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 Rep: 109 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Saikin wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Well, I'm glad you guys are happy with Frank, but you're going to have a hard time convincing people who anything about music that he is better than both Josh Freese and Brain.

What also bothers me is he's gonna be on the credits, so he gets the credit for what Josh and Brain spent years doing. That's cheap.

Agreed 100%.  John and Brain are both amazing drummers, and not many people know about Frank.  I certianly didn't until he started drumming for GNR.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Axlin16 wrote:

Other than W. Axl Rose & Buckethead...

No one knows these guys Bri. Not Brain, not Tommy, not Bumble, none of them.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

buzzsaw wrote:

Most people don't know BH either - other than the KFC/freakshow thing at least.  If you're going to say BH is a known entity, you have to include Tommy in there.  But I'd say neither is known.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Axlin16 wrote:

No you're right buzz. The ONLY reason I mentioned Bucket is because he's instantly recognizable with the Bucket and Myers-knockoff mask.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

No you're right buzz.

I'm going to frame this post and hang it on my office wall!  5

 Rep: 13 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

strat0 wrote:

Even tho those guys don't get instrument credit, don't they still get royalties from all this?

 Rep: 109 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Saikin wrote:
strat0 wrote:

Even tho those guys don't get instrument credit, don't they still get royalties from all this?

No.  They got paid while they were in it, but if they don't get credits, they don't get royalties.  I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

polluxlm wrote:

Chinese Democracy has gone through major changes over the years. The first leak was a major improvement on the perception on what at the time was no more than a mediocre title track to most of fans.

And now it has been pushed even further. The opening drums adds that epic aspect to the song. I could swear Axl must have recorded those in heaven, and I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did. Then come the real juice. The rythm guitar presented by Bumble brings on the table that one thing I have always missed: The AFD feel.

Gritty, dirty and sleazy. That was the trademark of the guitar playing in old Guns for me. After a killer opening riff you would always have that groovy, playfull chords under Axls powerful vocals. It was one of the things that seperated them from generity.

And now it's back. Not the same in any way of course, thank god, but it's got that feel of a guitarplayer that knows what I'm talking about, making his version of it.

If this song speaks for the rest of the album I think we could actually be in for a little suprise.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Aussie wrote:

Something I found really interesting is that the label for the release is a joint thing between Geffen and Axl's company Black Frog.

How the hell did Uncle Axl swing that deal?  Presumably there would not have been any legal reason why his comapny would have been given a look in on the action.  I can only assume that part of the negotiations included a degree of blackmail/standoff tactics to the effect of "if you don't cut me in then I'll sit in the Malibu Hills for another 15 years".

 Rep: 768 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Axlin16 wrote:

Negotiations, good ones are an art.

When Geffen started handing Axl advances with no penalties for non-delivery, they let him know they were HIS bitch.

From that point on, Axl knew and/or knows he calls all the shots and all negotiations. All he's got to do is threaten to walk, and they'll give him ANYTHING he wants.

The time for Geffen to have played hardball would've been from the very beginning. They should've never given him anymore than the absolute basic amount of budget that he needed to finish the album. If he didn't finish it, then take it to court. But "buying loyalty" will get you nothing but a higher price the next time you have to buy it, which is the exact game Axl played with them.

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