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 Rep: 13 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

strat0 wrote:

James fixin to start a poll in management and I ask that you give it a few days. I think it would be a really good idea to freeze signups for the week before and at least a day or two after CD comes out.

 Rep: 109 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Saikin wrote:

Catcher in the Rye could have been an increadible song.  The outro is horrible.  The song lost a lot of emotion through tinkering.  And the solo needs to be thrown out. May's solo fit the song better. 

Just way too much going on.  This song i feel is a prime example of overproduction.  Way too many guitar and piano parts added for the song to really live up to it's potential.  There's a piano/guitar part around 1:44 that just doesn't work for me. 

And then the mini guitar solo around 2:02 (the ones that's way high in the mix) also needs to be thrown out.  That synth orchestra part they had there before was just amazing for the song.

Catcher in the Rye and The Blues- raped.

 Rep: 1 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

samnuts wrote:

like i said in an earlier post, the new catcher is growing on me.  i'm still not sold on the intro,but i am really digging the solo at the end.  one of my criticisms of the original demo was that it seemed to just fizzle out.  i never really felt like there was much of a conclusion.  with the solo, i'm finally getting that.  i think it adds a sense of drama at the end that was really needed.

 Rep: 231 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

-D- wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The new members thing is sort of a double edged sword. While I have nothing against new members here, I do get the points that a certain percentage of them are here ONLY to get new songs. They care nothing about the site or its members. Those types are definitely a drag. The least they could do is help out others looking for the songs. Having said that, since they came here looking for something, the site is etched into their conscience. The next time something happens and its censored at the other sites, they'll think, 'Oh I remember that site called GNRevolution where they didn't wallow in propaganda'. So they come back, and maybe tell a few others about the site.

Also, all new members cant really be lumped into that category. Some of them have  probably been lurking for a long time. Some people love reading posts but don't like posting themselves. Hell, I used to be one of those types in the early years of this decade. So if they want to hear a song that's out, their only way to do so is by signing up and asking somebody. Maybe this person gives the site a chance and starts posting, or they go back to just reading what's posting here. I certainly have no problems with those types.

Also, one of the 'noobs' might wind up becoming an active member of the community, and could possibly be someone you know at another site that's using a different name here. I try not to judge someone just because they've never posted before.

I understand the frustration of sending out tons of PMs each time a song surfaces, but you cant really lump all the 'noobs' into the same category.

I also understand(and agree with) giving active members you know top priority when it comes to music. If something comes out, I'll give it to people like madagas, Bri, axlin08, jimmythegent,etc. before I'll give it to Joe Blow from Scranton who just signed up three seconds ago. Links die pretty quickly, and the people who are contributing members deserve first crack at those links.

Great post James.

At first, I only came here for the leaks. I'd post here and there but I wasn't a regular.  Since CD has a release date etc, I am now a full fledged dedicated member and will be for the duration.

I think everyone here is doing a great job managing things. 

I have yet to hear "SOrry and Scraped and I don't mind waiting 2 more weeks.

I don't know why honestly, everyone doesn't want to just wait 2 weeks to hear it in all its glory?

 Rep: 2 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

I think it took many people a while to get into the new Catcher because we all had listened to the demo so much.  If the album version had leaked 2 years ago and the demo version was just being released now, we'd all feel the demo version was inferior.

 Rep: 194 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

tejastech08 wrote:
D-Machine wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The new members thing is sort of a double edged sword. While I have nothing against new members here, I do get the points that a certain percentage of them are here ONLY to get new songs. They care nothing about the site or its members. Those types are definitely a drag. The least they could do is help out others looking for the songs. Having said that, since they came here looking for something, the site is etched into their conscience. The next time something happens and its censored at the other sites, they'll think, 'Oh I remember that site called GNRevolution where they didn't wallow in propaganda'. So they come back, and maybe tell a few others about the site.

Also, all new members cant really be lumped into that category. Some of them have  probably been lurking for a long time. Some people love reading posts but don't like posting themselves. Hell, I used to be one of those types in the early years of this decade. So if they want to hear a song that's out, their only way to do so is by signing up and asking somebody. Maybe this person gives the site a chance and starts posting, or they go back to just reading what's posting here. I certainly have no problems with those types.

Also, one of the 'noobs' might wind up becoming an active member of the community, and could possibly be someone you know at another site that's using a different name here. I try not to judge someone just because they've never posted before.

I understand the frustration of sending out tons of PMs each time a song surfaces, but you cant really lump all the 'noobs' into the same category.

I also understand(and agree with) giving active members you know top priority when it comes to music. If something comes out, I'll give it to people like madagas, Bri, axlin08, jimmythegent,etc. before I'll give it to Joe Blow from Scranton who just signed up three seconds ago. Links die pretty quickly, and the people who are contributing members deserve first crack at those links.

Great post James.

At first, I only came here for the leaks. I'd post here and there but I wasn't a regular.  Since CD has a release date etc, I am now a full fledged dedicated member and will be for the duration.

I think everyone here is doing a great job managing things. 

I have yet to hear "SOrry and Scraped and I don't mind waiting 2 more weeks.

I don't know why honestly, everyone doesn't want to just wait 2 weeks to hear it in all its glory?

Because we had already heard 80% of the album up to that point anyway. "Sorry" is a fucking amazing song and I don't regret downloading it one bit. By the way, clean out your PM inbox so I can send you a message.

 Rep: 221 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

polluxlm wrote:

"Sorry has quickly made an impact. From being loudly characterized as "weird", "he sounds like Ozzy" and "it's not heavy at all. disappointing" in the wee hours of the leak, it has now become a favorite among many. It takes getting used to something really good.

