ay ay ay ay yeah from KOHD" - but worse.  That was tolerable this isn't.

 Rep: 14 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

ereeper wrote:

I like the screaming.  This is always the song I thought had the most Led Zep in it.  Reminds me of Fire and Ice.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Chinese Democracy Elimination- Round 2

I'm voting Maddy until it's gone, but seeing that it won't go yet I'm really hoping it's #2 that dies a painful death right here.

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