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 Rep: 281 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

faldor wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:


Why would anyone think otherwise at this point when it comes to this album?

Classic case of the boy who cried wolf. Even when and if (huge "if," of course) the official announcement comes from Universal, plenty of us will STILL not believe it's coming out until we actually own it.

Funny, we just had the same thought, 20 seconds apart.  After 9+ years of waiting I wouldn't be surprised to get a firm release date and then have something happen to push that back, and back, and back some more.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

Aussie wrote:


I'm still not sure that Axl has the balls to lay it all on the line and finally be judged by putting the music out there.

I think SR is another market tester (like oh my god), if it doesn't go as well as he wants I think he will take his bat and ball and go home again for a couple more years.

Of course I would love to be made to eat humble pie on this!

 Rep: 281 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

faldor wrote:
Aussie wrote:


I'm still not sure that Axl has the balls to lay it all on the line and finally be judged by putting the music out there.

I think SR is another market tester (like oh my god), if it doesn't go as well as he wants I think he will take his bat and ball and go home again for a couple more years.

Of course I would love to be made to eat humble pie on this!

Don't they have to release the song as a sinlge or something to follow through with the so called market test?  Are video game rips usually played on the radio?

 Rep: 217 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

Mikkamakka wrote:


 Rep: 30 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

Acquiesce wrote:

No. I'd even bet against it coming out next year.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

Saikin wrote:

I trust that it's being planned on a November Best Buy exclusive release...

But that's different than actually being released.  No.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

-Jack- wrote:

I think a safer bet would be against, but there's still time...

 Rep: 10 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

JIP wrote:

You can't bet with Axl

 Rep: 661 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

monkeychow wrote:

One day it will *have* to come out right? I mean it wouldn't surprise me if nothing happened as in 06 and 07 and so on...but i mean...sooner or issues will get fixed and it will actually happen....surely...i mean we know the songs exist...

 Rep: 43 

Re: Do you believe CD will come out in 08?

gnfnraxl wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

One day it will *have* to come out right? I mean it wouldn't surprise me if nothing happened as in 06 and 07 and so on...but i mean...sooner or issues will get fixed and it will actually happen....surely...i mean we know the songs exist...

I think it will be released someday.  Unfortunately it'll be after Axl has passed (Which I hope won't be anytime soon as I wouldn't wish death on anyone).  Other than that I don't think it'll be released.

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