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 Rep: 88 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

Gunslinger wrote:

Just a simple poll to see what you guys think is the all-time best TV Horror Series.  I'm including "The Twilight Zone" because the Twilight Zone series often had horror-related themes. 

What inspired this poll is my recent viewing of the Masters of Horror series.  Many recent horror movies outside of a select few (i.e. the Saw franchise) have really been hit and miss.  I love horror movies but hate crap movies, regardless of genre.  This led me to give the Masters of Horror series a try.  I have been very impressed with episodes like "Cigarette Burns", "Pelts", "Valerie on the Stairs" and "We all scream for ice"cream".  Great production and good writing make most of these 1-hr episodes better than most movies.

After watching this series I got my hands on some of the other ones like Tales From the Crypt and Tales From the Dark Side.  Although there are a few turds here and there in these series, for the most part the writing and production are very good and very enjoyable to watch. 

What do you guys find to be the best all-time series?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

James wrote:

Definitely Twilight Zone and it should win by a light year. My second choice isn't even on this list....Friday the 13th: The Series.

Some of those Masters of Horror episodes are pretty damn good, the best being Miike's Imprint.

Tales from the Darkside had some amazing episodes, especially its first season.  Is that on DVD?

 Rep: 205 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

PaSnow wrote:

Twilight Zone. Tales from the Darkside./Crypt was good, although I didn't watch many  of them. What was the difference between Crypt/Darkside?? I didn't know there were 2.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

Gunslinger wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Tales from the Darkside./Crypt was good, although I didn't watch many  of them. What was the difference between Crypt/Darkside?? I didn't know there were 2.

Quite a bit!! lol  Tales from the Crypt featured the Crypt Keeper narrarating stories from the famous EC Comics.  Tales from the Darkside was more of a Twililght Zone type of series.

JamesLofton wrote:

Definitely Twilight Zone and it should win by a light year. My second choice isn't even on this list....Friday the 13th: The Series.

Some of those Masters of Horror episodes are pretty damn good, the best being Miike's Imprint.

Tales from the Darkside had some amazing episodes, especially its first season.  Is that on DVD?

I vote for Twilight Zone as well.  The acting, writing and presentation are superb (albeit a bit dated sometimes) and the show is still today the best ever done in my opinion. 

I had forgot about the Friday the 13th series and it WAS actually very good.  Wouldn't mind having those on dvd.  Not sure if Tales From the Darkside ever came out as an official set or not.

The Masters of Horror is really impressing me as of now.  If it were to stay at the same quality as these first two seasons and have a successful run (at least another six seasons) it could easily become my second all-time favorite TV Horror series.  I haven't gotto Mike's imprint yet, looking forward to it now.  Thanks for the heads up!

 Rep: 205 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

PaSnow wrote:

Oh, hmmmm, I remember Crypt. That had the zombie like creature & I think it was on HBO, therefore I never saw it much. I'll have to look up darkside. I guess I thought they were related or a sequel to it or something.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

PaSnow wrote:

Ahhhh, ok yeah I just googled it. I remember that show, it was pretty good also. Anyone remember the 80's twilight zones. I remember a few good ones, I just saw on Amazon they have them on DVD. I'm considering getting them, I thought they were ok & would like to see more & see some again.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

Von wrote:

Dark Side.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

Axlin16 wrote:


'nuff fuckin' said 9

 Rep: 77 

Re: Best TV Horror Series

Von wrote:

Man, I forgot all about that and I have it on DVD. Damn good show. Also, I've always had a soft spot for Freddy's Nightmares.

Re: Best TV Horror Series

My favorite would have to be the Twilight Zone,it is awesome,I hated Tales From the Dark Side,most of that never made much sense,also someone should have added the Outer Limits to the poll.

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