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 Rep: 207 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

DCK wrote:

I'm not sure what's going on with that Finck guy...on one hand he seems like the nicest guy ever...with his spiritual and artistic sides and stuff. He used to have a great website too.

On the other hand, he never did anything of what Ron does to win us over.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

misterID wrote:

I think Ron is just a genuinely nice guy. Finck is a very quiet, laid back guy, not exactly what you'd call fan oriented... or at least not in the way Ron is.

I give Bumble a lot of shit for the re-recording, and I defintiely stand by my statements, but I'm real interested to see what music he "creates" with this band, not just recording over already finished material.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

Ron is definitely a nice guy who genuinely cares about the fans. I was a little shocked to see Ron join the band for that reason. When it seemed like he lost out on the job from speaking about it on his website I thought he might not be the best fit because he is obviously a guy who loves to communicate and give back to thew fans while Axl would prefer the band members to remain silent.

Finck might have realized that he was in a no-win situation and that's why he decided not to communicate.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

kozygodd wrote:

Except for his solo's, I like all the additions he's put on CD.  He def. sleazed it up a bit.  Without him, I think the guitar work would just be a big boring wall of sound.  I.E. the leaks

 Rep: 2 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

ron added a positive energy to the shows in 2006 and showed more love to the fans than he ever needed to. his contributions to the finished product are great and I think his karma helped this thing see daylight.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

Gunslinger wrote:

No question that Ron is a good guy.  He has showed us tons of class, appreciation and respect.  I'll have a drink (or six) to that any day.

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

I really like what Ron has added to the album,and other then Axl he's my favorite member of the "new" band.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Bumble Gratitude Thread

Aussie wrote:

I'm amazed that Ron continues to be such an open and genuine guy towards the fans given all the shit he's copped.  I know he's no Robinson Crusoe in the copping shit department, but it must piss you off and wear you down after a while.  Yet he continues to conduct himself with class - hats off to him for that I say.  5

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