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 Rep: 423 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

buzzsaw wrote:

Given Beta's history, it's pretty credible.  Beta has been know to go off on people from time to time (right Neemo?) as has Del and Axl himself.  I don't know MSL personally, but he has a history of living up to his word.  Put the pieces together and it looks true to me.  If it's not true, the GnR camp has nobody to blame but themselves for everybody believing it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Aussie wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

I am new here, and i'd just like to ask, how credible is this guys information? i am aware that with any source of information there is guaranteed to be exaggerations and embellishments, but the alleged conversations with beta and her bashing of the hardcore fans etc, how much of that could actually be cited as bullshit, and how much of it truth. has this guy proven himself to be legitimate in the past?
any information would be greatly appreciated.

These conversations with Beta happened after MSL's first lot of leaks.  He described them in posts at the time, but that seemed to go under the radar a bit.  Now in the most recent interview he has just mentioned them again.  We only have is word on the nature of the conversations but he did have a lot of contact with the GNR camp after the first lot of leaks.

The Beta bashing fans is actually well known outside of MSL's comments, she used to go onto HTGTH and rip into fans on the open forum as well as in PM's.  I've read the ones that were on the open forum personally.  You can still actually see some of her posts on HTGTH I think (assuming they haven't been deleted).

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Sky Dog wrote:

He is a wrestler for God's sake! I would imagine he can embellish quite alot.:laugh:

 Rep: 287 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Aussie wrote:
madagas wrote:

He is a wrestler for God's sake! I would imagine he can embellish quite alot.:laugh:

Nooooo - don't try and tell me that wrestling is fake, I simply won't believe it 14

 Rep: 633 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 67 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Tommie wrote:

Here is part 3:


Hey guys! Part 3.

MSL Interview P3

GnrS; That makes sense. Any other ones, you did mention Better with acoustic guitar.

MSL; I never heard that, that was just something the people of Portugal had. What people gotta understand, there's dozens of mixes of some of these songs that get hoarded, cos everybody gets a different disk, and every disk has different versions. So just like with Antiquiet, when we got those nine songs and it was a lot of different versions of stuff we already had, well the guys in portugal had their own version of Better as well which I was just never able to get because the stuff I had leaked before I could get everything out of them. I don't wanna rehash a bunch of stuff, if people wanna look the story up, it's out there. But, yeah, there is another version of Better but I never heard it, even the people in Portugal didn't think it was that big a deal, they just said it was slightly different.

GnrS; I have to ask, if you did get Axl instead of Beta on the line, what would you say to him?

MSL; Honestly, if Axl was willing to talk rationally, I dunno what I'd say, because I think my main objective would be to get him to look at the hardcore fanbase in a different light, certainly I understand his perspective, one of the things the Gnr camp was adamant about, and Beta especially, was Axl wrote that open letter, in late '06 where he wrote that open letter to everybody [The one talking about the tour, and how he was upset about it] the one where he talked about the tentative release date and really the only thing he's ever given to us in recent time. That took a lot for Axl to do that, because he's a very sensitive guy, and obviously overly sensitive when it comes to criticism. And he obviously thought he would for the fanbase and wrote something like that, and get nothing but praise. And the thing he's gotta understand is, there's nobody in this world that can do anything that's gonna get universal praise on the internet, the internet is a breeding ground for negativity, it's where people can anonymously go and burn off some steam, and criticise anything they want. So when he wrote that letter, and a lot of people were critical of it, that was his one attempt at reaching out to the fans, sticking his hand out, and he feels like that hand was slapped away, so all I could say to him is "you gotta understand, that a large percentage of the fan base really appreciated him trying to be honest with us, and you can't allow those 20 or 30 percent who are gonna shit on anything deter you from really trying to restore some sort of good will with the fans. The same way those 20 or 30 percent of the people are gonna shit on anything I do, they'll listen to this interview and say "MSL's an attention whore and this and that", "fuck msl". There's nothing I can do to stop that, so all I can do is not let it phase me. I do what I do for the fans that wanna hear new music and appreciate they get to hear new stuff, and the guys that don't appreciate that; more power to them.

GnrS; As far as those deserving appreciation, any other people behind the scenes who can't be acknowledge that you'd want to acknowledge?