Naturally the theme of the song has people wondering "who's he talking about?", "could it be..?. Some say it's Slash, some say a woman and I've heard the fans mentioned. Or perhaps it could be some other unknown relationship. Let's try and find out, shall we.

You like to hurt me, you know that you do.

Applicable to pretty much anything, but his tone of voice lends credence to something closer, personal.

You like to think in some way it's me and not you.

Now this is definitely personal. Indicative of a single person being addressed as opposed to groups such as media and fans. There is an opening for a small group being the target though, such as his old band.

You like to have me, jump and be good.
But I don't want to do it.

In regards to what? Who do you need to behave for? Certainly not to a friend or love interest. The media, and fans for the most part, love his behavior.

The sentence invokes the need to control for the person, because this behavior is damaging to him in some way. Stage antics, cancellations, delays? Megalomania in general. They hurt the bottom line. I say we are talking about a professional relationship, involving money and appearance. Giving substance to Slash being the target, but also a group such as say the record company.

You don't know why I won't act the way you think I should.

Translated "You don't understand me." A person unwilling or incapable of understanding Axl. Could be anything.

You thought it'd make me behave and submit.

"It"? A specific event, or set of related events. Behave and submit as a result? Certainly not a girlfriend. If she wanted to control him, why did she leave the feeding hand? The record company or other business interest would not do anything drastic to try and influence him. Too risky, and records show the opposite with him being given a great deal of freedom. Could very well be in reference to Slash leaving, threatening to leave, coming back, leaving again and so forth. Giving Axl an ultimatum in the belief that he would not dare carry on without him.

What were you thinking
Cause I don't forget.

The person should've known Axl would never forget. Somebody that's seen it before. Someone he knows well.

You don't know why I won't give in.

Give in what? Reunite the band? Cries from the press, fans? Could be anyone, but seem to refer to a reunion.

To hell with the pressure, I'm not caving in.

Same as above, but the pressure could be unrelated to this person.

You know that I, got under your skin.
You sold your soul, but I won't let you win.
You talk too much, you say I do.
Difference is nobody cares about you.

An emotional aware person meets a lucky go, don't worry about anything person. The sell your sell obviously is about money, implying a professional relationship. Axl goes on like this is a situation still going on today. That this still wants something that Axl won't give him. Definitely not Stephanie or any girl Axl would care about.He talks too much (the press), Axl talks too much (because he gets under his skin, he challenges him). Nobody cares about you (always wanting to know about Axl or Gn'R in interviews). I say it's an interpretation pretty good fit for Slash once again.

You got all the answers. You know everything.
Why nobody asked you, is a mystery to me.

You know everything, but they still come to ask me. Obviously referring to the media. An opening for the fans as well here.

I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me.
You don't know who in the hell to or not to believe.
I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me.
You don't know who you can trust now or you should believe.
You don't know who you can trust now or you should believe.

This is a tricky one. Could be a reference to us and our need to know, the rumors, the bullshit, the insiders. If he's talking about Slash it's probably that all his lying as perceived by Axl has made him unable to know anything anymore. Either of himself or Axl. Axl feels Sorry for this person, that wants something from him. As I said, no girlfriend he'd care about. I just don't see the female factor in this. It reeks of a man to man relationship.

You close your eyes, all well and good.
I kicked your ass like I said that I would.
You tell them stories they'd rather believe.
Use and abuse them, they're numb and naive.

Lack of self awareness. Kicking your ass. Definitely talking about a man here. Tell them stories, the media and us. We're groups, therefore numb and naive. Heavy reference to Slash and his media appearances.

Truth is the truth hurts, don't you agree.
It's harder to live with the truth about you then the lies about me.

Somebody with a vendetta against Axl. Somebody Axl thinks have been lying. Not many options for that.

Nobody owes you. Not one goddamn thing.
You know where to put your "just shut up and sing".

Immediately makes you think of the fans, but the following line is unlikely to be about them. The only thing they are pissed about is the wait and breakup. Imo this is about the live setting. The need to interrupt the set with something other than sining. Probably another band member.

I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me.
You don't know who in the hell to or not to believe.
I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me.
You chose to hurt those that love you and won't set them free. Won't set them free.
You chose to hurt those that love you and won't set them free.

Those that love you? Definitely not talking about the fans. They only love Axl. Talking about a single person here that is loved by many. Could very well be a reference to Slash leaving the "gn'r family".

Obviously I've been biased to the Slash angle since the beginning, but when going through it piece by piece I don't see a whole lot of other options. This is a specific song. I see no indication of broader themes being introduced such as in Madagascar. If it is about Slash it sure gives an interesting, personal perspective on the relationship on Axls part. And we all know he's obsessive enough to want to write a song about it.

But in the end you decide.

 Rep: 1 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

samnuts wrote:

yeah i'm really starting to think sorry is about slash too.  i was skeptical at first, but i definitely think it is possible.  that "just shut up and sing" line is great.

regardless though, that song is awesome.  the more i listen to it the more i love it.  that seems to be a trend for me with regard to this record.  there are quite a few songs on here that i kinda liked to begin with, but now love.  sorry is one of them.

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

for all anyone knows Axl could be talking about himself in the song Sorry,I find it pointless for anyone to try and figure out who or what Axl is talking about in any of the songs,I think people will come to their own conclusions without people trying to tell everyone else what they think the song is about when in reality no one will probably never know for sure.Just my opinion ofcourse.

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

Great job at analyzing the song. It's definitely the big 'fuck you' on this album, and the album needed that. Bucket's solo suits this song perfectly in its Slash-like vibe.

The album as a whole is very personal, and its why tracks such as Shackler's and Scraped stand out like sore thumbs. They don't belong in the context of the other tracks. If Chinese Democracy was a concept album, it would fail simply for the inclusion of those two tracks.

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