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 Rep: 341 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

bigbri wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

No one here is a retard, and you should refrain from referring to us as such. Other than that, you make a good point as there are basically jokers everywhere doing this type of thing.

Full disclosure here: I am a retard.

 Rep: 661 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

monkeychow wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Mysteron said it's intended to be the first single.

It seems kind of silly to put anything other than an album track and the first single on the game. Why would you want the track that will garner the most attention to be absent from the album?

Well ...just to play devil's advocate, it depends *why* the album never comes out. We are told it's some kind of business could be being released as some kind of tactic or demonstration in that battle.

I love GNR, but one thing is for sure, they don't always do what we would expect them to do. As much as I hope this is the beginning of a CD release rampage, we really should stick with what we know for sure, and the only offical thing is really one isolated song on a computer game.

 Rep: 14 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

Dadud wrote:

FFS. I edited my post so get over it please? I was angry at something else and i tend to take my anger out on anything

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

James wrote:
Dadud wrote:

FFS. I edited my post so get over it please? I was angry at something else and i tend to take my anger out on anything

Get over what? All I said was for you not to call people retards here. It reminds me of a couple other GNR sites, and this place isn't going in that direction.

Just because you're angry about something else doesn't give you the right to vent that at people of this community. If you're that angry, hit the logout button until you stop being angry.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

faldor wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I don't think it's staged or a fake, I think the guy was real, duped, and knows a little bit about the behind the scenes of the game & band. A little bit however.

monkeychow wrote:

i wonder if we're really getting 4 albums? He seemed to be saying it was just something he'd heard around the place...maybe he'd just heard second hand forum rumours?

I agree, this guy probably works for the designing company & wasn't in on the negotiating etc. He's probably only heard the song while playing/testing the game at work, & someone at work who was with him mentioned it's going to be 3 or 4 albums. The VMA thing has some legitimacy, as it's an MTV game, but again, someone with him might have remembered they played the 2002 VMA's & they were speculating they might play them again this year.

Take everything with a grain of salt, don't get your panties in a tizzy.

Yeah I think we're giving this guy too much credit that he's in the know, whether the video is legit or staged.  He doesn't bring up anything earth shattering and most importantly doesn't confirm anything.  Sure he could've heard some whispers around the halls about a 4 album release or an MTV VMA performance.  Any one of us could've come up with those stories.  It only makes sense that "Shackler's Revenge" would signal the start of promotion.  But this is GNR and nothing makes sense in the land of GNR so I wouldn't count on anything at this point.  Take it one step at a time.  We've got a new song to look forward to in the fall.  What happens after that?  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

 Rep: 80 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

Backslash wrote:

Totally.  This guy doesn't know dick.  He knows the track in the game and maybe a bit about the VMAs (doubt it).  I work at an oil company but I don't know when the next price hike is...

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

James wrote:
Backslash wrote:

I work at an oil company but I don't know when the next price hike is...

I'll tell you, but its gotta be "off the record"......

 Rep: 39 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

-Jack- wrote:

You guys are acting like Harmonix is some giant corporation and that there is no way employees would share business info with each other. The actual team (not including basic testers etc. Which aren't a part of the actual team and more like temp employees) is probably only 20-30 people MAX and is a close knit group of people who enjoy working together.

There is no reason to think this guy, who's company is owned by MTV, which technically makes him an MTV employee, wouldn't have some credible info about a band that is in his game.

So either way, I don't see why some people are making this sound impossible. It's totally probable and even likely. Harmonix won't allow discussion of the video on their forum because it's fake? Doubt it. If it was fake they could just deny it (which they haven't convincingly)

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

Aussie wrote:

Do know what I think is really funny about this Rockband 2 shit - Australia still hasn't even had Rockband 1 (the original released here).  Apparantly there has been no good reason for the delay either.

You can't buy the first Rockband shit here yet and they are already putting out Rockband 2.

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums

James wrote:

Is Rock Band 2 even being released there? Does Australia have various laws in place for certain video games? I know some countries ban them, but its usually the ones with tons of violence.

Hard to imagine an old game not being released yet. I thought this shit was released everywhere around the same time(at least within weeks) of each other.

Was the GTA series banned there?

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