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 Rep: 231 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

-D- wrote:

Yeah someone give me a sniff of that splenda!

 Rep: 661 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

monkeychow wrote:

Can someone tell me about the guitar parts - you can hear what ron has added? But are the solo melodies different on CD (I liked the old Robin/Bucket combo solo)? And what about the tar parts overall? More impressive? Less? Thoughts anyone?

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The hip hop shit is SO 1998.

Ahh, yes... you were the guy who said that 'TWAT' sounds like 'a style of rap that went out of date in 1998' on I think it was mygnr when the song first leaked (by 'wes' - remember him? - in February 2006).

Top assessment.  Those times rocked.:beer:

That wasn't me. I was inactive on MyGNR in 2006. I was over at HTGTH during that year.

Plus I don't think TWAT is hip hop and needs work. I think Madagascar is hip hop and needs work.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Neemo wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Can't seem to find this. Can someone tell me about the guitar parts - you can hear what ron has added? But are the solo melodies different on CD (I liked the old Robin/Bucket combo solo)? And what about the tar parts overall? More impressive? Less? Thoughts anyone?

Neemo wrote:

the Guitar on Chinese Democracy verses is fucking awesome 9 ...there is the sleeze rock i want to hear 11 5

kudos to whoever is the one who layed that shit down....check it out... its at these marks

1:30-2:00 and 2:15-2:40 3 9

even buzzsaw wont be able to deny that shit 22

 Rep: 59 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

jorge76 wrote:

I've been a bit stuffed up today, but wouldn't mind this "sniff" that people are speaking of.

 Rep: 80 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Backslash wrote:
Neemo wrote:

for those of you who want to hear these things could you Please, Maybe, not flood the thread with requests...there are other ways to find them around here wink

Hidden Text:

just ask someone

 Rep: 67 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Tommie wrote:

are we still talking about the crappy versions of the performance?  Or did we get a better quality while I was at work?

 Rep: 231 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

-D- wrote:
Saikin wrote:

Chinese Democracy sounds even more increadible from what we've heard.  The vocals sound completly redone, guitar parts added and made more prominent, and way more harmony parts everywhere. 

And this is now the second song i can say honestly that we've heard Bbf on.

To me it sounded exactly like the version we got last month or so.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:
Tommie wrote:

are we still talking about the crappy versions of the performance?  Or did we get a better quality while I was at work?

No, still the crappy ones.

 Rep: 227 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Will wrote:

Thought I'd throw this in here as it's not really news, just an update from Dr. Peppers Chinese Democracy blog:


The end is near.  GNR management has visited Best Buy and sampled 3 tracks to build excitement.  Shackler's is on Rock Band 2 and If The World will appear during the credits of the new DiCaprio/Crowe movie Body of Lies on October 10.  All of this can only mean one thing: the album is coming, but when? 

Travel to and you'll visit my online home for the past 10 years.  These folks love GNR more than life itself, but they've been burned more times than a California forest. They've seen releases dates come and go like political promises, but unlike the past 7 years, this time, it just seems real.  The date that keeps popping up is November 25, the tuesday before Thanksgiving.  The album is to be a Best Buy exclusive (not sure if that means iTunes also gets it), nonetheless, fans would fish this album out of dumpster if it were meant hearing the first original work from Axl in 17 years!

To the fans, enjoy this time.  You've all waited so patiently and been through a lot of let downs, but having heard some of what will be on Chinese D, the wait will have been worth it.  We're getting the soda ready on our end and on November 25, hopefully we'll all be toasting to Chinese Democracy together. Peace,



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