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 Rep: 109 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Saikin wrote:

Chinese Democracy sounds even more increadible from what we've heard.  The vocals sound completly redone, guitar parts added and made more prominent, and way more harmony parts everywhere. 

And this is now the second song i can say honestly that we've heard Bbf on.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Arcade Roses wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The hip hop shit is SO 1998.

Ahh, yes... you were the guy who said that 'TWAT' sounds like 'a style of rap that went out of date in 1998' on I think it was mygnr when the song first leaked (by 'wes' - remember him? - in February 2006).

Top assessment.  Those times rocked.:beer:

 Rep: 2 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Merck's fatal mistake was involving himself in the online aspect of the fanbase. There was ZERO purpose in doing that. It achieved NOTHING. No offense to the names I'm about to mention, but Merck emailing madison, davegnr2k, Jarmo, chineseblues,etc. was completely irrelevant to anything going on. Looking back on that era, its no surprise that nothing got done when the manager in charge of getting the ball rolling was too busy emailing forum members.

great, great point.

it seems like merck thought garnering influence with the online community and in turn crushing critical opinions of the band was more important than legitimately pushing for completion of the album and swaying the label, retailers, etc. to get behind the thing.

 Rep: 39 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

-Jack- wrote:

Man... I'd sure like to hear these tracks.

Either way, I'm excited about the release, but I'm convinced the album is going to suck -_-... maybe I'll grow into it, but really, none of the leaked songs have impressed me, and it sounds like most of the songs on CD are songs we've heard before.

And yeah "well why did you listen to the leaks!?"... most of the songs had been played live anyways.... If The World, song #2, and catcher being the only ones not played live...

I'm not very impressed hmm. Hopefully Sorry is a badass tune.. and hopefully the tracks on the album sound much better than the leaks

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

-Jack- wrote:

Man... I'd sure like to hear these tracks.

Me too. I thought I wouldn't care but it seems like this is actually a big deal - if the differences can be heard on such a lousy recording maybe it's worth hearing.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

BLS-Pride wrote:

I just hope there are fresh songs on the album. Where the fuck is the General and Seven?

 Rep: 39 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

-Jack- wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

I just hope there are fresh songs on the album. Where the fuck is the General and Seven?

What this guy said. The General comes in 2012 though remember? Album #3 16 according to Baz quoting Axl

And I'm listening to Chinese Democracy now, the verse sounds great with Bumble's guitar.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

BLS-Pride wrote:

Haha.. Hopefully Axl sees if the best material isnt released first no one will care about any other releases.. Shitty quality but I do hear more drums.

 Rep: 194 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

tejastech08 wrote:

Ahem...I would really love a hookup.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Arcade Roses wrote:


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