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Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

why Tommy? Do you actually have a reason because the Replacements aren't getting back together anytime soon......please tell me his other options that will pay him millions of dollars (and he literally has made a few million in salary from Gnr). You guys make no sense sometimes. Tommy has been nothing but dead loyal to Axl for a solid decade. 17

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Aussie wrote:

^ I would imagine if Tommy left it would be purely because Duff had taken his place and he had no choice.  Otherwise I would see him sticking around.

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

that would be a possibility....only if Axl wanted a "pure" reunion. If it is a Chinese Democracy tour, Tommy will be on it. Simple as that. The only  hybrid scenario between old and new band I could see that would make sense would be Slash taking Robin's place. Any other hybrid is worthless. 21

 Rep: 107 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Furbush wrote:

slash and only slash will shut the haters up....
but slash ain't goin' no where without duff.. so IMO, the most likely scenario would be a hybrid lineup unless they just go with fortus/bumble...
and this business of slash not playing CD material?
are you kidding? slash'll play on goddamn some research on some of the projects he's been involved in... as long as he's playing his guitar.. he's a happy man..

 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

It is kind of ironic Tommy's disconnection with this, coming in finally on the release, that after all these years, the main positions open with the band are Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar & Bass.


 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Aussie wrote:

Don't know if people saw this posted on the NIN News site:

Despite numerous reports and submissions via the Hotline "Submit a Lead" link (to my right), via both ETS and forums, and via several Guns N' Roses sites, Robin Finck is not leaving Nine Inch Nails at the end of the tour to rejoin G n' R. This should clear up any rumours that the Finckster will indeed be "pulling a Freese" any time soon.

This has been a daily service announcement from your friendly neighbourhood Swindley.

 Rep: 77 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Von wrote:

A reunion plus Freese? I'd buy that for a dollar.

 Rep: 11 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Roxxie wrote:

I mentioned that on Mygnr.  They say 'pulling a Freese' as if he left to rejoin GnR...

 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Freese? What the fuck

 Rep: 221 

Re: GNR Myspace Updates

polluxlm wrote:

Freese left NIN to play for Axl, no? If so it would make sense for them to use him to describe the scenario. Arguably 'pulling a robin' would be a more appropriate term, but I guess that defeats the whole purpose. 16

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