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 Rep: 664 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

James wrote:

The spin machine on a different site is spinning? Has nothing to do with this site. They spent a year denying leaked studio tracks exist. Only let people talk about them when a fan was arrested. Wouldn't let their members know Shackler's Revenge existed until they felt the need to. I'm not surprised they'll deny the existence of a list when they'll deny the existence of music.

Axlin08 wrote:

Mysteron is FULL OF SHIT.

Lets not go that far. He's been pretty reliable in the past(minus the street team fiasco).

He has either not seen this list himself or has been told to say he has never seen it.

Either way, I don't care.

Its a list Uni circulates every year. This isn't the first year a Uni list has made its way to a GNR site, and it wont be the last.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Acquiesce wrote:

I don't think Mysteron is denying the existence of a list. He is just saying he hasn't seen it himself.  He says he has seen the list of releases up until October 28 which obviously has to be different from this September Forecast. So the fact that he hasn't seen anything doesn't mean a thing.

I believe this is legit, but as always I'll believe the album is going to be released when I actually see a release date set in stone.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

strat0 wrote:

exactly. They usually make 2-4 lists a year if I'm correct. one coming out around where the previous one leaves off. Mysteryon might have a list that was spring-fall

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Sky Dog wrote:

well, technically, everything is full of shit and meaningless until a formal announcement is made. Mysteron's comments do disturb me a little though.

Spanish hoarder
 Rep: -3 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Maybe us could buy a CD album in November, please god...

 Rep: 13 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

strat0 wrote:
axlcrazy wrote:

Didn't the last issue of Rolling Stone also say they were told GNR had a release date in November if they choose to release it?

Honestly I would believe that Axl's having a listening party with MSL and Emus before I would believe most of the rumors RS reports

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Sky Dog wrote:

thread jack. ..screw Chinese Food, go buy a real of my favorite albums ever is being re released on 9-23.....from the liner notes of Pleased to Meet Me, about Tommy....

But he saves his highest praise for Tommy, repeating his oft-quoted statement: "People say Keith Richards is the living embodiment of rock 'n' roll. Well, I know 'em both and Tommy Stinson is rock 'n' roll."

He elaborates: "Tommy may be my favorite musician I've ever worked with. Y'see, Keith remembers music before rock 'n' roll, as do I. It was like a conscious choice for Keith. But Tommy, as he told me, never even made a decision to be a bass player. Bob put it in his hand and then kept on him until he played it. And he just is rock 'n' roll '” the whole fiber of his being, man. That's all he is. He ain't nothing else. It gives me faith in humanity to know Tommy Stinson."
Together, Dickinson and the 'Mats created a rock 'n' roll classic '” an album some have compared to Exile On Main Street. Tim may have included some greater songs ("He didn't bring me an anthem," Dickinson still complains about Westerberg to this day), but Pleased To Meet Me is arguably the band's most consistent record. It flows together like a concept album, all of the band's heroes, influences and ghosts coming to roost in one place '” though it certainly isn't a concept album.

Many critics of the era predicted big things for the disc, assuming the Replacements were poised to become "the American Rolling Stones." Unfortunately, it wouldn't be until another up-and-coming rocker borrowed the title "Nevermind" for his own breakthrough moment that the album's influence became fully realized.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Arcade Roses wrote:
Spanish hoarder wrote:

Maybe us could buy a CD album in November, please god...

It's funny... I know a guy who thinks like that.:P

The reason Mysteron doesn't know is because he said his list only goes up to the end of October.  This is going to be a more November-December kind of release, and if anything more the latter.  As soon as he knows that - he should confirm it; as budgets, promo plans, etc., should have already been designated for this (music) industrially significant release.

The supposed 'leaker' at mygnr probably has nothing.  All mouth and no music....  I don't know who it is, but his story is researched; and, if it is a lowly (I say that - no offence) retail worker who has picked up a specially made advanced copy of the album, well, that's how things happen when the ball starts rolling....:P

Beware though:


 Rep: 633 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 13 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

strat0 wrote:

ARCADE! haven't talked to you in a long time man. but anyways Something seems a little fishy. Googled the band. no results. Far Downs is from the Hobbit which could explain the weird title. Also looked on myspace and no profile for this band either. EVERY small band has a profile. as do pretty much all big bands. Another thing is where do these claims come in in other posts on the forum you linked to say there is a harley add with better in it coming out on the 20th of November? And this is a bit soon to start shipping the album for a November releae. O and mark my words CD WILL leak just as Death Magnetic did.

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