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 Rep: 30 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Acquiesce wrote:

LF, I am not familiar with your or your site, but who are you to say it isn't a sufficient way to hear them? Isn't that up to the listener to decide whether or not it is sufficient enough? I don't see the big deal. People are hungry for these songs to the point where they are willing to suffer through the clicking to satisfy their curiosity. What is wrong with that?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Axlin16 wrote:
sic. wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I wonder who the mysterious contributor is? Paul? Izzy?

Mr. Dizzy Reed.


Why would that be mysterious? He's been a fuckin' bandmember since 1990, and both Axl & Chris both have talked before about Dizzy's contributions to the album.

It's not a shock.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

James wrote:
LIVE FREE wrote:

You couldn't have misconstrued my posts more. James my jokes about MIA were exactly that, jokes made in jest. Nothing malicious, I just find it consistently funny. I actually enjoy her music myself, so hopefully you didn't take it that way. I like you and the fact that you remain quite objective to the material. No "Rose colored glasses" from you, no sir.


I didn't consider it malicious. I'm a Maya clit swinger and I realize I bring any comments regarding that on myself. You're one of those people who have the ability to use it with good timing.

Regarding the rest of your post....

No one is jumping on you for posting album information. Hell, I had to create this spoiler section just so people who want to stay away from leaks and/or information on the album until 11/23 can do so with ease. Even if I wanted to avoid spoilers like some and wait to know anything until the 23rd, this section would still be here.

People like choices. Some want to wait, some don't. Some want to wait, read spoilers, but not listen. It isn't my duty to decide that for them.

While the word 'hypocrisy' might have been a tad harsh, I'm sure you can see and understand the sentiment. You are posting information here that you filter on a site you moderate. Am I against you posting information here? Of course not. Hell, you can post the full liner notes here if you choose to do so. That is your choice. Just like when  MSL is doing the things he does best, it always comes to a point where this site becomes the only site he can freely say what he wants because the escapades eventually get shut down on other sites. The Shackler fiasco and his crusade for release date info a good example. You also had involvement in that, yet it became censored at your site and others. To the point where he was posting rants about it on his own site. Then he runs back to those sites when the dust settles, then is surprised when he gets censored again.

I am an advocate of the free flow of information. I don't care what site it originates from or who got the "scoop". The information should be accessible at all sites that GNR fans go to. However, its not my decision on what gets posted at other sites. Like others, I respect what decisions get made at other sites even though I don't agree. An example would be my decision to never post at mygnr again. I was never a majorly active poster there. Mostly a lurker who would jump in to a thread from time to time. I do like the site and the community itself reminds me a tad of what HTGTH used to be before I stopped posting there. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when the site decided for me that I couldn't discuss a guitarist who is on this album, even though he is credited with writing a portion of the tracks. Anything about him has to be tossed into a section that has nothing to do with Chinese Democracy, and anyone who brings him up will potentially face being banned.

If they want to censor certain parts of the album and a chunk of the band's history, that's their choice. I respect the decision, but wont post there anymore.

I understand 'forum politics'. However, I have no illusions of grandeur and also realize that I am not a king and that this site lives or dies by its members. I don't decide for them what they can or cant talk about. THEY decide that. As long as the few simple rules here are followed, anything is fair game.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Aussie wrote:

Live free - why would you come here posting about the liner notes for CD?  Are we supposed to fawn over you because you have read it.  You tell us about it, then in the next breath withhold info saying you have to leave some mystery for us. Make up your mind.  Either tell us what you have read or don't even bother mentioning it.  That's the way this board operates.  These type of games are tiresome and childish (I know something you don't know blah blah blah), it's akin to people leaking 10 seconds of a track or something.  It's purely done for self gratification and notoeriety.  So what was your motive? 

Are you posting this info here because you can't do it at your own forum?  So to feel some self importance you come here to post it because we allow free speech and our members to decide what they do and don't want to discuss and read about?

I'm not interested in bashing mygnr or, those forums are what they are.  If the admins there want to do a flip flop on their posting policies that's up to them.  I think HTGTH is a great case study of where that road leads.

For me though I can smell hipocrisy a mile away and right now my nose is twitching!  wink

 Rep: 768 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Axlin16 wrote:

Aussie hit the nail on the head with my opinion.

This is the exact kind of stuff that drives me crazy, in reference to Live Free. They come to this site (or any other), drop some exclusive information, but only put one foot into the water. Then sit back and withhold information, for whatever reason. Even if nothing is meant by it, it comes across as "na na na na na, I know something you don't".

That stuff RIGHT THERE is what pisses people off. It comes across as petty, childish, and everything i've been talking about for the past day or so on all these 'board' threads. People get off on thinking they know something the average man doesn't.

Just for example, because of who I am...

If I had a personal 20 minute conversation with Axl over some drinks in a club, and he told me all kinds of shit about the band and the upcoming album.... NONE OF YOU WOULD EVER KNOW IT. Not until the album was at least out, and still then I would hold back.

Is anything sacred anymore?

But no, if Axl tells someone something, 16 seconds later it's on the net, by some jackass beating off that he got to talk to Axl Rose. Who fuckin' cares? We don't, and Axl certaintly doesn't...

 Rep: 150 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

sic. wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
sic. wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I wonder who the mysterious contributor is? Paul? Izzy?

Mr. Dizzy Reed.


Why would that be mysterious? He's been a fuckin' bandmember since 1990, and both Axl & Chris both have talked before about Dizzy's contributions to the album.

It's not a shock.

Many people have downplayed the amount of work Dizzy and Paul Huge put into the project over the years. Those two guys came with most song structures, ideas upon which multiple instrumental layers were thrown. In the older songs, the core writing was split between Axl (and his piano compositions) and Paul & Dizzy.

Pitman wrote a lot as well, as we know by now. And that's the same guy who was the butt-end of numerous jokes made about the new band. Axl's trustee, the guy who's kept tinkering with the layers to the Huge/Reed songs, who'd inherited the Billy Howerdel spot.

The guys you might expect to have written songs (as opposed to merely their own parts) haven't actually done that much in the big picture; Robin should get some credits, as well as Bucket, but I have a feeling they won't be the main writers.

Wouldn't be surprised if main engineer Caram Constanzo will keep getting credited in every other song as well.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Axlin16 wrote:

Interesting post, but at this point I would be shocked more if the mysterious contributor was Richard Fortus, then I would if it was Dizzy Reed.

He's Dizzy fucking Reed. Everybody knows Dizzy IS Guns N' Roses. 22

 Rep: 231 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

-D- wrote:

I for one have never been to and never plan on going there.

I hate that forums other than HTGTH require at least 3 letter usernames! HA!

I think GNRevolution has the perfect idea

A nice seperate section so those who don't want spoiled aren't and those who want to talk can.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

Axlin16 wrote:

After certain things that have recently come to light, I think the mysterious hint was Chris Pitman & Paul Huge.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Moved due to album details revealed.

jimb0 wrote:

I've been around these boards since 2000, 2000 intentions.  I don't want to waste my fucking time with some long eloquent statement, because, fuck it, I don't.  I'm glad James created this place, I remember him from a while back when I was really into this scene. 

I went to becuase My GNR and HTGTH were a bunch of uptight, censoring assholes. 

Now I come here because CD has become much of the same, IMO.

And I hate to read some mod, who I respect, spewing out details like he's the chosen one.  Fuck You, you're not cool cuz you're showing us that you have something we can't talk about on your damn site.  You double talking jive mother fucker.

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