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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The SAW Thread

^ I watched it too as I had nothing else to do. The ad breaks were positioned badly, putting the last one in where they did totally ruined the climax of the film.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The SAW Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I finally watched Saw III. It was awful. The puzzles were pretty good, but no suspense & the acting was awful. Killed the movie, it was basically along the lines of Friday the 13 6 or Halloween 4 type acting. Horribly bad.

 Rep: 0 

Re: The SAW Thread

LastHouse wrote:

I thought Saw was mediocre and II was actually pretty good. I ended up giving up after III when it seemed like any elements of story had been cut out to make room for more "wasn't that a kool death?" scenes. I didn't like that a lot of the traps were becoming impossible to get out of either - sort of went against the whole original idea didn't it?

But I commend the director for getting rich by making the same movie over and over again.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The SAW Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Guess what I did today?

I picked up a Saw / Saw II / Saw III Triple-pack at Wal-Mart.

I'm gonna finally sit down and watch these.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The SAW Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Finally got around to watching "Saw".

And this is it?

Wasn't impressed in the least. The storyline is virtually non-existant. I'm sorry to all the new-age horror fans, but an incohrent story does not equal mystery & intrigue. The story is hard as fuck to follow, because it just seems to be thrown in as an afterthought. You never really connect with any of the characters, and as soon as you start learning a little bit about them, you are taken away from their situation, and it fails to deliver any character development to drive the film. Another thing totally missing is any atmosphere. Great horror films, and even 'good' horror films, set a tone and atmosphere, which really serve as the backdrop to the film. Saw does neither. Cary Elwes, a decent actor, is given tons of screen time, but because the majority of the plot is revealed at the end, we never really connect with why we should care what's happening to him. Danny Glover is TOTALLY wasted. I can't count how many great films this man has been in dramatically, such as "Witness" & "The Color Purple", as well as great action-driven features such as the "Lethal Weapon" films as well as the underrated "Predator 2". It annoyed me how much Glover was wasted here. Instead of kind of doing a "Predator 2" thing with him of an obsessed cop, he just kind of sits around and really does nothing. All I can guess is he only signed on for so many minutes in the film.

Poor film. It failed to pull me in, excite me, or interest me in the least.

Currently watching: Saw II

 Rep: 768 

Re: The SAW Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Watched Saw II yesterday, and just finished up Saw III.

Let me officially say - these things are not near what they are cracked up to be. Give me old school horror any day of the week.

Saw II
--- Good film. Yes, I did like this one. FAR surpasses the poor original, and I don't think i've quite seen a sequel be so much better than the original. The cast if very good, the storyline is interesting, Jigsaw is great, the suspense is done well, the twist at the end is a true twist you don't see coming. Done very well, and a GOOD film imo. I liked it. The needle scene has got to be one of the most cringe-inducing scenes i've ever seen in a horror film, and afterwords I loved it. Those pushing it moments, are what I love about horror. I hadn't been uncomfortable in a horror movie in awhile, but that one was... *shutters*

--- The definition of a misstep. This is what happens when you're under pressure to churn out a new film every year. The film feels rushed as soon as you start watching it, no different than certain Friday The 13th's, and for some reason Halloween 5 really sticks out in my mind in comparison to this. The Amanda/Jigsaw relationship was a great twist at the end of Saw II, but just seems to drag on here to where you don't really care. The casting is weak. I think the script/story would've been benefitted from re-casting the role of the husband & wife, especially the husband. A good, veteran, well-known actor in that role, could've emoted something on screen to pull you in, no different than Donnie Wahlberg in Saw II.  Instead the weak cast never really interests you, and it's just about the Amanda/Jigsaw relationship, which all the stuff in Saw III could've just tacked on an extra 10 minutes to Saw II, and pretty much covered it. Saw III is no worse than the original Saw, but it's not any better either, especially following the good Saw II.

I also want to make a grievance with Saw III, and the death of the Kerry character (the female detective) in the beginning. WHY? This is one of the most stupid, non-important, anti-climatic, WORTHLESS deaths i've ever seen in a horror franchise, to which I tend to be an expert. The detective had been there since the original, and at least provided some continuity to the Jigsaw investigation. The 'reason' for her capturing and 'lesson' was tacked on, and was not in line with Jigsaw's games. I can only assume Amanda orchestrated the murder. To kill the Kerry character, was something that I almost knew would happen, but I had hoped wouldn't happen, and when it did - I rolled my eyes and laughed. It's SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOO cliched for a horror film to kill off a character from a previous film in the sequel, that it's beyond redundant at this point. I had hoped Saw wouldn't go that route, but they did with this kill. Psycho II - Lila / Halloween 5 - Rachel / Halloween 6 - Jamie / Halloween 8 - Laurie / Friday The 13th Pt. 2 - Adrienne King / Nightmare 4 - the entire cast of 3 almost...

Hell in Scream 2, they killed off the character of Randy to MAKE FUN of horror films doing this.

It's just something that really irritates me.

And I ask those out there... is Saw IV and/or Saw V worth seeing?

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The SAW Thread

Our opinions differ slightly as I like the original Saw, although I think II is the best with III being by far the worst. Saw IV is imo better than III but not the other 2, the pacing suspense and twists are all better in IV than in III, although there are several flaws in it that I can only assume were deliberate and meant to be answered in V, which I haven't seen so can't comment.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The SAW Thread

-D- wrote:

I love the Saw franchise.

Part III was the only one I thought truly sucked.  Part 2 is great, part 4 and 5 were also very good.

The first is probably the best just where everything was new and u had no idea what to expect.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The SAW Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I watched Saw IV the other night, thought it was really good. I'm a bit confused, I didn't think I saw III but in my previous post I did, so I guess I've seen 1-4. IIRC 1 & 2 were good, 3 real bad, but 4 was good again. Axlin08 I was a pretty big fan of the original, so take my review with a grain of salt, but 4 has a bit of a different aspect I think. It definitely refreshes it from III. Worth watched, if you liked II you might enjoy IV if you give it a chance.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The SAW Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I'll have to check out IV. Haven't seen it yet.

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