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 Rep: 287 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Aussie wrote:
madagas wrote:

this place is dead as a doornail....just wanted to wake the place up.

I don't give two shits about a live dvd of the new band playing AFD or even a behind the scenes thing. Give me new music.....make this thing a double cd set  OR put out a Deluxe Box special edition for the hardcores. 9

Agreed - just put new fucken music out!

I don't wanna hear rehashed AFD stuff on audio or DVD or other lame crap.  If we are going down that track then do it properly and start by picking up the phone and calling Slash.  Then you can open the floodgates to a remastered AFD, Illusion DVD footage etc etc etc.

Otherwise, push forward with the new band and new direction and release new shit and stop trading/living off the past!

Times up, in fact it was up years ago - climb down off the fence and actually bloody make a decision and do something.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

When is the movie out? Isn't anyone worried we haven't heard the track yet?

 Rep: 287 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Aussie wrote:

It's out today (the 9th Oct) in Australia.

 Rep: 287 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Aussie wrote:

Personally I think the Rockband2 and this Body of Lies thing is a slap in the face for fans.  Sure have the GNR music on them but give the fans some medium to obtain a quality recording of the songs to listen to.

Both these 2 promotional (or cashgrab) things are out now but there is not a peep about when we might be able to actually get a proper recording of them.

I just don't get it????  But hey, I'm just a GN'R fan so I suppose I'm just meant to bend over, grab my ankles and just shut up and cop it.

 Rep: 14 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Dadud wrote:

Best buy leaks? anyone mind filling me in?

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Well I'm sorry, but I'm not going to the movie. Fuck GNR is they think I'm going to spend $200 on Shackler's Revenge or spend $9 every time I want to hear If The World. I'll gladly fork over a dollar per tune on a download, but I don't have the chance to give them my money it seems.

 Rep: 14 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Dadud wrote:

I dont know if anyone noticed, but some torrent sites have Body of Lies already, i think thats where that "Birds Eye" leak came from. But, still, im waiting to hear these Best buy leaks.

 Rep: 43 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

gnfnraxl wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Well I'm sorry, but I'm not going to the movie. Fuck GNR is they think I'm going to spend $200 on Shackler's Revenge or spend $9 every time I want to hear If The World. I'll gladly fork over a dollar per tune on a download, but I don't have the chance to give them my money it seems.

I hear ya!  Personally I'm a RB player so I wanna have RB2 regardless that SR is in the game or not.  As for IFTW I ain't gonna go see Body Of Lies just to hear it in the end credits.  I think it's pathetic to do so.  Sorry but that's my opinion.  If Axldoesn't have the vision or the balls to release that album then I won't see a movie just to hear his music.  I will see Body of Lies, but only when it comes out on DVD.  The movie interests me but not enough to make me go to the theatres.  Plus 10 bucks to hear a song everytime you wanna hear it is not a good investment.

 Rep: 43 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

gnfnraxl wrote:
Dadud wrote:

I dont know if anyone noticed, but some torrent sites have Body of Lies already, i think thats where that "Birds Eye" leak came from. But, still, im waiting to hear these Best buy leaks.

I ain't even interested in the BB leaks.  Maybe I ain't normal but at this point if Axl can't release the fucking music then I can't be bothered to listen to some bad sounding leaks.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

James wrote:

I don't think we need to start jumping off bridges(yet) because these two songs haven't been promoted. Those of us that have been grounded in realism for years knew this album would not be heavily promoted. It was insane for people to think this was going to be everywhere.

Having said that, I don't think these two songs are even meant for promotion. Shackler's was dead on arrival, and nobody cares about If the World. Read a couple reviews on that flick, and I'm not seeing any GNR mentions. Most reviews don't mention music when reviewing a film, but End of Days had quite a few mentions regarding GNR.

While I am looking forward to the record just like everyone else who posts here, in the overall grand scheme of things, this album/project is way past its expiration date. I know it. Uni knows it. Axl knows it. You know it. The promotion(or lack thereof) will reflect that.

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