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 Rep: 664 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

James wrote:
NickNasty2009 wrote:

you have to wonder what these guys were able to do w/ Axl that Merck didn't or couldn't....

Aint that the trillion dollar question?:haha:

Merck's fatal mistake was involving himself in the online aspect of the fanbase. There was ZERO purpose in doing that. It achieved NOTHING. No offense to the names I'm about to mention, but Merck emailing madison, davegnr2k, Jarmo, chineseblues,etc. was completely irrelevant to anything going on. Looking back on that era, its no surprise that nothing got done when the manager in charge of getting the ball rolling was too busy emailing forum members.

While its a good thing to keep the fanbase in general informed, reducing yourself to talking to certain forum members isn't how you do that. GNR's official site was dead in the Merck era. He should have used that to keep people informed instead of becoming a forum junkie himself.

Azoff and Gould didn't fall into this trap. While the hardcore of hardcores are at these forums and we are the "last line of defense", there is no reason for them to interject themselves into HTGTH, mygnr,, Evo, source,etc. We are the choir and there's no sense in managers preaching. Their concentration needs to be marketing this band and album to Joe and Jill Blow.

Spring gives him enough time to put together a lineup. If the money is right, it's anyone's guess as to who will be in the band.

Doesn't that reinforce my point? Lets look at it this way....

You're a hardcore Tommy fan, I'm a hardcore Bucket fan. The album is finished and they are both on it. Does it really matter if they are not in a possible touring lineup in 2009? We both know the answer to that. All parts are interchangeable, replaceable,etc. Face it, the realists were right.

While it would suck for Tommy to leave or Bucket not to come back, their departures or entrance back into the fold mean nothing at this juncture.

For shits and giggles lets say Azoff announces the release date, a spring/summer tour, and the lineup touring will be...

Dave Navarro
Ben Shepard
Justin Welch

You gonna tell me that's not GNR?:haha: While your interest would likely decrease over a Stinson departure and my interest might decrease over Bucket not coming back, its just another round of the forever rotating lineup and reinforces the Axl is GNR/GNR is Axl mindset and that it needs to be marketed as NIN because there's no point in anyone(including myself) getting attached to certain members because their days were numbered the second they joined the band and their overall influence in the sessions(excluding major writing contributions) were minimal at best.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axl could go on tour with just a laptop providing the music and still call it a Guns N' Roses tour,wouldn't it be funny is he did that?

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

obviously my main hope is that Tommy and Bucket are both there. Tommy has been in the "band" 10 years now. I want him to tour behind the record. I want Robin and Bucket too since those three guys are major contributors to the sound of the songs we've heard. Tommy also will be good with the press. However, I do agree that they are all interchangeable. The main thing is that Axl can do both. First tour behind Chinese, then do the reunion. It doesn't have to be a huge tour, but a solid theatre tour with arena shows in large markets will help promote the record. There is a decent size fanbase of the new band out there. bucket

 Rep: 30 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Acquiesce wrote:
Neemo wrote:

seriously though the idea of living in a post CD release world seems a bit foreign to me

Same here. I have a hard time imagining with the actualy copy of CD in my hands. I'm still waiting for another shoe to drop.

elmir wrote:

that would suck...for me at least...unless those songs are a world of difference apart from the leaks, i won't be overly excited...

lets hope that the material we haven't heard outnumbers the ones we have by quite a margin....

I agree but I'd imagine we have around 2/3 - 3/4 of the album already.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

another thing....You may never have a full on reunion of the original band. There may be people coming in and out forever and you could actually get a mix of old and new at any given time. I just don't see Axl ever giving up control of the name and the final decisions.:beer:

 Rep: 664 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

obviously my main hope is that Tommy and Bucket are both there. Tommy has been in the "band" 10 years now. I want him to tour behind the record. I want Robin and Bucket too since those three guys are major contributors to the sound of the songs we've heard. Tommy also will be good with the press. However, I do agree that they are all interchangeable. The main thing is that Axl can do both. First tour behind Chinese, then do the reunion. It doesn't have to be a huge tour, but a solid theatre tour with arena shows in large markets will help promote the record. There is a decent size fanbase of the new band out there. bucket

I agree, and have said for years that the 2001 lineup deserves the fame, kudos,etc. from this album's release. I know that's a pipe dream though.

