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 Rep: 768 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Axlin16 wrote:

I would. Guess what ain't on the website? A place for requests. Big shock.

They're probably one of those plays that hire their programming director and DJ's, and they're supposed to be so astute at picking out the right tracks, that they don't take requests.

They need to seriously pick up on GN'R-CD. They play The Day That Never Comes every hour, and that combined with CD, is probably the two most legit & best songs that anyone can hear right now on modern rock radio.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

misterID wrote:

Remember when they played GNR, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath in heavy rotation? That new program director destroyed that. That's when it started to suck.

They should have an e-mail address. If they do you should post it and we'll flood them.

What did Stern say, Crime?

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

misterID wrote:

What did Stern say, Crime?

I read about it, so I didn't hear it myself.

But from what I've read he played some clips of the leaks and then later he played Chinese Democracy - he then said something along the lines:

"I like it. It ain't no Mr. Brownstone, but I like it".

 Rep: 341 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

bigbri wrote:

I finally heard it on WLUP. Sounds kickass on a good car stereo system. DJ liked it, said it takes a while to kick in, but when it does, "it's good."

 Rep: 118 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

mickronson wrote:

i guess after a few years its stopped "kickin in"... for me.  I like it but its lost its magic even with the very very minor changes

 Rep: 768 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Axlin16 wrote:

Here's the program director's e-mail:

 Rep: 15 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

BurningHills wrote:

The rock station in the cluster that I work at has been playing it non-stop since yesterday!

 Rep: 386 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Bono wrote:

Well I wonder if the hysteria has dropped a notch or two or three. ... maybe four.   Yesterday I heard Chinese Democracy played 6 times over a  12 hour period on the same station. Today I heard it once over 9 hours.  I wokr out of a truck so the radio is on all day. I called into the radio station today after I heard it and talked with the DJ. He isn't sure whether he likes it or not but he did say without any suggestion from me that he thinks the production is terrible and that if this is the lead single he doesn't have much hope for the album. I told him in my opinion it's not the best song off the album.  Though it does sound better than the leaks I agree with him about the production. I think this is gonna be a real problem with the album.  The DJ said the feedback from their listeners has been not so good. In fact he said alot of people have been calling and e-mailing to say the music sounds pretty good but the vocals and lyrics suck.  To prove his point he actually played a call on air after I hung up where the guy asked "Could you guys play that song again but without the lyrics" Ouch.  I have a buddy who works at the station and he basically said the same. Music is tight, vocals are weak.

Personally I like hearing it on radio. I just find it  amusing that others are actually lsitening to this now. It dos  sound diferent than the standard rock radio stuff which is good I think. But at least here in Central Alberta the reaction from most people seems to be negative. Yesterday it was split from the people I talked to but the more people I've talked to since than the pedulum has definately swung towards the negative side. hmm

 Rep: 281 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

faldor wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:
misterID wrote:

What did Stern say, Crime?

I read about it, so I didn't hear it myself.

But from what I've read he played some clips of the leaks and then later he played Chinese Democracy - he then said something along the lines:

"I like it. It ain't no Mr. Brownstone, but I like it".

They played it during Robin's news segment.  She started the story saying that the album was finally coming out and Howard started joking that it took 30 years to make and that nobody cares anymore.  Then she told him she had a few clips of songs to play and he said, "oh good".  He cued up CD and after one note he exclaimed, "wow, I can see why this took 20 years."  Artie said he was digging it, and Howard said it was good too but still felt people didn't care about it anymore.  Artie really liked it though and asked how you go about buying albums these days.  He then asked his assistant to look into getting it for him.  They also played a little bit of the TWAT demo, and again they said they liked it.  Howard said Axl's a great songwriter but they got screwed by the grunge movement and didn't help himself by showing up 2 hours late to shows, that you can't make your fans wait like that.  Then Robin piped in and said that she went to a GNR show and waited and it was one of the best concerts she's ever been to.

Overall it was a very positive review.  Remember, it IS a comedy based program, so obviously they're going to poke a little fun here and there.  They did say they liked the music though.  There was none of this, it's not the same without Slash stance that many DJ's are taking.  Howard's only beef was with the amount of time it took.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Well I wonder if the hysteria has dropped a notch or two or three. ... maybe four.   Yesterday I heard Chinese Democracy played 6 times over a  12 hour period on the same station. Today I heard it once over 9 hours.  I wokr out of a truck so the radio is on all day. I called into the radio station today after I heard it and talked with the DJ. He isn't sure whether he likes it or not but he did say without any suggestion from me that he thinks the production is terrible and that if this is the lead single he doesn't have much hope for the album. I told him in my opinion it's not the best song off the album.  Though it does sound better than the leaks I agree with him about the production. I think this is gonna be a real problem with the album.  The DJ said the feedback from their listeners has been not so good. In fact he said alot of people have been calling and e-mailing to say the music sounds pretty good but the vocals and lyrics suck.  To prove his point he actually played a call on air after I hung up where the guy asked "Could you guys play that song again but without the lyrics" Ouch.  I have a buddy who works at the station and he basically said the same. Music is tight, vocals are weak.

Personally I like hearing it on radio. I just find it  amusing that others are actually lsitening to this now. It dos  sound diferent than the standard rock radio stuff which is good I think. But at least here in Central Alberta the reaction from most people seems to be negative. Yesterday it was split from the people I talked to but the more people I've talked to since than the pedulum has definately swung towards the negative side. hmm

I honestly wonder if these people have heard It's So Easy. Just goes to show you that the term "casual fan" is literal. They've probably only heard WTTJ, SCOM, PC, and NR. People assume because he's singing in a deeper voice that he has lost his voice. They're fucking morons though because it's part of his range. It's part of what makes him an impressive singer.

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