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 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I think you're being a bit harsh. While I actually agree with some of your sentiment regarding the 'street team' approach to this, you're going a bit too far labeling a fan as ignorant just because they want the song/album to show up high on the charts.

The ignorance is the thinking that spamming the stations is helping.  When the song drops off the charts tomorrow or the next day, it's airplay is done.  That helps how?

You're assuming this was ALL the work of us GNR fans.  You may be right, but isn't it possible some people actually heard the song today for the first time and liked it and voted themselves.  I mean, a new song by Guns N' Roses is a pretty big deal and I'd like to think that some other people could be excited about it as well.

For the record, I only requested the song once, as it is a station I listen to.

Some people?  Yes.  Now go look at every GnR forum and you'll see multiple Bright Eyes pushing people to do the same thing.  It's pure fabrication and when they get tired of doing it, the song is off the charts.  That for those that weren't aware is a bad thing.

 Rep: 55 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

FlashFlood wrote:

i think the album will be successful. in north america in 06, the band was playing to crowds around 10000 every night. surely by 2006 they knew slash wasnt in the band

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:

finally i can enter this site. been trying to get on all day and couldn't.

faldor you are absolutely right. i talked to 5 people today. 2 of them knew me and knew that i like gnr. one of those two is a friend and showed no interest in the leaks i showed him when they came out and lost interest in the band when slash left. he admittedly loved the song. so did the other person i worked with.
the other three were all random people i see at work and had no idea i was a gnr fan. 2 of them had heard the song and liked it and the third had heard of the release and was looking forawrd to hearing it when he got home.

i have faith in the pending success of this song/album because i think it is quality music.  i knew the first day/s were gonna bring out both the narrow minded flamers and the die hard fans that will do anything to support their hero. but as time moves on the natural process will take over and all there will be left is the music and that is what the silent majority will hear and i think they will appreciate it because it is awesome music.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

i think the album will be successful. in north america in 06, the band was playing to crowds around 10000 every night. surely by 2006 they knew slash wasnt in the band

Really?  I think that number is high, especially when you remove the NYC shows, but let's pretend it is accurate.  How many of those tickets were given away?  How many of the people that would only go to a show with free tickets are going to drive to Best Buy to purchase CD?  How many of the people that bailed during the new songs are going to run to Best Buy to purchase CD?

Hint: It's probably not a high number.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

Buzzsaw, I think you stated earlier that you can't put much stock in people's initial opinions on the song today.  I would agree with you, but for different reasons.  You seem to think the song was getting favorable reviews right from the bat, and from a majority of GNR forum members.  I'm not gonna deny that I'm sure we all did our part and then some, but I found that the response to the song got stronger throughout the day.  When I first listened to the song at 6 this morning on WAAF, the callers were bashing the song with the typical "it took 15 years for this?".  "Axl can't sing anymore".  etc, etc.  The DJ's were a little unsure of Axl too, but they did say they thought the band sounded really good.  But by the time they played the song for the 3rd time in three hours there were no more negative calls, and the DJ's completely changed their tune and were saying the song was really good.  That goes to show me that after a few listens, if people let the song sink in, it can be appreciated for what it is.

The DJs have to listen to the song over and over.  The general public does not.  If the song has to grow on you, it was the wrong choice to reintroduce a band that has been out of the public eye for 13 years.  The general public is not going to keep listening until they like it.

it has to grow on some people becasue they are closed minded and are immediately listening to it on an uneven plain. they are the losers wanting not to like it. the fact that even they acquire a taste for the song speaks only to the quality of the music.

the rest of the people that don't get into the drama and just want to listen to good music may like the song on the first listen.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:

So the only way to not like it is if you're closed minded?  That's pretty open minded of you.  I'll let you in on a secret:  when you heard it, you were equally closed minded and had already convinced yourself you would like it.  It's called human nature.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

faldor wrote:
war wrote:

finally i can enter this site. been trying to get on all day and couldn't.

