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 Rep: 8 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Slashisvr wrote:

i used to have a few demo's when they were looking for a singer, but have lost them :wtf:

Does anyone have any please?

there was one i really liked, sounded pure 80's cheese lol

 Rep: 287 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Aussie wrote:

Which ones are you after, here is what I have.  Yeah I know there's some offical stuff in there it was easier to copy and paste the whole lot rather than pick out the demos.  Let me know and I will put any demos up on megaupload.

Psycho Killer
Come on Come In
No More No More
Gas & a Dollar a Laugh
Negative Creep
Bodies (live)
Wish you were here (live)
Used to love her (acoustic)
Interestate love song (acoustic)
The last fight 92.3 K Rock
Big Machine (Demo)
Slither (Acoustic)
Fall to pieces (Demo)
Slither (Demo)
Loving the Alien (Demo)
Eye for an Eye (Kelly Shaefer Audition)
Time for Pleasin

 Rep: 8 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Slashisvr wrote:

time for pleasin is the one i was after big_smile

could you up that for me please?

 Rep: 88 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Gunslinger wrote:
Slashisvr wrote:

time for pleasin is the one i was after could you up that for me please?


 Rep: 8 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Slashisvr wrote:

cheers man big_smile your a fuckin great help to me big_smile

 Rep: 88 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Gunslinger wrote:
Slashisvr wrote:

cheers man big_smile your a fuckin great help to me big_smile

No problem bro!

 Rep: 227 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Will wrote:

From my MSN conversation with James about half an hour ago.....

Will says: do ya remember the demo that leaked for "the project". called 'pleasin' with some nobody singing vocals
J L says: havent heard it in ages
Will says: nah me neither. lost it a long time ago though wouldnt mind hearing it again. will have to ask slinger or somebody
J L says: lol. he posted it yesterday
J L says:
Will says: haha amazing 
Will says: i hope its every bit as cheesy as i remember it

Great minds think alike I guess 9 ...and the song was just as cheesy as I remembered it to be. Still better than Weiland though.

 Rep: 8 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Slashisvr wrote:
downliner wrote:

From my MSN conversation with James about half an hour ago.....

Will says: do ya remember the demo that leaked for "the project". called 'pleasin' with some nobody singing vocals
J L says: havent heard it in ages
Will says: nah me neither. lost it a long time ago though wouldnt mind hearing it again. will have to ask slinger or somebody
J L says: lol. he posted it yesterday
J L says:
Will says: haha amazing 
Will says: i hope its every bit as cheesy as i remember it

Great minds think alike I guess 9 ...and the song was just as cheesy as I remembered it to be. Still better than Weiland though.

i love the song, been listening to it all day, IMO if it was every put on record, it would be one of the best VR songs, mind you, maybe im stuck in the 80's cheese lol

 Rep: 661 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

monkeychow wrote:

Its interesting to hear the VR auditions to see how the band could have been different without scott (and will be again now I guess!)

Is there any other audition stuff out there other than "Pleasin" and "Eye for an Eye" and "Room 169"....or is that all that exists?

Also is there a version of Room 169 that goes more than 1.44? As mine seems to stop abruptly!!


 Rep: 88 

Re: Request : VR Demo's

Gunslinger wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Its interesting to hear the VR auditions to see how the band could have been different without scott (and will be again now I guess!)

Is there any other audition stuff out there other than "Pleasin" and "Eye for an Eye" and "Room 169"....or is that all that exists?

Also is there a version of Room 169 that goes more than 1.44? As mine seems to stop abruptly!!


That's the only three I know of personally with Kelly Shaefer and unfortunately Room 169 ends at 1:44 (except for one demo that says "1:51" but doesn't start until :07, making it 1:44 in reality also) and does appear to be cut off on every demo I've heard.

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