I do agree about Tommy involved in promotion. He already has a base and has dealt with the media and is respected. He's the only member besides Axl who could get an interview with Rolling Stone tonight if he wanted one. Bucket could as well simply on the mystery factor alone.

The other members would have to stand outside RS headquarters with huge signs begging for interviews.

IF the entire band is involved in promotion, let Axl and Tommy deal with the heavyweights and let the rest of the band talk to the forums and other music related sites.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
NickNasty2009 wrote:

you have to wonder what these guys were able to do w/ Axl that Merck didn't or couldn't....

Aint that the trillion dollar question?:haha:

Merck's fatal mistake was involving himself in the online aspect of the fanbase. There was ZERO purpose in doing that. It achieved NOTHING. No offense to the names I'm about to mention, but Merck emailing madison, davegnr2k, Jarmo, chineseblues,etc. was completely irrelevant to anything going on. Looking back on that era, its no surprise that nothing got done when the manager in charge of getting the ball rolling was too busy emailing forum members.

While its a good thing to keep the fanbase in general informed, reducing yourself to talking to certain forum members isn't how you do that. GNR's official site was dead in the Merck era. He should have used that to keep people informed instead of becoming a forum junkie himself.

Azoff and Gould didn't fall into this trap. While the hardcore of hardcores are at these forums and we are the "last line of defense", there is no reason for them to interject themselves into HTGTH, mygnr,, Evo, source,etc. We are the choir and there's no sense in managers preaching. Their concentration needs to be marketing this band and album to Joe and Jill Blow.

Award-winning statement right there. I have never seen such an accurate and spot on statement to some of the 2000's management (as a whole, i.e. - Merck) for GN'R.

Not to mention, and i'm not calling ANYONE out, but typically people who run message boards to a high percentage (not all) feature alot of people who are on a power trip that are very small, very extremist fans of the band, who think when GNR's manager e-mails them, they are suddenly on a first name basis, and gonna "do lunch" Friday.

It reinforces the 'crazies'. Merck tapped that, and should've stayed 90 miles away from it.

madagas wrote:

another thing....You may never have a full on reunion of the original band. There may be people coming in and out forever and you could actually get a mix of old and new at any given time. I just don't see Axl ever giving up control of the name and the final decisions.:beer:

I've thought since 2006 that a reunion would feature a mish-mash of new & old members, especially considering that fact that when Izzy took the stage with Axl, most audiences members went totally blind and reverted back to the "oh fuck yeah, Guns N' Fuckin' Roses" days.

If it were Slash. There would be no question to most casual fans that GN'R were back.

I've felt since 2006 this would be your reunion lineup, barring any unforseen "fight"...

Vocals - W. Axl Rose
Lead Guitar 1 - Slash
Lead Guitar 2 - Ron Thal
Rhythm Guitar - Richard Fortus (w/ special appearences by Izzy Stradlin)
Bass - Duff McKagen
Drums - Frank Ferrer
Keys 1 - Dizzy Reed
Keys 2 - Chris Pittman

 Rep: 109 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Saikin wrote:

Anyone got a piece of this pie for me?

 Rep: 108 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

war wrote:

the intro to chinese democracy sounds much improved
it has some bass like pounding rythm in the part right before the scream

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

Just listened to it myself.

The drums are majorly redone on CD. Possibly Frank, but is the most obvious standout.

If The World is tweaked. Nothing major, but it sounds finished, polished, and tweaked in certain areas to be a bit more '2008'.

T.W.A.T. for the most part is the same song, but has had little things done to it that change it's vibe. For the most part it seems a 'throwback' song now, like straight off Illusion II. Even Axl's vocals have seemingly been redone and sound more like the vocally-tweaked stuff on Estranged. This song is even more so becoming Estranged's little brother.

Just to hear these slight tweaks, i'd be very interested to hear the finished album, what was left in, taken out, added, etc. I've constantly felt that Madagascar needed new vocals, similar to that of If The World, and definitely a more Frank-influnced drum sound. The hip hop shit is SO 1998.

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