faldor you are absolutely right. i talked to 5 people today. 2 of them knew me and knew that i like gnr. one of those two is a friend and showed no interest in the leaks i showed him when they came out and lost interest in the band when slash left. he admittedly loved the song. so did the other person i worked with.
the other three were all random people i see at work and had no idea i was a gnr fan. 2 of them had heard the song and liked it and the third had heard of the release and was looking forawrd to hearing it when he got home.

i have faith in the pending success of this song/album because i think it is quality music.  i knew the first day/s were gonna bring out both the narrow minded flamers and the die hard fans that will do anything to support their hero. but as time moves on the natural process will take over and all there will be left is the music and that is what the silent majority will hear and i think they will appreciate it because it is awesome music.

Yeah that's a good point too.  Granted, there are plenty of hardcore GNR fans doing their part requesting the song and voting in polls.  But there's also plenty of haters voting against, or posting negative comments with no reason other than they're haters.  Is it an even number on both sides?  Probably not, we probably outnumber them by a bit.  But there are plenty of haters out there who will not give this a chance unless they're told it's ultimately good, then they may turn the corner.  They're like sheep, follow the herd.  But this is a big deal.  WAAF played the song every hour today, and other stations across the WORLD have played it countless times.  They're not being forced to play the song, they don't HAVE to play it, at least not that much.  There's obviously an extreme interest.  An interest that some think may die over time.  Well, it could easily grow as well, and I have faith that it will.

 Rep: 43 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

gnfnraxl wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

i think the album will be successful. in north america in 06, the band was playing to crowds around 10000 every night. surely by 2006 they knew slash wasnt in the band

Not necessarily.  My brother in law bought his ticket thinking Slash was in.  Plus the show I was at.  The show was on a Tuesday night.  Nov 21 2006 to be exact.  I bought my tix the Saturday before the show at the low price of two tix for one.  I wouldn't call that a success.

As for the controversy Buzzsaw is creating.  Here is where I agree with him.  ALOT of people here seem to think CD will be the album that will sell regardless any obstacles and can't fail, and that it'll revolutionize music.  It won't.  Sorry to disappoint you but CD will be a good album no more no less.  I hate to bring AFD back in this.  But back in 87 when I heard AFD for the first time I was 14.  I ran to my friends house and told him to listen to this.  We were in awe!  Even at the age of 14 I realised that this album was special.  Anytime you heard WTTJ it made your head turn to see what the buzz was all about.  From the intro it knocked you out.  And the album just never let you go after that until it was over.   While CD is a very strong track and it contains other very good songs.  Nothing in there makes me wanna run to my best friends house to make him listen to cause I think that what I have in my hands is the greatest thing in music.  GNR this time around won't revolutianize music or change it forever like they did in 87.  And as long as people expect a good record from CD period, it should do fine.

One last thing.  Back in 87, you didn't have to call the radio station a 1000 times to hear GNR cause 1000's of people called alot cause they wanted to hear GNR on the radio not because they wanted it to be  no 1 for giggles.  Why not try the same thing this time around and see what happens?  You all might be surprised in a good way. wink  CD is a good enough song to do well on it's own.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

So the only way to not like it is if you're closed minded?  That's pretty open minded of you.  I'll let you in on a secret:  when you heard it, you were equally closed minded and had already convinced yourself you would like it.  It's called human nature.

I don't think that was directed at me, BUT, I actually didn't care too much for the live version of Chinese Democracy.  I liked it, but that's about as far as it went.  Once I heard the demo version though, that quickly changed.  Loved it.  And the finished version is even better.  So people's opinions can change.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

So the only way to not like it is if you're closed minded?  That's pretty open minded of you.  I'll let you in on a secret:  when you heard it, you were equally closed minded and had already convinced yourself you would like it.  It's called human nature.

buzz you talk too much.

i didn't even like the track at first
and i didn't say everyone that doesn't like it is closed minded

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