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 Rep: 109 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Saikin wrote:

I really agree with previous posts.

This album is held down by ballads.  No ballads can really stand out because there's a bunch more ballads to fill in the spot of heartbreak and loss. 

This causes the rockers to stand out, and that's not necessarily a good thing when some of them sound like b-sides. 

But i'm happy this is seeing the light of day.  The myth has really been further deflated.  I have no idea how the general public will react to a GNR album with mostly ballads.

 Rep: 194 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

tejastech08 wrote:
Saikin wrote:

I have no idea how the general public will react to a GNR album with mostly ballads.

LOL, I've got a pretty good idea of how they'll react.

 Rep: 14 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Dadud wrote:

my god, This I Love is my new favorite song, Sorry comes in 3rd after TWAT, Scraped, and then CTIR rounds off the top 5. i seriously cant fucking wait for this album.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

Still not 'feeling' This I Love, although I only listened a few times. Out of all these tracks, the clipping shit ruins it the most.

Sorry is shaping up to be the real gem on the album for me. I'm glad Baz was wrong on the description. I was expecting z grade Sabbath or a Soundgarden imitation and its far from that.

The guitar work on it is superb.

 Rep: 768 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

See if you make your album ballad-heavy, like CD, your rockers have to be AMAZING, to really balance it.

Look at AFD. Loaded with rockers, but because your big ballad was Sweet Child O' Mine, it carried it to balance it out, and also gave more respect to Think About You.

Lies was anchored by Patience. Illusion I was anchored by November Rain. Illusion II was anchored by Estranged. You get the idea.

Well CD is the reverse of that. The ballads are heavy, people are going to draw heavy comparisons to November Rain = This I Love, Estranged = TWAT, but in addition to that, there's several other ballads, some of which are built up as epics, such as Catcher & Prostitute.

Well that leaves you in a position that your rockers have to basically be Welcome To The Jungle or Coma or Civil War... problem is... none of them are. CD is a strong song, but isn't any higher on the tier than Right Next Door To Hell, Perfect Crime, Garden of Eden, those type of songs, Better isn't really a rocker more a rocker/ballad mix, leaving Shackler's & Scraped to pick up the slack. Scraped is WAY too different to ever serve a mainstream purpose or to grab people, and even though I feel Shackler's does that in SOME ways, Shackler's could be Coma II (which it ain't by a long shot), and even still, that ONE rocker just can't do it. Riad is not good, and most are going to feel that way imo. People would be puking all over their radio dials if that song is ever released as a single. It's probably the most out of place song on this entire album. It should've been saved for whatever album features songs like Silkworms.

The ballads on this album shine imo, but the rockers are average-to-good. Thing is because the rockers stick out... they also stick out as... well, B-sides.

 Rep: 0 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

JKL wrote:

I just got home from work and it's way Past My bed tiME but i'm just gonna stay awake for a while.

 Rep: 14 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Dadud wrote:

I love when Sorry kicks in "I'm sorry for you, Not sorry for me, You don't know who in the hell to or not to believe. I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me. You dont know who you can trust now, (you should be me)" not 100% on that last bit, it gets a little garbled with the skip

Also, i only listened to the first part of This I Love, the skipping ruins the songs potential, but from listening to the first 30 or so seconds, its defiantly going to be a great song. Also, anyone compare it to the Making of Estranged music yet? i would, but i lost my GNR albums .rar backup (had a MP3 rip of the song)

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

See if you make your album ballad-heavy, like CD, your rockers have to be AMAZING, to really balance it.

Look at AFD. Loaded with rockers, but because your big ballad was Sweet Child O' Mine, it carried it to balance it out, and also gave more respect to Think About You.

Lies was anchored by Patience. Illusion I was anchored by November Rain. Illusion II was anchored by Estranged. You get the idea.

Well CD is the reverse of that. The ballads are heavy, people are going to draw heavy comparisons to November Rain = This I Love, Estranged = TWAT, but in addition to that, there's several other ballads, some of which are built up as epics, such as Catcher & Prostitute.

Well that leaves you in a position that your rockers have to basically be Welcome To The Jungle or Coma or Civil War... problem is... none of them are. CD is a strong song, but isn't any higher on the tier than Right Next Door To Hell, Perfect Crime, Garden of Eden, those type of songs, Better isn't really a rocker more a rocker/ballad mix, leaving Shackler's & Scraped to pick up the slack. Scraped is WAY too different to ever serve a mainstream purpose or to grab people, and even though I feel Shackler's does that in SOME ways, Shackler's could be Coma II (which it ain't by a long shot), and even still, that ONE rocker just can't do it. Riad is not good, and most are going to feel that way imo. People would be puking all over their radio dials if that song is ever released as a single. It's probably the most out of place song on this entire album. It should've been saved for whatever album features songs like Silkworms.

The ballads on this album shine imo, but the rockers are average-to-good. Thing is because the rockers stick out... they also stick out as... well, B-sides.

I actually don't have a problem with 'average' rockers. My issue is that there's not more of them. I don't have anything against ballads, but when you look at this album as a whole, there's a few too many. It creates a potential scenario where good tracks get lost and just become obscure deep album cuts that Joe Blow will probably never here or if he does, just skip.

Since most of these songs are a decade old and is more of a compilation than a normal record, for shits and giggles lets act like the old band did nothing but their own Chinese Democracy.....

Civil War
Dust N Bones
November Rain
So Fine
The Garden
Pretty Tied Up
Don't Cry

Now obviously that would have been a good album, but it wallows in its own cheese and most of those songs never would have had the impact they had when placed on separate albums. What's the big hit on this record? SCOM or NR? Patience? Regardless of if its one or all three, you have classics there that would have been ignored by all but the hardcore fans. Hell, even as separate albums the Illusion discs suffered from this as well. The Garden is an incredible song, yet was a throwaway single towards the end of the UYI craze and isn't held in high regard by many fans. While Estranged was a single and the hardcores love it, it never truly connected with the masses like NR did. Remove NR from UYI I, and Estranged likely becomes the big hit.

The moral to this story?

Sometimes less is more.

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

scraped is an amazing rocker, and why do so many people hate on rhiad? never understood the hate for that song. Sorry is not really a ballad, its doom metal like baz said, as in slow grinding beat, tuned down guitars. for some reason people equate doom metal to death metal, certainly not the case.

 Rep: 194 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

tejastech08 wrote:

Axlin08, "Better" is definitely a rocker. It is by far the strongest one on the album in my opinion. They've pretty much ruined it with all the synth crap but the original leak was great.

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