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 Rep: 53 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

elmir wrote:

Metallica did too didn't they?
They're also on that list....

Looks like that slip of the tongue that Richard "apparently" had in Australia at the beginning of the year may have been true after all....

 Rep: 30 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

jimmythegent wrote:

Metallica are on Warners now

 Rep: 53 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

elmir wrote:
jimmythegent wrote:

Metallica are on Warners now

Warner is only active in the States though, no?
They use "subsidiaries" to release it elsewhere?
At least i think so...

 Rep: 664 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

James wrote:

Yeah, Metallica use other companies to distribute their albums worldwide.

 Rep: 150 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

sic. wrote:

Warner Bros in North America, Vertigo Records in most European countries and Australia, Mercury Records in some European countries, and Universal in Japan. Both Mercury and Vertigo are subsidiaries to Universal.

In short, WB in North America, UMG for the rest of the world.

 Rep: 64 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Dreamline wrote:

Fingers tentatively crossed...

Regardless, I have about $60 worth of Tower Record points saved up that last until December.  November would be just in time.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

monkeychow wrote:

Another site and I'd call BS..but I know it's for real if james says its real!


IT's actually happening? Going to feel strange after this wait...but I know it's going to kick ass!

 Rep: 33 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Scabbie wrote:

Wow...sure this hasn't been edited?

Dre's on there aswell....

 Rep: 53 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

elmir wrote:

the document is at least a month old...early August to be exact....and back then Dre was a possibility for this period....

 Rep: 664 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

James wrote:

Yeah, look at the list again. September "forecast". The list was made in August.

I think we're overanalyzing a bit. The date or the potential for a push into 1st quarter 09 is beside the point. There is now confirmation they do have the album. That's a first. Also, its confirmation it will be released under the Geffen name and not Interscope or Uni like has been speculated over the years.

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