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 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Axlin16 wrote:

But hate it, but Wal-Mart is the way to go with music artists today that want make 'old school' money.

And CD is an album that is 'epic-ly' in the red. The only way it'd turn a profit is a deal like this.

 Rep: 6 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

JordanRose wrote:

Are you guys discussing MSL's latest?

the events of the last week have really changed the GNR landscape when it comes to the hoarding of information and material. the more fernando attacked me, the more people i had emailing in to say that they'd received songs from him in the past. the more azoff threatened journalists, the more people i had emailing in with stories their editors were prohibiting them from writing.

i've had to sit on this story a day or two longer than i would have liked as it took quite a bit of time to double source the facts. however, after speaking to multiple sources with knowledge of the situation, is pleased to report the following:

the current intended release date for CHINESE DEMOCRACY is november 25, 2008. it is azoff's strong preference that the release be done through best buy and not wal-mart. i've been told his reasoning is two-fold. #1, azoff's goal is to be able to create future bidding wars between the two retail giants for his other acts and feels best buy will lose interest in these type of promotions if they always lose out to wal-mart. #2, if he goes with wal-mart, he has to convince axl to swap a couple of tracks from volume 1 with tracks from the other volumes to avoid the dreaded parental advisory warning.

i was also told that the story was leaked by azoff to put pressure on best buy to up their offer and close the deal. it's no coincidence that this story hit right before wal-mart's AC/DC deal was finally publically announced. it is azoff's hope that fear of ending up with egg on their face will force best buy to roll out the red carpet in every imaginable way for chinese democracy.

questions, comments, news, and songs can be sent to:

 Rep: 11 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Roxxie wrote:

That sounds pretty plausible, I wonder where he got that from?  I'd still put a bet on that date coming and going with no album though.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

JordanRose wrote:

Are you guys discussing MSL's latest?

the events of the last week have really changed the GNR landscape when it comes to the hoarding of information and material. the more fernando attacked me, the more people i had emailing in to say that they'd received songs from him in the past. the more azoff threatened journalists, the more people i had emailing in with stories their editors were prohibiting them from writing.

i've had to sit on this story a day or two longer than i would have liked as it took quite a bit of time to double source the facts. however, after speaking to multiple sources with knowledge of the situation, is pleased to report the following:

the current intended release date for CHINESE DEMOCRACY is november 25, 2008. it is azoff's strong preference that the release be done through best buy and not wal-mart. i've been told his reasoning is two-fold. #1, azoff's goal is to be able to create future bidding wars between the two retail giants for his other acts and feels best buy will lose interest in these type of promotions if they always lose out to wal-mart. #2, if he goes with wal-mart, he has to convince axl to swap a couple of tracks from volume 1 with tracks from the other volumes to avoid the dreaded parental advisory warning.

i was also told that the story was leaked by azoff to put pressure on best buy to up their offer and close the deal. it's no coincidence that this story hit right before wal-mart's AC/DC deal was finally publically announced. it is azoff's hope that fear of ending up with egg on their face will force best buy to roll out the red carpet in every imaginable way for chinese democracy.

questions, comments, news, and songs can be sent to:

To be quite honest, I think he used his own logic, and a few bits of information to figure that out.  We all know they want this out for X-Mas shopping, thus ensuring it will be a mid to late November release (either the 18th or 25th).  Secondly, it was obvious mentioning Best Buy and Wal-Mart together in the leak to the press was a bargaining chip.  We also know that Best Buy is preferrable for a multitude of reasons (language, image, etc.).

 Rep: 14 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

alexh0618 wrote:

...take one down, pass it around, 832,936,492 shakers of salt on the wall...

But in all seriousness, this no reason to get that excited. Even axl rose cant give a real date, so why would we trust/believe this one. This is not a dig at MSL, I love the guy but a November release date rumor is nothing new. Just wait for the label to announce a date then we can get excited and put on our party hats.

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

James wrote:


We're closer now than we've ever been. I know the fanbase is a bit "anti-Azoff" at the moment, but his track record speaks for itself.

 Rep: 21 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

It's as good a date as any, but without knowing who the sources are, not much we can do but file it away.

Azoff isn't a bad guy, just defending his clients' work.  But the thrust of his attack should be the hoarders who have these songs, not the one who leaked it to the masses. Once the songs have entered the bloodstream of one member of the public listening audience, it is nearly impossible to plug the leak. Azoff should trace back the source of the initial leak and begin due civil process. Watch your head, Fernando.

 Rep: 39 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

-Jack- wrote:

No joke, I'm all for MSLs info and leaks, but this is a bit scary because it could jeapordize the album coming out. Now, I do doubt that Best Buy will end up reading MSLs blog (if they do good for him!) but imagine they do and get pissed/decide not to pay what GNR wants for the exclusive rights... Then we get a Walmart exclusive release, thus meaning we get a censored "retracklisting" version of the album instead of what Axl originally intended.

I'm all for leaking of top secret info, but I don't want to let the plans mess up this close to the release date. Of course, if I had to choose I'd take info from MSL instead of silence from GNR, I'm just saying, I hope the release goes as planned. Novemeber sounds perfect.

Any other juicy stories MSL? Sounds like you've gotten alot smile. Thanks for all this info.

(ps sorry for spelling errors, I'm on my phone)

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

I'm thinking it's too good to be true. A single (that's a good song, no less) on a major video game getting press coverage, then an album release that makes sense and is executed in a smart way financially?

Here's hoping.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Neemo wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Now, I do doubt that Best Buy will end up reading MSLs blog (if they do good for him!) but imagine they do and get pissed/decide not to pay what GNR wants for the exclusive rights... Then we get a Walmart exclusive release, thus meaning we get a censored "retracklisting" version of the album instead of what Axl originally intended.

or both companies get pissed and say fuck you for getting played against one another...wouldnt that suck, then we have to wait for someone else to bite and  in the process it may be less $$$ than would have been possible before, so geffen decides to wait until its more feasible to move ahead...then we are all fucked

if fernando is leaking all this material hes an asshole cuz Axl trusted him with that shit...maybe Yoda shoulda looked a little closer at his inner circle for bad karma

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