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 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

metallex78 wrote:

Seeing as AFD, Lies, UYI and I suppose even TSI made a guitar hero out of Slash. Do you think CD will possibly do the same for Robin, Richard, Bumble and Bucket?

I think what I look forward to most is some in depth interviews on the guitar writing for the songs, and where inspiration came from for certain riffs or solos etc.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

James wrote:

Yeah I'd like to hear all the members go in depth about the saga, but chances of any of these guys becoming 'guitar heroes' are very, very slim. They're not spring chickens(you know of any guitarists who got legendary in their 40s?), none of them are very marketable, and they have no ties to the era that made the band magical. Also, from how the writing credits look to be shaping up, people who deserve much of the credit are either no longer there or not a guitarist.

They all deserve kudos for their contributions, but we're unlikely to see any icons be unveiled post CD.

 Rep: 57 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

supaplex wrote:

bucket is a guitar hero. nor he or i need validation from a "mainstream" audience.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

Neemo wrote:

i was always hoping for an interview with the guitarist team in like guitar world or somethign that would be pretty cool big_smile

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

war wrote:

no discreidt to the other guys but buket could become a guitar hero for sure
he already has some of his solo work on the games

he woudl probably need to be in the band though, not just solo.

 Rep: 43 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

gnfnraxl wrote:

I agree.  Bucket is the only one that has a chance if he's in the band.  And James I disagree.  Bucket is very marketable perhaps even more than Slash if done right.  Remember he's a mysterious guy that doesn't give interviews and people would be fascinated by him.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

buzzsaw wrote:
supaplex wrote:

bucket is a guitar hero. nor he or i need validation from a "mainstream" audience.

Validation from a "mainstream" audience is part of what makes someone a guitar hero.  I'm not saying it's fair, but it is true.  He may be a guitar hero to you, but he is not considered a guitar hero.  It's the same way with music...if the general public doesn't know about you, it doesn't matter how good your band is.  Talent alone only gets you so far in this world.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 77 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

Von wrote:

Buckethead is a god.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy - new guitar heroes in the making?

Axlin16 wrote:

Only Buckethead could become a guitar hero, and he is gone.

For it to truely materialize, and him to become that associated with Guns N' Roses, the album would have to come out, and he'd have to return and tour to support it.

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