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 Rep: 50 

Re: MSL'S site

Gagarin wrote:
Saikin wrote:
Gagarin wrote:

maybe because he doesn't have to pay for youtube hosting?


He still has to pay for the domain though, regardless of whether he has something on it or not. 

Costs the same as just having a domain and having it transfer you to another site i believe.

Uh - yeah, but... the domain, that's like, 5 to 10 dollars a year.

if he was going over his alloted bandwidth from his hosting company, that would be expensive.

i don't know how these compare with what average alloted bandwidth is - but it doesn't seem high to me. i dont know what his plan or hosting situation was though.

so maybe it isn't bandwidth...

 Rep: 80 

Re: MSL'S site

Backslash wrote:

Maybe he's contractually obligated to show how he preps for wrestling matches.  The domain is probably provided by his wrestling association.  But who knows?

 Rep: 633 

Re: MSL'S site

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 108 

Re: MSL'S site

war wrote:
Saikin wrote:
war wrote:

you think gnr had a hand in this, to get rid of any negativity towards gnr, beta, etc because they are about to promote and release the album?

What basis would GNR have to make MSL take down his site?  He hasn't posted anything illegal on his site as far as i know. 

I know some 15 year old was threatening him, but i don't honestly think anything came of that.

none. but they coul easily bribe him if they wanted to. the parts that is most odd is that his youtube page has nothing gnr and no mention of why his site is gone. either he is fucking with us or something happened gnr related.

 Rep: 768 

Re: MSL'S site

Axlin16 wrote:

MSL will return. It shall be in glorious fashion with Druids lining the entrance ramp, smoke, fire, and The Undertaker's intro music.


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