MSL; There's probably a lot of people that don't want their names mentioned, I will say this though; when I try to go back in time, to how I got all wrapped into this, the two guys that really stick out are DarkNemus, and then there's this guy that posts on GnrRevolution under the name BurningHills. And I don't even know how I started talking to this guy, all I know is last year, when there was a site, and the only reason I found it was they were talking about my original offer, back when none of the other sites would let anyone talk about it. This burninghills guy, every step of the way, just shooting the shit with me to keep me going, keep me motivated and, you know, it's very hard to work on this stuff day in and day out, with no sleep, and this guy BurningHills is always there, just encouraging me not to stop.

GnrS; That's great

MSL; I don't know if anyone knows who he is, and I dunno if anyone cares who he is, but he's just some random dude that I met on some board and he's friends with DarkNemus, and we would not have anything if it wasn't for this guy, I would have lost my mind and given in, and he's saying "hey dude, calm down, just keep working"

GnrS; So what's next for you with regards GnR?

MSL; I think after this I'm done, because I can't imagine how anybody would ever trust me again, and that was one of the hard things from last year, how do I even negotiate with anybody or pretend I have material, or try to negotiate trades or this or that, when everybody knows I'm full of shit and I'm gonna leak, ya know. [laughs]. Am I gonna leak right away? No. Me and Nemus always try and trade for more songs, but ultimately everyone is gonna get everything that me and Nemus have, so after this one, well it was one in a million that I pulled off anything last year, so therefore it's one in a billion that I did it again when everyone was leery of dealing with me. I think i'm done, I don't think anyone will ever trust me ever again, nor should they. I've never even for a second worked under an Alias, it's not like I work under some other name, I'm always up front about who I am, i'm Saint Laurent, the crazy fucker wrestler, the AWA world tag team champion, then suddenly people think it's someone posing at Saint Laurent, that it's just being used as a cover, no, that's me, I never hide who I am.

GnrS; I should ask, I understand you've spent a lot of money on long distance phone calls making all this happen, and..

MSL; [interrupts] The phone bill does get racked up.

GnrS; So if anyone wants to send a paypal donation towards yours phone bill, your email address is;

MSL; You can say it, I don't wanna say it.

GnrS; They can send a kindly donation your way if they're so inclined, correct?

MSL; Yeah, well, I can't stop someone from paypalling me money, and it'll be nice cos the phone bills end up being hundreds of dollars after this kind of stuff, but certainly I'm not comfortable soliciting money for obvious reasons, I don't do this for money, and all said and done I don't wanna lose hundreds of dollars, but if I do, I do.

GnrS; Well if you get a free Quiznose out of the deal?

MSL; It's a small price to pay.

GnrS; That's awesome. Anything else about this whole adventure you'd want to tell people about? I'm hoping and i'm guessing that you're going to be posting more on your site in the near future?

MSL; I hope so, and I think things are just beginning to unravel. I think it's gonna take a few days for the media to pick up on this, I get hundreds and hundreds of emails saying thank you. If you wanna thank me, in addition to the phone bill, the best thing they can do is talk about this anywhere they can. Other sites, if they know anyone that writes a music blog, or anything, talk about Guns N' Roses, talk about what happened. Because the more my name gets out there, the more people come to me, I don't know why peopel come to me when they know ultimately I'm gonna leak, but they do come to me. So the bigger name I get, for whatever reason these people come out of the woodwork and they come to me, and so that's the biggest thank you, would be just getting the word out. Every article written about this, every blog that mentions this, it makes it so that in the future when maybe someone does get material and they're scared of leaking or this and that, they know they can come to me cos I'm the one guy, I'll take the heat head on, and if Guns N' Roses wanna come after me, then ok, let's do it. And I think it makes some of these guys comfortable knowing I'll take the heat so they can work in the shadows.

GnrS; Right, right. Very good. Well listen I really appreciated your time here tonight, hopefully you're gonna get some sleep soon?

MSL; Yeah, I hope so. This hasn't been nearly as bad as last year, cos last year when I was dealing with the guys in portugal, it was so nutty and the time difference over there made things tough, and a whole week went by, and in that time, I got maybe two hours sleep. I was dealing with so many different people in so many different time zones, that I needed to be awake every second of the day in case someone called or someone emailed, so you know, it takes so much out of you, and i make no secret of the fact that i'm a manic depressive.

GnrS; Well, hopefully you're feeling pretty good right now!

