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 Rep: 423 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

buzzsaw wrote:

You must have heard a different version of CD than I have.  There is no killer intro (there's a snoozer intro though), no killer riff, and maybe 1 decent solo.  That's the beauty of art though...people can look at (or listen to) the same piece of art and see (hear) completely different things.

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Sky Dog wrote:

This I Love is absolutley amazing EXCEPT for the average guitar solo. Maybe Axl's best vocal performance ever coupled with extreme vulnerability in the lyrics and downright perfect orchestration. The song screamed for Slash or Bucket....the lyrics start a bit sappy but then the ship is rightened and Axl is just pouring his soul out. Amazing song. Possibly my favorite on the album. I know...I am an old,washed up softy as well. I guess that is why I still relate to Axl and his songs of lost love and regret.

 Rep: 423 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

buzzsaw wrote:

I will say this for the spoiler threads:  I'm even more excited to hear a high quality version of these songs.  Not having heard them and reading the reviews has made the short wait even more exciting.

 Rep: 341 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

bigbri wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I will say this for the spoiler threads:  I'm even more excited to hear a high quality version of these songs.  Not having heard them and reading the reviews has made the short wait even more exciting.

Me too. I haven't downloaded anything, and my anticipation is building.

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Sky Dog wrote:

Buzz, you will love Bucket's solo on Sorry....very good blues with absolutely perfect tone.

 Rep: 221 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

polluxlm wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You must have heard a different version of CD than I have.  There is no killer intro (there's a snoozer intro though), no killer riff, and maybe 1 decent solo.  That's the beauty of art though...people can look at (or listen to) the same piece of art and see (hear) completely different things.

Sure, but there can still be some objectivity to it. I don't know about you and your alignment, but the impression I've gotten is that those most disappointed with the album are the 'classic rock group'. Meaning they have more a problem with the type of music being played than the quality of it.

Then again, this is the type of argument where words can mean different things to people, so I guess you have a pretty good point after all. 16

 Rep: 221 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

polluxlm wrote:
madagas wrote:

Buzz, you will love Bucket's solo on Sorry....very good blues with absolutely perfect tone.

Word. That solo carries meaning on so many levels. Axl has been putting punches to Slash for like 4 verses and then Bucket comes along and simply owns in the Slashest way he can. I couldn't help thinking it as an extension of the lyrics, talking to Slash in his own language "see dude, I really don't need you at all, best regards, Axl". 16

 Rep: 341 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

bigbri wrote:
polluxlm wrote:
madagas wrote:

Buzz, you will love Bucket's solo on Sorry....very good blues with absolutely perfect tone.

Word. That solo carries meaning on so many levels. Axl has been putting punches to Slash for like 4 verses and then Bucket comes along and simply owns in the Slashest way he can. I couldn't help thinking it as an extension of the lyrics, talking to Slash in his own language "see dude, I really don't need you at all, best regards, Axl". 16

Hey, Polluxlm, does that solo remind you of any particular Bucket tune or era? A lot of people are comparing it to various Bucket songs.

 Rep: 485 

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Neemo wrote:

i checked out the intro on that tune reminded me of giant robot

Re: My guitar complaint *spoilers included*

Sky Dog wrote:

His solo on Sorry and the solo on If The World  will make you wonder why in the hell he wasn't used on This I Love and basically all the tracks. It proves to ignorant Gnr fans that he can play every type of solo possible....slow soulful blues, shred, melodic mid tempo,... he can play fucking anything. Once that guy walked in the door, all lead guitar duties should have been handed over to him. You could still give Finck some stuff like on Better, SOD, and the first TWAT solo, but for the most part, Bucket should have been it. 17

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