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 Rep: 43 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

gnfnraxl wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i really doubt we will see a reunion any time soon...if anyone ever reads any Slash interviews he pretty much shoots it down every single time with out a shadow of a doubt...axl and slash are just on oposite ends of the spectrum right now...slash has a 3rd VR disk and a Solo album...Axl is trying to get the CD era off the ground....

the planets are just not aligned at the moment

A reunion is a lot closer than we all think unfortunately.  I think we'll get a reunion in a not so distant future.  And if we do I hope they won't pull a The Police trick and tour and then that's it.  If they are to get back together at least give us a new album.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

NY Giants82 wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

Very misleading title. Everyone is somewhat excited but, until it's confirmed by the band, management, label etc, change the title.

Nothing misleading about the title at all. See the question mark.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Neemo wrote:

^ I merged the topic with an existing one 19

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Sky Dog wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i really doubt we will see a reunion any time soon...if anyone ever reads any Slash interviews he pretty much shoots it down every single time with out a shadow of a doubt...axl and slash are just on oposite ends of the spectrum right now...slash has a 3rd VR disk and a Solo album...Axl is trying to get the CD era off the ground....

the planets are just not aligned at the moment

A reunion is a lot closer than we all think unfortunately.  I think we'll get a reunion in a not so distant future.  And if we do I hope they won't pull a The Police trick and tour and then that's it.  If they are to get back together at least give us a new album.

where are the real reunion rumors? Just a bunch of fanboy made up bullshit. Not one bandmember has given any credence to this tripe. It is a joke as far as I am concerned. I am not saying it is off the table, but I firmly believe Axl's primary focus is first and foremost getting Chinese off the ground.:rock:

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

war wrote:

a reunion has, more than likely, been recommended to axl but to say it is close is a baseless claim. it's true that it could happen at any moment and so some people keep saying it will happen and they will continue to do so until it happens and then they will say "told ya." it's kinda like the people that say cd will not come out this year. they say this every year, not based on fact, but based on it being the safer bet and the fact that they won't be called out when it does come out cause everybody will be talking about the songs. so they say it every year.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:

"i just never thought it would actually come out"


"my date is going to end up being the closest"

don't go together and so you lose, my friend


Wrong.  My guess was an actual date even though I figured it would never come out.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but if I remember the rules right, you couldn't go past the date, so i think I was in pretty good shape.  I had sometime in 2009 or 11 I was so long ago and so unimportant at the time.

Right! 22

you may have picked an actual date but if you say it's never coming out you are contradicting yourself. morally speaking ofcourse, you lose. whether you win the contest or not.

i was just playing around by the way but you always have to be so argumentative don't you.

I always have to be?  I don't think I told you that you lose...I don't think I was even talking specifically to you.  So yes, if you tell me I lose, expect me to show you just how wrong you are.

Unlike most people here, I can separate what I think from what is realistic.  So I can quite easily think it is never coming out, and still have a date that might make sense for whatever reason without risking my moral life on it.  Heck, I STILL don't really think it's coming out, but I can see the signs that say it COULD be coming out.  That makes me realistic.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

but I firmly believe Axl's primary focus is first and foremost getting Chinese off the ground.:rock:

Really?  I don't.  It hasn't been his primary focus for 14 years, why would it suddenly be a priority now?  Axl's primary focus seems to be doing whatever the hell he wants to do (musically and otherwise) and doing it at his pace. 

IF he's suddenly in a hurry to get it done, there's something else motivating him other than CD.  I'm not saying reunion, I'm not saying anything other than SOMETHING is motivating him IF that's really the case.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Axlin16 wrote:

Robin with NIN is a concern, admittedly.  But it's never been stated that he won't come back.

It's also been stated by GN'R that they basically were not informed of this move, and have virtually no clue what he's doing or what his plans are.

That doesn't strike me as a lead guitarist that's on very good terms and is just busting down doors to return.