MSL; Yeah, obviously, if you're manic depressive, when your manic it feels fucking great! So who knows how many more hours i'll have this rush going on, and eventually I'll crash and i'll wake up, and the only thing I can hope is, when I wake up and i check the sites and stuff, that people don't trash me too bad. Cos i try not to let it get to me, but I think it's silly when you've got someone that's enjoying the song, and at the same time they're like "ah, MSL shouldn't leak this stuff". If you don't think I should leak it, then don't download it.

GnrS; I've gotta ask, were you completely taken aback and suprised by the Antiquiet leaks? Was that complete news to you as it was to everyone else?

MSL; Um, no. Because Incognite put so much work in, and in the same way I was inspired by DarkNemus, Incognito never hid the fact he was inspired by me. I was thankful he was calling me and allowing me to give him tips and try to help him out so he could learn from my experiences. I wasn't suprised because Incognito got his hands on some stuff, so I knew stuff was out there and I knew the guy who sent him stuff was ultimately gonna want stuff out there on a grander scale. People gotta understand, there's two types of leak; you've got the hoarders in the guns n' roses community that try to sell the songs or trade them or this and that, but sometimes you also just get guys in the music business that aren't really even fans that have aquired stuff through their unusual line of work, they've got a disc laying for six months, and once VH1 is sitting there going "there's a million dollars at stake" someone is gonna say "man, this is ridiculous, these poor guns n' roses fans". I've got friends that work in the music industry, I've got my buddy who helps out with some stuff, shit they look at the guns n' roses fans and they just feel bad for us. Sometimes, they just want to throw us a bone!

GnrS; God bless 'em! [laughs] Listen, thanks a lot, I really appreciate your time here tonight.

MSL; Not a problem. If you wanna post the mp3 that's fine, if people want a transcript, you do it if you think it's best. I'm not too familiar with but I will make sure to check it out as soon as I hang up the phone.

GnrS; Sounds good, I'm just a guy who's been a reader there, but seeing how you and everyone else in the community has been trying to do something good
for all the rest of us who've been suffering, I figured this was the least I could do to pitch in. So thanks again for everything, get some rest, and
keep us all posted on your adventures.


EDIT:  I also updated the first post in the thread so it has the whole interview in it.

 Rep: 475 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

misterID wrote:

Again, I don't see anything "damaging" in that interview.

And wasn't Merck the one taking credit for that letter? That wasn't the fans. And if I remember right, that letter was widely praised. There were a few people with legit skeptisms largely do to Del James, Beta, jarmo and Merck's antics, but there was nothing bad on the fans part. There were a couple assholes, but Axl came off very well from that letter. I don't see how he thinks the fans slapped his hand away. Beta and jarmo were stirring shit up in that thread by overreacting and trying to start fights... I guess because they knew Axl was probably reading it. But if memory serves, it was the 2 years of silence after that letter that got people pissed at Axl.

 Rep: 661 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

monkeychow wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

I am new here, and i'd just like to ask, how credible is this guys information? i am aware that with any source of information there is guaranteed to be exaggerations and embellishments, but the alleged conversations with beta and her bashing of the hardcore fans etc, how much of that could actually be cited as bullshit, and how much of it truth. has this guy proven himself to be legitimate in the past?
any information would be greatly appreciated.

He is truthful in the sence that when he says he will release and share leaks, he will do it. However it seems he obtained the original leaks by manipulating, lying and conning various people. (Not that they didn't have it comming. Horders Suck!). But much of his inital posts seemed to be saying that he is smarter than anyone else so can trick anyone into anything. So i'd also take any details he gives with a grain of salt that he may have an agenda of his own - such as promotion.

Its great that MSL ended the hording of some fans - its stupid that some people have stuff and others don't. I'm just saying he clearly isn't the msot straightforward guy out there.

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Sky Dog wrote:

speaking of soap operas....can anyone explain what Azoff said on one of the boards? Was it actually confirmed as him and what was the conversation about?

 Rep: 67 

Re: MSL's GnRSource interview transcript

Tommie wrote:
madagas wrote:

speaking of soap operas....can anyone explain what Azoff said on one of the boards? Was it actually confirmed as him and what was the conversation about?

You mean what he said on

Cant you just wait for the release?


Irving didn't post that.

If anyone had had contact with any mods or admins at cd, I'd love to know what they said.

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