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 Rep: 39 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

-Jack- wrote:

^^^ Yeah I was going to say that too but it was just too much to type out on a tiny phone.

Wouldn't that be the fucking worst? I doubt it though.. so yeah, MSL I wanna hear those other stories you've been talking about! Pretty please big_smile?

 Rep: 39 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

-Jack- wrote:

In all fairness to Fernando, I mean, even if it was him, people make mistakes you know? And it's a bummer to think that, even though he has come off a bit hard on some GNR fans, that he would suddenly be "a leaking bastard" or something.

I mean, if I knew Axl Rose and had some of his new songs, of course I would show some of my friends. I'm sure Axl would encourage that, seeing as Fernando is probably like his second son. For all we know, one of his friends could have stolen the songs from him... so while thats naive of him, it's not anything he should take too much crap for.

Let's keep the conversation on the Best Buy/Walmart thing smile

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

James wrote:

Blah. I'm not feeling sorry for GNR at this point. Too much hype, promises, broken promises, false starts,etc.

If anything is being planned, MSL giving the scoop will not affect GNR in any ways. If they say it did, the album was never on the launch pad to begin with.

Leaked info/songs speed things up, not slow them down.

If this is really happening, I give kudos to Azoff for trying to eliminate the grade school soap opera concept that new GNR has always been knee deep in and trying to turn this album into something real.

 Rep: 1 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

DbeDz wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

In all fairness to Fernando, I mean, even if it was him, people make mistakes you know? And it's a bummer to think that, even though he has come off a bit hard on some GNR fans, that he would suddenly be "a leaking bastard" or something.

I mean, if I knew Axl Rose and had some of his new songs, of course I would show some of my friends. I'm sure Axl would encourage that, seeing as Fernando is probably like his second son. For all we know, one of his friends could have stolen the songs from him... so while thats naive of him, it's not anything he should take too much crap for.

Sooooo, if we are downloading motherfuckers for listening to leaks, what does that make him?  A source is still a source to me.

Surely Axl wouldn't just let just anyone 'leave' any amount of Chinese f'n Democracy out to get ripped off whilst Fern was in the bathroom scraping the bottom of the Vaseline jar out, right?  11

Well, maybe, Catcher, but none of the other songs.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Aussie wrote:

Azoff's etc al complete over reaction to SR's leak (when we were gonna get it in a few weeks anyhow) when compared to all the other leaks is interesting.

Makes me think that there is not just SR floating around but possibly a lot more.  This fear (and I have said it before) is possibly the only thing that could force Axl's hand.  It's why I have wondered in the past if someone in or related to the GN'R camp or record company have intentionally leaked tracks to try and break the deadlock with Axl 

If there is a real risk that the whole thing could just leak then $$ return from an offical release is obviously decimated. 

They may just be pushing this thing out now as quickly as possible with this thought in mind.

 Rep: 39 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

-Jack- wrote:
DbeDz wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

In all fairness to Fernando, I mean, even if it was him, people make mistakes you know? And it's a bummer to think that, even though he has come off a bit hard on some GNR fans, that he would suddenly be "a leaking bastard" or something.

I mean, if I knew Axl Rose and had some of his new songs, of course I would show some of my friends. I'm sure Axl would encourage that, seeing as Fernando is probably like his second son. For all we know, one of his friends could have stolen the songs from him... so while thats naive of him, it's not anything he should take too much crap for.

Sooooo, if we are downloading motherfuckers for listening to leaks, what does that make him?  A source is still a source to me.

Surely Axl wouldn't just let just anyone 'leave' any amount of Chinese f'n Democracy out to get ripped off whilst Fern was in the bathroom scraping the bottom of the Vaseline jar out, right?  11

Well, maybe, Catcher, but none of the other songs.

I'm not saying he's not the source, just that, it's dumb to give the guy shit like we care about the songs leaking (like I've seen people doing on other sites) when really, who cares? The more leaks the better. I don't blame Fernando at all and I sort of feel bad for him to be honest. That's all I was saying.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Blah. I'm not feeling sorry for GNR at this point. Too much hype, promises, broken promises, false starts,etc.

If anything is being planned, MSL giving the scoop will not affect GNR in any ways. If they say it did, the album was never on the launch pad to begin with.

Leaked info/songs speed things up, not slow them down.

If this is really happening, I give kudos to Azoff for trying to eliminate the grade school soap opera concept that new GNR has always been knee deep in and trying to turn this album into something real.

Great post. I completely agree.

Albums are so EASY to release these days. Artists put albums out on iTunes ALL THE TIME, and it just takes a couple months to get the paperwork in order, if that.

If this album was truely on the launchpad... it would find a way. Somehow.

But if Wal-Mart & Best Buy, or GN'R themselves back out of this because of something MSL said, it's just Axl once again fighting his 'spite war' against the fans & internet. If the album has been delivered, truely, than I sure hope he's signed the papers and the news just hasn't leaked, because once he does that - it's a done deal. It's out of his hands at that point.

But at this point with this album's history, ONLY an Azoff could get all of this done. If he can't do it, no one can. And I stick by my original prediction that the window is closing. No album in 2008 = no album ever.

It felt close in 2002, even closer in 2006... but this time it feels like it might really happen.

We'll see...

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Neemo wrote:
-Jack- wrote:
DbeDz wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

In all fairness to Fernando, I mean, even if it was him, people make mistakes you know? And it's a bummer to think that, even though he has come off a bit hard on some GNR fans, that he would suddenly be "a leaking bastard" or something.

