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 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Mikkamakka wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

You have valid complaints, but none of what is going on is surprising. There was never going to be "in your face" promotion for this. The talk over the years about commercials, huge billboards in cities, huge grassroots(hello street teams!) campaign,etc. were just pipe dreams.

I'm happy that this saga will end this year, but is it (Shackler doesn't even exist officially, the album relase infos are from a 'recording and uploading motherfucker') the 'proper promotion' Axl promised in his open letter?

"The band and I, along with our record company, feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion, not the '13 Tuesdays left' and 'It may just appear in your record store' approach offered by management."

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Axlin16 wrote:

Two great prolific posts James. A great summary and outlook on the future.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

James wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

You have valid complaints, but none of what is going on is surprising. There was never going to be "in your face" promotion for this. The talk over the years about commercials, huge billboards in cities, huge grassroots(hello street teams!) campaign,etc. were just pipe dreams.

I'm happy that this saga will end this year, but is it (Shackler doesn't even exist officially, the album relase infos are from a 'recording and uploading motherfucker') the 'proper promotion' Axl promised in his open letter?

"The band and I, along with our record company, feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion, not the '13 Tuesdays left' and 'It may just appear in your record store' approach offered by management."

I never considered it a "promise". I considered it nothing more than a stall tactic. The NA tour was on the verge of imploding and the online base was going nuts from all the bullshit. He had to dangle a carrot(in reality a mirage) in front of our faces to bring a sense of normalcy back to it.

 Rep: 96 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

It's a canny decision to sell it in NA on the Sunday; it gets them a couple of days of extra sales, and - more importantly - it means that people in NA will have to buy the album on Monday rather than picking up a torrent from someone who bagged it in Europe.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

elmir wrote:
 Rep: 28 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Axl4Life wrote:

I'm not really fussed on the release to be honest. Simply because I think the reason why it's a Best Buy exclusive is because they're gonna bungle all the leaked songs together and call it "Chinese Democracy." Then we'll have to wait years for a proper follow up album.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

slimemonkey wrote:

Im just gonna copy and paste what i said on another forum :

Im no marketing expert, but i do marketing and PR quite a bit as it goes hand in hand with my job. I would defo go about promoting the album in a different way, but then again i bet everyone on here would, marketing degree or not. The thing is Guns never do things the normal way, they do their own thing. If i get loads of PR from the band and an album, awesome. If i get an album release with SR, ITW, and other subtle promotion ( ie the press releases and song leaks i still don't think are coincidences), then awesome as well. I just want the damn album, and i don't care how they go about getting it to me laugh.gif .

Oh and yeah they have spent so much money and yeah its took so long to make blah blah. If, and yes its a big if, they just carried on the way things are and did in fact release the album next month, hell that would be quite personal towards the fans, seeing as we are the ones sitting here day in day out longing for the music, and hyping thr album up on the internet and fan sites, so, rather than being motherfuckers, it would be a nice touch wink.gif

And i just said all that because i don't give a fuck about where the album charts or how much money they need to make back, i just want to listen to music.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

James, I couldn't have said it any better... Wow. Much ado about nothing.  Powerful words.  We all became Cyber friends over this thing.  Can we still be friends after album drops?  I hope..

Will certainly be interesting to see the state of the communities in a post CD era. The GNR communities have never existed with an album out. The entire duration of the sites, friendships, dramas,etc. has always revolved around the common bond of waiting amongst hardcore fans. The hardcores always sought out the online communities because people we all know in "real life" cannot relate to the situation. Once the album is released, it changes everything.

It provides complete closure. People will react to that closure in varying ways. Some will "move on". Some will stick around. Names you haven't seen in years will pop up, if only for a moment. New people will walk through the door. As GNR and its fanbase enter the post CD era, the communities are going to have to evolve as the change occurs. The split second its released, all the sites enter uncharted waters. The days/months/years of speculating are over. Reality will have arrived, and since its a fanbase that always lived among the clouds of "What If's", "maybe's", "coulds", and "shoulds", nothing is certain except Chinese Democracy.

Very true.  It's gonna be strange being in a post CD era.  I liken it to being a Red Sox fan, which I am.  I used to post incessantly on Red Sox message boards before they won it all in 2004.  The wait was so long and painstaking, we sought out the comfort of other like fans.  Only Sox fans could understand what we've been through and how much it meant to finally win it all after 86 years.  Needless to say, I don't think I've posted on a Red Sox board since.  I still care just as much as I did before they won it all.  I realized life goes on, nothing really changes.  Maybe you smile a little wider on certain days.  All the complaining and speculating was pretty much gone.  Will the same happen once CD is released?  It's possible for some I'm sure.  I'd like to think I'll still be around, but history could always repeat itself.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

TheMole wrote:

Well, I dunno about you guys, but for me, after CD comes the discussion, then Slash's solo record, VR's new singer, the CD follow-up album(s), possible reunion, touring, etc...

Actually, I was on the verge of calling it quits when Scott bailed and the CD/Reunion rumours started again.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

NY Giants82 wrote:
faldor wrote:
gunnermatt2004 wrote:

wouldn't you think that they would allow if the world to appear on the body of lies soundtrack though ? i mean if this is the big push for a late nov release a song played at the end of a major blockbuster only in the credits as a teaser is odd considering its not on the actual soundtrack:headbang:

The reason the song won't be on the soundtrack, or the reason it won't be released as a single or Shackler's wasn't released as a single MAY have something to do with the Best Buy exclusive.  I obviously am just speculating but maybe Best Buy wants to release the beast to the masses before anyone has a chance to purchase 2 songs separately months prior.

Very good point. I think I would agree with that. It would certainly make sense.

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