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 Rep: 212 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

BLS-Pride wrote:

Can't make members pass it along. In 2006 I think when the first leaks hit I use to hook up everyone that asked and most that didn't with the leaks. I don't do it anymore because for one I am not too interested in these leaks anymore and for the reasons you pointed out Axlin. You cant force members to return the favor that is why when I did pass shit along I usually only did it for forum regulars or members from other sites that I use too post at that I liked. If someone asks me for something odds are if i'm not busy and I have a link I'll give it out.

There will always be those "members" who are hear for just the links. I pay no attention to them.

 Rep: 11 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

I actually think Catcher has been improved in every category aside from the actual solo.  I thought the old version was flat and dry musically, the new one has more punch and energy to it

The intro sounded cluttered on my computer but actually quite good on the stereo. 

One thing not to lose site of is that for as much technology was used creating this album, it's pretty clear that it's old school in the way it was mixed and mastered, and that it's really meant to be enjoyed on CD or LP on a real stereo, not a lossy, remastered digital file played on computer speakers

Hearing leaks is cool to get a general feel for the songs and the structure but I'm looking forward to hearing the real deal in a couple weeks

The one song I would "complain" about is The Blues.  I wish they would do a hybrid 2006 and 2002 version.  I liked the 2006 version's piano only intro but the 2002 whistling synths from Pitman during the "I don't know just what I should do" part were one of the coolest parts of the song, better than the strings

Sorry is absolutely sick.  Baz's description was pretty good I thought.  The melodies are completely hypnotic and get ingrained in your mind

 Rep: 16 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

justbill wrote:


Speaking for myself on the matter, although I'm "new" here (and was guilty of asking for the dreaded PMs), I love the forum here. Even when this album gets released, I still plan to remain an active member. This site and it's members have been nothing but straightforward, honest and really kick ass, and that's what I enjoyed the most from everyone here. Can't stress that enough...


 Rep: 0 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

tp4ever84 wrote:

Has anything else other than sorry and scraped been cleaned up and leaked?

If so I love you!

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

The new members thing is sort of a double edged sword. While I have nothing against new members here, I do get the points that a certain percentage of them are here ONLY to get new songs. They care nothing about the site or its members. Those types are definitely a drag. The least they could do is help out others looking for the songs. Having said that, since they came here looking for something, the site is etched into their conscience. The next time something happens and its censored at the other sites, they'll think, 'Oh I remember that site called GNRevolution where they didn't wallow in propaganda'. So they come back, and maybe tell a few others about the site.

Also, all new members cant really be lumped into that category. Some of them have  probably been lurking for a long time. Some people love reading posts but don't like posting themselves. Hell, I used to be one of those types in the early years of this decade. So if they want to hear a song that's out, their only way to do so is by signing up and asking somebody. Maybe this person gives the site a chance and starts posting, or they go back to just reading what's posting here. I certainly have no problems with those types.

Also, one of the 'noobs' might wind up becoming an active member of the community, and could possibly be someone you know at another site that's using a different name here. I try not to judge someone just because they've never posted before.

I understand the frustration of sending out tons of PMs each time a song surfaces, but you cant really lump all the 'noobs' into the same category.

I also understand(and agree with) giving active members you know top priority when it comes to music. If something comes out, I'll give it to people like madagas, Bri, axlin08, jimmythegent,etc. before I'll give it to Joe Blow from Scranton who just signed up three seconds ago. Links die pretty quickly, and the people who are contributing members deserve first crack at those links.

 Rep: 212 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

BLS-Pride wrote:

Oh yeah I get that. With leaks we usually get real legit members come through and join our little world. Tyler Durden, Tp, and Justbill seem to be a few off those new posters which they all seem real cool. Especially my new Down brother in arms Tyler. Also GunsofNararone seems like a cool dude. I'm not so much judging anyone but more of a I'll respond to those who post here and or I know first. Too me it's pretty clear who has been a lurker or who is here just for a link grab which is alright but when threads start turning into a request fuck all it gets annoying.

 Rep: 10 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

deadsouth wrote:

Where is Baz on sorry????

 Rep: 633 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 11 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Roxxie wrote:
russtcb wrote:
deadsouth wrote:

Where is Baz on sorry????

I know he's not listed in the linear notes.

Er, yes he is, under 'background vocals'. neutral

I can hear him quite clearly on the track as well, I'm using headphones though.
He sings the backing to the chorus.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:
russtcb wrote:
deadsouth wrote:

Where is Baz on sorry????

I know he's not listed in the linear notes.

Actually, he is on the liner notes. He's listed under background vocals.

I like how he's been buried in the mix. Almost like he doesn't exist.

I think he's on the song near the end.

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