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 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Neemo wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I know for me, I just really wanted him back. So I was still hoping. At this point in my GNR fan-span, if I can't have Robin I'll settle for Slash.

who are you and what have you done with Russ... 16

you know Slash left 13 years ago right? time to move on man 14

 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

So, who will do the parts of Slash that Robin used to do and the parts Robin wrote himself?

It's a big fucking mess.

Rather just leave the slot open and go with Ron and Fortus.

Finck had a specific image and a specific sound. He can't really be replaced. Neither Fortus or Ron does have any charisma on stage compared to Finck or Slash in my opinion.

This band is slowly going into a non-image band, with guys in regular jeans and a shirt on stage. The 2002 version at least had some kind of thing going on with two "alien" guitarists on stage.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

Slash back? Come on. I know it's Christmas soon and all, but that's truly believing in Santa.

Slash have way to much pride to start playing Chinese Democracy stuff.

However, the chances for Slash returning is now like 2%. It's better than 0% which have been the case since 1998.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

Yep, I got what you were saying.

I will prefer Robin too. I want the band that made CD to tour and be the band behind it. Now it's like...half some new guys and Axl.

Doesn't look good to have pics of people not IN the fucking band in the CD booklet.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Neemo wrote:
DCK wrote:

Finck had a specific image and a specific sound. He can't really be replaced.

one thing that the past 18 years have shown is that anyone in this band can be replaced....another weird argument that keeps popping up 10

 Rep: 207 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

DCK wrote:

one thing that the past 18 years have shown is that anyone in this band can be replaced....another weird argument that keeps popping up

Well, if Slash had quit just prior to the release of AFD or the Illusion albums it would been a good argument also, but since the situations are rather different, I do feel that argument falls flat on it's face.

Slash on the other hand quit when GNR did nothing basically. They tried a few things..dropped it..and that was it. GNR was virtually non-existant in those days and they had no imminent release of a comeback album or anything.

 Rep: 11 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Roxxie wrote:
DCK wrote:

I want the band that made CD to tour and be the band behind it. Now it's like...half some new guys and Axl.

In my mind, that's what the band is though. With the revolving door lineup, it was almost inevitable that different people would be touring, and seemingly important figures would come and go.  New GnR is Axl, and whoever he wants around him at the time. 

That said, I do understand your point that there was a great lineup with bucket/finck at one point, and we didn't get to see them really show off what they had created.  Not only that, but to me it seems like they were creatively shackled whilst in the band, and in my opinion didn't really reach their potential...maybe that contributed to them leaving in the end.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Neemo wrote:

tobias, bucket, brain & robin, have all contributed heavily to the album....and they are all gone...i'm one of the first to say i'd love to see the recording band be the ones to tour it...sad fact is that it aint gonna happen...i'm glad that richard, frank and ron have contributed to it cuz at least in that capacity those members are featured on the disk and are still part of the band

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