I mean, if I knew Axl Rose and had some of his new songs, of course I would show some of my friends. I'm sure Axl would encourage that, seeing as Fernando is probably like his second son. For all we know, one of his friends could have stolen the songs from him... so while thats naive of him, it's not anything he should take too much crap for.

Sooooo, if we are downloading motherfuckers for listening to leaks, what does that make him?  A source is still a source to me.

Surely Axl wouldn't just let just anyone 'leave' any amount of Chinese f'n Democracy out to get ripped off whilst Fern was in the bathroom scraping the bottom of the Vaseline jar out, right?  11

Well, maybe, Catcher, but none of the other songs.

I'm not saying he's not the source, just that, it's dumb to give the guy shit like we care about the songs leaking (like I've seen people doing on other sites) when really, who cares? The more leaks the better. I don't blame Fernando at all and I sort of feel bad for him to be honest. That's all I was saying.

i dont blame MSL for leaking material he has obtained..i'm sure most of us would do the same...but IF .... and a big if ... fernando leaked it to MSL ..or anyone its pretty crappy of can Axl blame fans for listening if someone in his inner circle is putting it out there in the first place..

i'm not sorry i heard the tracks either. i'm just saying that it would be a shitty thing to do to someone you knew and were close to thats all I'm sure Axl is/was very trusting of fernando...this would be no different than stealing a $20 out of your grandma's purse while she was getting you a cookie out of the jar

its just shitty when people treat those close to them that way..and what for? internet fame and legitimacy? sad

MSL has no direct tie to Axl...what does he care...hes just like you or i, why keep it all to himself...thousands of others want to hear it as well

anyway it appears that the leaks have come from the band...jsut not in the way we were thinking of

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

Arcade Roses wrote:

Right, can somebody clear this up, NOW:

[Matty22] 2:49 am: this is the one thing ill agree with
[Arcade Roses] 2:49 am: Chase in answer to your earlier question WE KNOW WHO PLAYS THE PARTS.  On the
leaks, BH, Finck, Huge, Stinson (bass), etc..  Live, 4tus/BBF attempt BH, etc..
[eye2eye] 2:49 am: only his riffs on few songs are good and Slither solo is nice
[The Lounge]: hitmanhart408 has entered at 2:50 am
    [Chase the Ace] 2:50 am: well here is what i will repeat
[axl_04] 2:50 am: Why can't we just all have our own opinion. U r never going to convince the other person
[eye2eye] 2:50 am: but majority of songs he sucks , he is good when he palyes solo like "hey Joe "
[Arcade Roses] 2:50 am: Ok, fair enough.
    [Chase the Ace] 2:50 am: get your head out of Bucket's ass and realize he isn't coming back
[eye2eye] 2:51 am: I just want to know, why BBF shred on KOHD, and whre is his feeling playing, he doesn't
even play "Madagascar" which has great feeling solo by Buckethead
[The Lounge]: gnrforever has left at 2:51 am
[eye2eye] 2:51 am: Buckethead has enourmour feeling , and emotional playing
    [Chase the Ace] 2:51 am: I don't remember Bucket having a solo in Maddy
[axl_04] 2:51 am: lol chase. If Buckethead is so great then why did he use Axl to gain popularity?
[Arcade Roses] 2:51 am: But just remember this: Axl begged BH back before and I would not be surprised if he is
doing so again.  He WANTS to give us good music, and could not do so with 'impersonators' like 4tus and Bumble
now being the only guitarists in the band, Frank drumming/banging, MSL threatening pointless leaks when the album
IS coming, and other matters.  These are facts.  END OF STORY.
     [Matty22] 2:51 am: It's the middle onechase
[AZOFF] 2:52 am: For Christ Sakes, Bumble was in the band not enough time to learn the material to learn the
material before they started touring. Bumble learned the songs on the road. The others were playing those songs for
years. As the tour went on Bumble got better and better and started taking over more solos.

     [Matty22] 2:52 am: Bucket won't re join GNR
    [Chase the Ace] 2:52 am: thank you AZOFF
    [Chase the Ace] 2:52 am: this is why I love you
     [Matty22] 2:52 am: Azoff is win
[Arcade Roses] 2:53 am: Hello AZOFF.  I have a question: are you Irving Azoff, manager of the band, or someone
[Arcade Roses] 2:53 am: Matty I agree I doubt BH will come back but who knows.   
[The Lounge]: Incognito1 has entered at 2:53 am
[The Lounge]: Bumbles N Roses has left at 2:53 am
     [Matty22] 2:53 am: Well Axl said some really harsh shit about him when he left and Bucket HAS to do
stuff constantly
    [Chase the Ace] 2:54 am: I like Angus Young more than anyother guitarist in GNR other than Fortus
[AZOFF] 2:54 am: There is many people watching you right now.
[Arcade Roses] 2:54 am: AZOFF, re.: 'As the tour went on Bumble got better and better and started taking over more
solos'.  Yes, the ABSENSE OF 'T.W.A.T.' just goes to show how true that really is....
[DrRedFox] 2:54 am: cool chase
[Arcade Roses] 2:54 am: What does that mean??
    [Chase the Ace] 2:54 am: TWAT wasn't needed live
[eye2eye] 2:54 am: yeah sure, but why he shred on KOHD ??
     [Matty22] 2:54 am: haha we're providing entertainment for AZOFF and his guests

Impersonating Azoff is one thing, but the guy sending out threats like this is another.

Can someone clear this up once and for all?


 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive?

James wrote:

There's nothing to clear up. There's clearly a fake Azoff posting at Not giving the dipshit attention here.

Don't post anymore chat logs here.

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