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 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Every non-GNR to casual GNR fan I know of likes this song.

That's good.  I'm glad that's what they told you.  But if EVERY one of them said that, some of them weren't completely honest, because no song or band is liked by everybody.  It's more likely they didn't want to tell you how they really feel for whatever reason.  Let's see how many of them rush out to buy the album.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

misterID wrote:

" So IF you're going to purposely "cheat" the results, you cannot in turn use those results as evidence of success."

There you go again. By your logic, no band who has ever attained a number one single deserves it because of their "idiot fans" are cheating.

Obviously there are people who want this band to succeed and those who want it to fail. That's clear.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

What fanbase doesn't flood radiostations with requests? That's how they get high chart positions. It's completely ridiculous that you're attacking people for doing what every other fanbase does. They want their favorite band to be successful.  Jesus Christ, Buzz, come off it aleady.

No, what I'm attacking them for is doing it and then using it as "proof" that the song is popular.  All it does is prove that there is a small loyal fanbase that has way too much time on their hands.

"Look, I voted 1,000 times and it made it to number 3!  Way to go me!!!"

 Rep: 485 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Neemo wrote:

all this discussion is pretty much baseless anyway...we wont know until the single has been around for a couple weeks or so......or vice versa until the album has ben out for a while...only then can we truely guage interest...anythign before that is just speculation

nobody i know has said anything one way or the other about i dunno how you guys are getting all this feedback

the only feedback i get is "So they finally are gonna release it huh? 'bout time"

 Rep: 664 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

James wrote:

Of course we're not gonna know who's listening. I cant get a list of names of each person hearing the track. Are some of those forum junkies hitting repeat over and over? Sure. The numbers are too high for it to just be people like us. You're gonna get the old fans listening just to see what its like, casuals who have minor interest in the saga, and people who don't really care but wanted to hear the song.

We're not gonna know the real reaction to this until the track either goes on sale or the album is released. Not gonna put any faith in youtube. A 70 year old woman can fart on youtube and it'll get a million views. That doesn't mean she can fart repeatedly for 3 minutes, upload the material to Itunes and sell a million downloads.

This song should have been available on Itunes the second it hit radio.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

" So IF you're going to purposely "cheat" the results, you cannot in turn use those results as evidence of success."

There you go again. By your logic, no band who has ever attained a number one single deserves it because of their "idiot fans" are cheating.

Obviously there are people who want this band to succeed and those who want it to fail. That's clear.

Damn...THAT is what you got out of that entire thread of posts?  Good God, it's no wonder...nevermind.

{sarcasm} Great point, why didn't I think of that?  I mean, the ONLY way to get to number one is by over-inflating the votes for your favorite artists because they can't make it on their own. {/sarcasm}

 Rep: 475 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

misterID wrote:

Then by that standard there is absolutely no way to guage who has ever had a legit number 1 single because we have no clue if its always been "fan clubs" and a few select fans of a group calling non stop to every radio station they can to get them to number one. More than likely, other artists have had ten times the ammount of people doing exactly what some GNR fans are doing.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

misterID wrote:

Dude, there is no way I'm going to go backtracking this thread that you and a couple of others ruined a long ways back to see what you're talking about. I'm just going on what you posted above.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

-Jack- wrote:

Sorry Buzzsaw, but at this point, I 100% disagree. Im in Los Angeles and our biggest rock radio station which has a very anti-gnr DJ, KROQ106.7 just had Chinese Democracy at number 3 on their furious 5 at 9 (the top 5 requested tracks of the day.) No forum had anything about spamming this radio station and even I didn't call in about it (although now that I see people are voting for it, I will.)

It's not just a bunch of GNR nerds man. Maybe in some areas, but in Los Angeles? There's probably 5000 GNR fans on active forums... Los Angeles has like 3 million people... even if only 10% of LA listened to KROQ, there's no way that the tiny online GNR fanbase would get this song on the 5 most requested of the day.

Like James said, I think we are in the curious stage, people are requesting this song and trying to see if they like it or not. But it's definetly not some GNR nerds in LA... believe what you want, and I understand because even I was blown away to hear it doing so well. Hopefully it keeps up because it's just setting up a springboard for the next single wink

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
Neemo wrote:

all this discussion is pretty much baseless anyway...we wont know until the single has been around for a couple weeks or so......or vice versa until the album has ben out for a while...only then can we truely guage interest...anythign before that is just speculation

nobody i know has said anything one way or the other about i dunno how you guys are getting all this feedback

the only feedback i get is "So they finally are gonna release it huh? 'bout time"

That's what I get too (if I get anything) and people know I'm a huge fan, but I'm not going to come out and specifically tell people they are lying about what they're being told...I might say that they are being lied to though if they are going to claim everybody loves it.

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