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 Rep: 39 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

-Jack- wrote:
deadsouth wrote:
bucketfan wrote:

I've been listening to "Scraped" trying to figure out where Ron and Bucket play in the solo.  It almost sounds like they've got a 'call and response' thing going where Bucket plays 4 bars (measures), then Ron plays 4 bars etc etc.  It actually sounds pretty neat and adds contrast in my opinion.

Anyone else hearing this?  Of course I could be wrong 16

First solo Ron, Second solo bucket.. its not that hard to tell really...

I've never heard Buckethead do any kind of bend/note transition like 2:27-2:30 and I've heard alot of Buckethead records. It's just not really his style... on the other hand, it is Bumble's style and you can hear plenty of it on Normal

2:00-2:15 is Bucket.. the start of the solo has a Jordan like moment from 2:03-2:06... the rest of solo sounds like classic Bucket.

2:15-2:30 is Bumble.. sounds like stuff from Normal, especially from 2:20 onwards.

So, while I could be wrong, I would guess the first half is Bucket and the last half is Bumble. I'd be curious to see what others who have heard alot of Bucket records would have to say

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

I haven't heard Scraped enough to make any comparisons like that. I don't like it, and I'm waiting for the album before giving it another chance. Same with CITR. Not gonna judge it harshly until I can hear it in pristine quality.

 Rep: 485 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Neemo wrote:

i've never heard that rant before

 Rep: 4 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Niterain wrote:

What I don't understand about "sorry" is that the words aren't the same as in the liner notes. Doesn't Axl say "izzy" right before the solo?

 Rep: 107 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Furbush wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i've never heard that rant before

it's in "chinese whispers"

 Rep: 485 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Neemo wrote:

^ashamedly i'm still in 2001 sad 16

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

It's from Leeds 02, same show as the infamous 'he's in my ass, that's where Slash is' quote 16

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

Those rants in 2002 were vomit inducing. Albany rant takes the cake. He was in no shape mentally to be touring.

It always amazed me how people wish for those types of rants. Its shameful and was shocking that none of the new members ever walked off stage in disgust. He was supposed to be moving forward with the new band but was instead like a Vietnam vet having flashbacks of 1991.

 Rep: 194 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

tejastech08 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Those rants in 2002 were vomit inducing. Albany rant takes the cake. He was in no shape mentally to be touring.

It always amazed me how people wish for those types of rants. Its shameful and was shocking that none of the new members ever walked off stage in disgust. He was supposed to be moving forward with the new band but was instead like a Vietnam vet having flashbacks of 1991.

I think his rants are hilarious. It's pretty entertaining to watch a famous person implode onstage. 16

 Rep: 13 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

strat0 wrote:

Some are funny. Some aren't. The ones attacking former members I personally think are disgusting. The ones like in that vid are a bit funny.

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