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 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

war wrote:

why would it be omg in any form??????????

any hidden track would riase excitement
it would be lame if they put a weak track there

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

perhaps no love remains? it would be uncommon for a hidden track to be mind blowing and something we hadn't heard before wouldn't it? i mean on other albums hidden tracks are never the pivotal killer track on the record, so if it is true(which i doubt) hopefully its no love remains/checkmate.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

war wrote:

makes sense
not a crap song but not an epic song either

 Rep: 341 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

bigbri wrote:

Where did this hidden track rumor come from?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin16 wrote:

I was kidding with my response. Capt. is right, Chris said Silkworms won't be on the album.

As for a remixed OMG, like I said, I was joking. This album seems to be loaded with stuff we've already heard, so I joked that if there's a hidden track, it'll be something we've already heard.

But for there be a hidden track, my guess is it would be a rocker, with the album being so ballad-heavy, and considering the fact the album already finishes with THREE back-to-back-to-back ballads.

I'm just curious at this theory of a hidden track. Prostitute is such a phenomenal album closer, how would a track un-earth itself out of that smooth heavenly synth close? Seems to me it'll be a rough transition - for anything, unless it's another ballad that's kind of a sister song to Prositute that can kick off through Prostitute's outro.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

BLS-Pride wrote:

I still want to hear The General so if there is a hidden track I want it to be that. Maybe Checkmate? But I agree it does need to be a rocker. Way too many ballads on this album.

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

BLS-Pride wrote:

I still want to hear The General so if there is a hidden track I want it to be that. Maybe Checkmate? But I agree it does need to be a rocker. Way too many ballads on this album.

there is 7 ballads and 7 rockers.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

BLS-Pride wrote:

Well Sorry isn't to me a real rocker. It is more of a mellow song. Even 7 ballads is too much for me. I was hoping for less ballads and more balls.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin16 wrote:

UYI2 was 14 tracks also... 6 of which were ballads.

In comparison to AFD & UYI1, it is ballad-heavy, I just figured because it's a 'hard rock' album, that if GN'R were going to throw a hidden track in, they'd want 'rockers' to counterbalance the ballads, meaning they'd rather go with 8 rockers & 7 ballads, rather than 7 rockers & 8 ballads.

I personally don't care. The ballads already on the album are epic. Music is music, and as long as it's good... bring it!

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

i dont think there will be a hidden track, although i would really love one.

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