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 Rep: 53 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

elmir wrote:

...this "band" and their affairs have reached an all time low this about biting the hand that feeds...what a stupid thing to do...really stupid...

 Rep: 287 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Aussie wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I don't think Azoff is an "ass clown". He has an incredible resume that speaks for itself. However, I don't think he realized what he walked into. Its not a band looking to further its career. Its a cyber soap opera where Axl's hangers on act like they have authority while the band members with zero power or influence have to twiddle their thumbs and pray the paycheck keeps coming.

The only activity that happens is every few years when they feel the need to have us reenact 1987 but without the lineup that brought us that magical time.

I doubt that's what Azoff signed up for.

I also think that the hangars on are having far too much influence.  From the housekeeper, to her ABBA son, to Del etc.  These people have no business acumen and should be totally eliminated from the equation.  They are making emotional decisions that are having a profound impact on Axl's business situation.  They have got caught up in the soap opera as you say, and clearly can't think rationally.  Beta/Fernando have been made to look foolish by MSL and so they are trying to lash out to score a point back and damn the consequences.

Very silly move.  If Azoff doesn't have any pull in the relationship he should drop them like a hot potatoe.

 Rep: 664 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

James wrote:

Oh I agree. If Azoff cant get a handle on this soap opera he needs to bail. No sense in him tarnishing his reputation over this music. He can go concentrate on getting a reunion of some other band going. I'll erect a statue in his honor if he can talk Cornell and Thayil into a reunion. If anyone can dig Justine Frischmann out of her cave, it'd be Azoff.

He has potential whales to fry. No point in frying minnows brought to the table by the maids.

If Azoff cant create a light year separation boundary between Axl's maids and the fanbase, there's no point in the record even being released. They'll tell every potential buyer to fuck off. Their attitude towards the hardcores just makes people want to visit Limewire and Pirate Bay, not Best Buy or Wal Mart.

I actually think Del can serve a purpose. Not fond of some of his bullshit moves the past couple years, but the guy helped keep the hype in 90-91 at a fever pitch with some of those great articles he wrote in RIP Magazine. Under the right circumstances, I'm sure he could do it again.

 Rep: 1 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

slimemonkey wrote:

This so ridiculous in so many ways. Why did they have to out on a big show, its not gonna achieve anything, its just gonna make people pissed off? Why was that the only thing the guns website gave a (very brief) statement on? And why are they going after a samll time guy who didnt steal the music but rrecieved it from somewhere else, and didnt put it for download, he put it as a streaming song!

Absolute madness.

If Azoff had a hand in this, which seems likely due to the quick posting in the Times, then that loses a lot of my eyes anyways. Same for the band.

Why not accept responsibility. I have read so many posts in several forums and the same thing pisses me off, Axl reportedly played the album at different parties, thats so fucking dumb, and it would only be a matter of time before someone recorded them and let the fans hear it.

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

slimemonkey wrote:

Why not accept responsibility. I have read so many posts in several forums and the same thing pisses me off, Axl reportedly played the album at different parties, thats so fucking dumb, and it would only be a matter of time before someone recorded them and let the fans hear it.


 Rep: 207 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

DCK wrote:

There are obviously rules broken here, but to do anything about it is not in the interest of either the band or the fans. I doesn't produce one bit of positivity.

 Rep: 1 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

slimemonkey wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:
slimemonkey wrote:

Why not accept responsibility. I have read so many posts in several forums and the same thing pisses me off, Axl reportedly played the album at different parties, thats so fucking dumb, and it would only be a matter of time before someone recorded them and let the fans hear it.


No to what exactly? If you made something that millions of people have been waiting for for a long time would you play at at parties, or would you keep it to yourself until it was ready?

 Rep: 475 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I don't think Azoff is an "ass clown". He has an incredible resume that speaks for itself. However, I don't think he realized what he walked into. Its not a band looking to further its career. Its a cyber soap opera where Axl's hangers on act like they have authority while the band members with zero power or influence have to twiddle their thumbs and pray the paycheck keeps coming.

The only activity that happens is every few years when they feel the need to have us reenact 1987 but without the lineup that brought us that magical time.

I doubt that's what Azoff signed up for.

Totally agree.

The only thing I'd say is that I don't think Axl doesn't want to further his career, I truly believe he doesn't think he has to work for anything. That he's big enough still to do whatever he wants. And that probably has a lot to do with who he hangs around with.

Seeing that Del, Fernando and Beta are really all he has and are the biggest influence on him makes me feel real bad for the guy.

It's a strange group, I tell yah.

 Rep: 217 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Mikkamakka wrote:

To those who claim the guy deserved what he got, it was stolen property etc... Have you guys downloaded these leaks? Cause you surely knew it was copyrighted AND stolen material. So you got something illegal and you knew it but didn't care. We'e all guilty if Axl & Co thinks that the some thousand remaining internet nerds, us, are guilty cause we wanna hear those 'earth-shattering' tracks. I bet that 99% of the people who downloaded these songs will (would...) buy the record, so there was no financial loss. They lost their last pieces of credibility and now it's impossible to believe they don't threat fans like enemies.

 Rep: 77 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

TheMole wrote:

Heh, an interesting thread at long last smile.

Monkeychow, with all due respect, but you should realize that what you're saying is an unsustainable situation this day and age. A thing from the past. All things considered "Intellectual Property" are getting considerably more difficult to protect and things are not going to improve. Not just music & other forms of art, but also software, algorithms and formulas.

On the surface, it might seem an very communistic thing to say, but this is a good thing. Knowledge, wisdom and art should not be patented or copyrighted. Not saying scholars, thinkers and artists shouldn't earn money off of what they are doing, but they have to stop acting like they are selling goods. They're not.

The underlying reason for this (and the ultimate proof this is not a socialist stance at all) is that it all stems from the simple capitalistic principle of "supply & demand". You can't demand remuneration for something that has infinite supply. If you can make infinite exact duplicates of something, regardless of how many people want or need it, you can't charge for it. Infinite supply equals zero cost, regardless of demand.

The same is true for movies, software, formulas, etc...

The solution (for them to still earn good money) is fairly simple. They have to realize that they are not selling goods, they are providing a service. Make money from their concerts, promotional goods, etc...

Obviously, this is more difficult for movies because of the inherent cost involved in making one, but thankfully the "magic" of going to the theatre, having a night out will more thank likely be enough of a service for people to pay for.

Obviously, this is besides the current legal discussion, more sort of my point of view and where I think we should go with this. Luckily, we as Europeans have realized this already for our patent laws. If copyright law would follow suite despite pressure from our American friends of the RIAA and MPAA, we're there.

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