Axl's GN'R is ran like Trent's NIN. It's his show. His game. His art. Everyone else is replaceable, thus the reason he continued on (relatively speaking) without the original band members.

Robin Finck at this point, unless some jaw-dropping shock happens and he's credited all over CD comes across as a touring guitarist. Same with Richard.

Can they easily return? I guess you could look at it that way. My way of looking at it, is BECAUSE they are touring guitarist, when the TOURING guitarist is off with another act, that's even more of a sign they won't be back.

Tommy messing around with Paul could lead to a Mats reunion, but again nothing has been announced.

Tommy is gonna be all over this album. When he's hanging out with Paul a month and a half before CD's rumored release, with no announcement of any tour plans... doesn't strike me as a bassist that's "in".

Richard with Rhianna?  Seriously, are you still concerned with that?  He's a member of her backup touring band.  Can you name the guitar player for Madonna's backup touring band in the 80's?  How about Michael Jackson?  Who played guitar during "Dirty Diana"?  Did that guy leave a band like Guns N' Roses?  He's keeping himself busy but I'd bet my life if he was given the choice of GNR/Rhianna backing band he'd choose GNR every day and twice on Sunday.

Once again, like with Robin, when your TOURING guitarist is bailing for other work, especially close to an album's release, doesn't strike me as a guitarist that's "in". At this point it's anyone's guess as to how much of a fingerprint Richard will have on CD, myself leaning to "very little if any".

If if Richard is "GUNS N' ROSES rhythm guitarist Richard Fortus", doesn't mean that he'd return. At this point there's far more regular work AND money for Richard to stick to being a touring guitarist with a top-line A-list act who's a major artist right now, and actually relevant to pop culture. Something GN'R WILL NOT be with CD's release, no matter how hard they try. Plus counting GNR's inactivity on a regular basis, I think Richard would have to be a stone cold idiot to choose GN'R over Rihanna.

Unless he does have a fingerprint on CD, and it's about the art. But typically art doesn't mean shit to a lifetime touring guitarist. A steady, and hefty paycheck does.

And I respect Dizzy, but do you think his solo album is gonna set the world on fire?  Will he be the next Dave Grohl?  I wish the best for him, but I view that as a side project.  And even if the band is dead, I'd think Dizzy would be a part of the reunion.  Or is his solo gig gonna interfere with that too?

I only mentioned that to say, Dizzy's make alternate plans. Not to say he won't be in GN'R. I think it's pretty obvious Dizzy's stuff could be cancelled or delayed for GN'R, new or old. And if there's a reunion, he'll definitely be there. Dizzy ain't going anywhere, and if what Chris says is true, his work on CD just reinforces that. At this point, Dizzy is as much a member of GN'R as Axl in it's legacy. He's a staple. Even if he doesn't get the credit, Axl obviously wants him there.

I'm surprised you didn't mention Bumblefoot is now more interested in appearing with GNR cover bands.

Why would that be new? He's been doing that since 2006. 22

Plus I think Ron will actually have a writing hand in the final product. But that's just a personal opinion. He's not a Robin or Richard. Ron is actually an artist like Buckethead and/or Tommy.

I know some people want to see a reunion and are more than ready to bury the current incarnation of Guns N' Roses, but let's at least let them have their time in the sun.  We'll cross the reunion bridge when we get to it.  People seem to think that Axl, Slash, and Duff could get back together with a snap.  Do you really think it's that simple?  When's the last time Axl said something positive about any of those guys?  It's not that easy.  I'd be willing to bet you'll have to wait another 9 years for a reunion.  If that's what you wanna do, be my guest.

Why not? Ain't like GN'R is up to anything. Do you truely grasp how DEAD this band really is?

Neemo wrote:

i really doubt we will see a reunion any time soon...if anyone ever reads any Slash interviews he pretty much shoots it down every single time with out a shadow of a doubt...axl and slash are just on oposite ends of the spectrum right now...slash has a 3rd VR disk and a Solo album...Axl is trying to get the CD era off the ground....

the planets are just not aligned at the moment

3rd VR disc... i'll believe it when I see it. VR are even more dead than GN'R. I haven't seen Slash shoot down reunions in a couple years. All I ever see is him & Duff talk about reunions and asskiss Axl, and talk about how great of an artist he is.

