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 Rep: 661 

Re: How many stayed strong?

monkeychow wrote:

I've been doing that too. Been spinning AFD a bit which is unusual for me, as although i deeply love the album it hasn't been part of my daily playlist for many years.

 Rep: 768 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Axlin16 wrote:

Yep. The other day I listened to all of AFD, minus You're Crazy [electric] & Anything Goes. 10/12

Probably the first time in.... god... maybe 6-7 years that i've listened to that much from the album. Typically it's just the standards like Jungle, City, Sweet Child... which due to radio, I hear probably once a week at least, every week, all year.

I don't know, I love AFD, but in the past several years, i've found myself being far more interested in listening to the Illusion albums, rather than AFD. I'm sure CD will probably take their place for awhile. At least 'til CD II, or some other named second album rolls around.

 Rep: 14 

Re: How many stayed strong?

ereeper wrote:

I've been rediscovering my old cd's.  I found myself jamming Physical Graffiti, Let It Be, and Dark Side of the Moon.

 Rep: 664 

Re: How many stayed strong?

James wrote:

I haven't listened to the old band in years. However, I've decided to 'rediscover' UYI in the lead up to Chinese Democracy. CD is a follow up to UYI of sorts, so I think its a good idea to dive in to those albums again after a lengthy time away from them.

I'm still staying a light year away from AFD.

I don't even have UYI anymore. Gonna have to download them.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: How many stayed strong?

NY Giants82 wrote:

I've been playing Baz's "Angel Down". Kick ass cd, with Axl on a few songs. I figure its good timing.

 Rep: 633 

Re: How many stayed strong?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I haven't listened to the old band in years. However, I've decided to 'rediscover' UYI in the lead up to Chinese Democracy. CD is a follow up to UYI of sorts, so I think its a good idea to dive in to those albums again after a lengthy time away from them.

I'm still staying a light year away from AFD.

I don't even have UYI anymore. Gonna have to download them.

Which I think will piss some people off... again.

CD is another installment of Axl burying AFD. The more time goes on, the more it becomes obvious that it was the record "the band" wanted to make.

Problem is though... why does Axl play mostly AFD live? "Well, it's what the audience wants to hear"... since when does Axl Rose let the audience dictate to him what he'll play?

He's got a love/hate relationship with that record.

Oh, and by the way, what kind of admin, who runs a GN'R board, doesn't have all the albums? 18

 Rep: 485 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Neemo wrote:

the same kind who doesnt download the newest leaks 16

 Rep: 231 

Re: How many stayed strong?

-D- wrote:

I stayed strong on the ones I havent heard yet.

I did hear Street of Dreams and Catcher.

 Rep: 768 

Re: How many stayed strong?

Axlin16 wrote:

You guys aren't bots are you?

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