Sounds to me like they WANT a reunion.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Wrong.  My guess was an actual date even though I figured it would never come out.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but if I remember the rules right, you couldn't go past the date, so i think I was in pretty good shape.  I had sometime in 2009 or 11 I was so long ago and so unimportant at the time.

Right! 22

you may have picked an actual date but if you say it's never coming out you are contradicting yourself. morally speaking ofcourse, you lose. whether you win the contest or not.

i was just playing around by the way but you always have to be so argumentative don't you.

I always have to be?  I don't think I told you that you lose...I don't think I was even talking specifically to you.  So yes, if you tell me I lose, expect me to show you just how wrong you are.

Unlike most people here, I can separate what I think from what is realistic.  So I can quite easily think it is never coming out, and still have a date that might make sense for whatever reason without risking my moral life on it.  Heck, I STILL don't really think it's coming out, but I can see the signs that say it COULD be coming out.  That makes me realistic.

lol you gotta be kidding me



you can seperate between reality and what you think?

you can't even seperate what you think from what you think

you contradicted yourself and got called on it - move on

anybody can make more than one prediction and get lucky - it's like throwing darts at a dart board. if you throw enough, eventually you'll hit the bullseye but that's not how it works in the rule book.

i don't even care about some contest i never even joined in on and i don't care if you win or lose but if you don't like being called on your statments stop making them in an insane fashion.

and don't post on an open forum and then try and call me out for responding. if you want a private conversation use the private messages 22

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Neemo wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

3rd VR disc... i'll believe it when I see it. VR are even more dead than GN'R. I haven't seen Slash shoot down reunions in a couple years. All I ever see is him & Duff talk about reunions and asskiss Axl, and talk about how great of an artist he is.

Sounds to me like they WANT a reunion.

you must not read many interviews with them then

latest slash interview

Neemo wrote:

We've heard rumours about a Slash solo record. How is it going?

"I started writing on the road with Velvet Revolver and then when we finished the tour and I got back from the UK at the beginning of the summer I started to sift through the ideas I'd recorded and elaborating on them."

What do you use to record your demos?

"It's not real complicated, it's a 16-track Boss digital recording studio. It's really simple because I really can't stand to deal with anything complicated. At this point though I've got a friend who has a Pro Tools set up in his garage and he's been sort of engineering. I put down the basic ideas here at home, then go over there and sort of expand on that at his place. And that's basically the demo at that point."

Do you think your solo record will surprise people?

"I don't know if it will be so much surprising'¦I mean, it touches on a lot of different sounds. There's different singers for every song and I think it will be the choice of vocalists that surprises people the most. But you'll just have to wait and see who they are. I'm sure there will be huge rumours going around will be reported as if they are a matter of fact!"

On the subject of rumours, everyone from Sebastian Bach to Lenny Kravitz has been reported as being the new Velvet Revolver singer. Are you any closer to finding a permanent replacement for Scott Weiland?

"I mean, we haven't picked anybody, so until we actually pick somebody and find that guy'¦.the first time around we auditioned so many singers - we weren't even called Velvet Revolver at the time - and then Scott became available. We sort of knew it was a pretty touch and go situation.

"Anyhow, this time around we've established ourselves as a proper band and we want to try different things - with Scott it was kind of limiting - so we are concentrating on just writing really cool stuff and waiting for the right guy."

You've worked with really great singers in the past, but on occasion they've perhaps been difficult to work with so finding someone really easy going would be a bonus too'¦

"Haha, I figure we've paid some dues."

Fans recently voted for Axl Rose to be the new Velvet Revolver frontman on MusicRadar. Something tells us that this is unlikely to happen.

"I heard that too. Yeah right. Anyway...haha."

definately sounds like he wants to work with axl again

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